RQ CH 10 Part 3 pp. 201 -209


1 GBQ 202- Portrait 202-

GBQ- Who wrote it?

- About whom?

- Does he respect him?

Portrait- How any different occupations does he consider?

2 PC 203 – Black & White 204 – GBQ 204

PC- Title?

- Conflict with what nation? Why?

- Which Country does “John Bull” symbolize?

B&W- Title?

- War with whom?

GBQ - Who is speaking? To whom?

- When?

-What event causes this?

3 GBQ 205 – PC 206- Chart 208- Portrait 209 – GBQ 209

GBQ 205`- Who?

- Prosecuted for violating what law?

- What two (2) freedoms in the 1st amendment does his prosecution violate?

- Who does he criticize?

PC 206- Where does the fight take place?

- Between whom?

Chart 208- Which party favors (all below)***impt

-A Strong Central Gov’t?

- States Rights?

- Strict interpretation of Constitution?

- Loose Interpretation of Constitution?

- Pro-British?

- Pro-French?

- Strong Navy?

- Minimal Navy?

- National Bank?

- State Banks?

Portrait 209 who?

Father of?

GBQ 209What was TJs vision for America?

What was it not?


4 Who were the Candidates for President in 1796 for:

a. The Federalist Party-

b. The Democratic-Republican Party-

5 Who wins the election?

Who becomes VP?

What is unique about this situation, AND THE ONLY TIME THIS HAPPENS IN US HISTORY?

6 Which Amendment (see *) makes this highly improbable ever happening again?

7 Who hates Adams & leads the “High Federalists?”

8 Who calls AH, “The most ruthless, impatient, artful, indefatigable, and unprincipled intriguer in the USA?”

9 With which nation does Adams inherit a quarrel?

Unofficial [QUASI] War with France

10 The Jay Treaty, 1794, signed with Great Britain in GWs 2nd term was now an issue in 1797…

- How many American Merchant Vessels are seized by France?

- Adams, attempting to avoid war sends who to meet with the French?

11 Who were “X,Y, & Z?”

- What do they do to upset America?

12 Due to the insult in France what “hysteria” sweeps through the USA?

- What was the slogan of the hour?

13 How do Federalists react?

- How do Democratic-Republicans React?

14 What three (3) Specific preparations for war does Congress make?

15 How long was the “Quasi-War” with France & Where did the fighting primarily take place?


16 What does Talleyrand let it be known to the Americans?

17 Regardless of the potential growth of his personal popularity, Adams, like all Founding Fathers, believed WHAT SHOULD BE AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS?

18 New representatives to France in 1800 found that France was being led by a DICTATOR, WHO?

19 What does the “CONVENTION OF 1800” Accomplish?

-What “purchase” would have never happened if Adams would not have sent these new negotiatiors?

20 What does Adams suggest his “epitaph” should be?


21 Due to strong popular Anti-French sentiment during the “Quasi-War”

-What two Laws are passed by a Federalist dominant Congress in 1798?



22 What specifically do the three (3) parts of the “Alien” Act do?




23 The 2nd Act, the Sedition Act, attacks which two (2) freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?



24 Anyone who did either of these two (2) WHAT ACTIONS would go to prison?

25 How many Jeffersonian Newspaper Editors are brought to trial?

26 Does the Supreme Court rule this law “unconstitutional?” why or why not?

27 How do the people react to these two (2) laws?


28 What job does TJ have in Government at this time?

-Why does he write his secretly?

- What “Theory” do both stress?

- According to this “Theory” who created the Federal Government?

- Thus, according to this “Theory” who should judge the constitutionality of laws passed by the Federal Government?

- What is the “REMEDY” CALLED that States should take against “unconstitutional” laws passed by the Federal Government?

29 Do any other States, write resolutions or support the VA/KY resolutions?

30 What do the Federalists argue—

-Who made the original “Compact” that formed this new government?

- Who is (Constitution) the Judge of the Constitutionality of laws?

31 The Va. and Ky. Resolutions are brilliant What, according to the text?

- How is this used later, by whom? (2)

- What do Jefferson and Madison intend these to be used for?


32 Which Presidential Election is coming which shows the sharp differences between the two (2) political parties?

33 What are the five (5) most significant characteristics of the Federalists and who is their leader?






34 What are the five (5) most significant characteristics of the Democratic-Republicans and who is their leader?






35 TJ it is said, “advocated the rule of the people---BUT—not ALL of the people---EXPLAIN THIS STATEMENT?

36 How, according to TJ, is Slavery the “Answer?”

37 Would TJ rather have “a government without newspapers” OR “newspapers without a government?”

38 Who said, “No government could give us tranquility and happiness which did not possess sufficient stability and strength to make us respectable abroad?”

39 What was a “key cog” in Hamilton’s fiscal and Foreign Policy ideal?

40 Jefferson believed in protecting & strengthening democracy at home especially where---instead of overseas? (Isolationism)

41 In Foreign Policy…

Hamilton looked ______and ______.

Jefferson faced______and ______.

42 How were the Founders hopes “Imperiled?”

43 What future event, and its circumstances would go a long way in answering whether or not we, the USA, would survive?