Teacher Resource

Bush Detectives

  1. What did the BTN story explain?
  2. What are the students in the story trying to catch?
  3. They are hoping to find out more about native animal ______in the area.
  4. How do the students try to trap the animals?
  5. What is the secret ingredient in the oat and honey balls?
  6. How do the traps work?
  7. Why is it important to find the right spot for the trap?
  8. What other signs are there that animals are living in the area?
  9. Illustrate an aspect of the story.
  10. What did you like about the BTN story?

What do you see, think and wonder?

After watching the BTN Bush Detectives story, students will respond to the following questions:

Students will then:

  • Think of a questionthey would like to ask the bush detectives or the ecologist featured in the story.
  • Leave a message in the comments section on the BTN Bush Detectives story page.
  • Finish one or more of the following sentences:
  • A habitat is a place where animals like to live because…
  • A trap is used to…
  • We can help keep animal’s habitats safe by…


Provide students with the opportunity to think and behave like scientists. In this activity students will be given the mission to explore a natural habitat in their local area and document what they find. Use the following as a guide. Students may work individually or in small groups.

Plan / Students will plan an excursion to a local nature reserve or botanic gardens. Alternatively, explore the habitat in your school yard. Students will need to write a list of tools they may need for the investigation, for example: paper and paper for taking notes, camera, audio recorder, binoculars and magnifying glass. Students will predict what animals they might see and find. Create your own bush detective badges.
Explore / Students will visit the habitat and carry out an exploration of the area. Students will choose a spot in the environment to sit comfortably and observe what is around them. The following list includes a few methods for students to use in their investigation: sight, sound, smell, touch, movement or shape. Consider exploring the habitat from different angles, closeup or far away. Look and listen for evidence that animals live in the area, for example, tracks or scats. Refer to this Scat Identification Guide for tips.
Collect / Students will collect as much data as they can and record what they find. Students may write notes, sketch what they see or collect objects (respecting the environment) to help in their investigation. Students may want to record what they see with a stills or video camera. Consider drawing a map of the area, adding trees, bodies of water or tracks and then use this map to plot your findings. Students will identify and describe some features of the habitat and then draw a sketch of the habitat.
Share / Students will return to the classroom and share/compare their findings.
Analyse / Students will analyse their findings and write a short summary of their investigation. Students will respond to the following questions:
  • Did you find any native animals during your investigation? If yes, identify and describe what you found. If you didn’t see any animals did you find any evidence that animals live in the area? Explain.
  • Did you find any introduced animals? What is the difference between native and introduced animals?
  • How could you help protect this habitat?

Reflect / Students will reflect on the investigation by responding to one or more of the following questions:
  • What did you enjoy about this investigation?
  • What did you find surprising?
  • What would you do differently next time?

Research Project

Students will imagine they are ecologists exploring the life found in their school yard or local area.

  • As a class identify animals that can be found in your local area (this could be the school yard, botanic gardens or nature reserve). Make a list on your class whiteboard.
  • Students will choose one of the listed animals to investigate further and create a Creature Feature. Students will use a range of sources to find their information, including the internet, newspapers and books. Students will use the Creature Feature worksheet to organise and present their information.
  • Display the student’s research and drawings around the classroom or make a book for the class library.
  • Students will share their research with the school by creating species’ posters for animals that live in and around their school.


In the BTN Citizen Science Kids story the kids submitted their animal sightings throughQuestaGame. Students can download the app then discover and help preserve species by taking photos and submitting them. They’ll score gold for every sighting and extra gold if they can find something rare or interesting. The information is shared withCSIRO’s Atlas of Living Australiaand theGlobal Biodiversity Information Facilitywhich helps researchers understand how we can protect biodiversity.

ABC News – Bush detectives help save the environment

Cool Australia – Scat Identification

BTN – Protecting Desert Animals

BTN – Koala Tracker

©ABC 2017