Name ______Date ______Pd. ____

English 8 The Giver Vocabulary List #6 (Words 51-60)


1.  Read each sentence carefully.

2.  Highlight at least 3 context clues that help you guess the meaning of the underlined word.

3.  Using the context clues provided in the sentences below, guess which word goes with each definition in the table below. Write each word next to the proper definition. Spell the word correctly.

4.  Decide if each word is a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb and record your answer on the right-hand side of the table. Think about how the word is used in the sentence. What is its function?

Each vocabulary word is underlined and bolded:

1.  His indolence stopped him from having the motivation to study for his upcoming test.

2.  She did not understand the magnitude of the earthquake until she saw the toppled buildings.

3.  The supervisor told the new employees to requisition any supplies they would need to do their jobs.

4.  The blanket was handmade by her great grandmother and featured a beautiful and intricate pattern.

5.  Because we all have cars, some people seem to think walking has become an obsolete activity.

6.  We listened patiently to our mother’s admonition to dress warmly.

7.  After living in Spain for several months, Gina began to assimilate aspects of the Spanish way of life.

8.  The scent of sizzling bacon began to permeate throughout the entire house.

9.  It is sometimes difficult to figure out how Sally feels, since she is usually so placid.

10.  John refused to suppress his anger when he received his second lunch detention.

Vocabulary Word
My Guess / Definition / Part of Speech
My Guess
to request or demand that something be provided
greatness; extent; importance
a warning or advice to be cautious
having many interrelated parts; complex
to restrain; to put down by force
no longer useful
to change or conform to a society
to pass or seep through; to spread throughout
calm; quiet; easy-going
laziness; a lack of interest in work
# / Vocabulary Word / Definition / Part of Speech
51.  / requisition / to request or demand that something be provided / verb
52.  / magnitude / greatness; extent; importance / noun
53.  / admonition / a warning or advice to be cautious / noun
54.  / intricate / having many interrelated parts; complex / adjective
55.  / suppress / to restrain; to put down by force / verb
56.  / obsolete / no longer useful / adjective
57.  / assimilate / to change or conform to a society / verb
58.  / permeate / to pass or seep through; to spread throughout / verb
59.  / placid / calm; quiet; easy-going / adjective
60.  / indolence / laziness; a lack of interest in work / noun

Flashcard Format Example – Be Sure to Number Your Cards

Front of Card

Word: ascend POS: verb


Back of Card

Definition: to move, climb, or go upward; Sentence: With so much daylight to rise or slant to a higher point. left, the climbers decided to continue to ascend all the way to the peak of the mountain.

Synonym/Example: soar Antonym/Non-Example: descend