Committee: Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural

Topic: Maternal Mortality in Rural Areas

Country: The Republic of Serbia

For states to become developed, citizens need to have access to quality health care. There are many problems that arise relating to health care of citizens, but in particular, maternal health care is a key issue. Despite the constant increase in technology, there are many barriers to providing mothers with essential health care, including the HIV outbreak and a state’s socioeconomic background. The delegation of Serbia is aware of the problems relating to maternal health care and is taking action to provide the best health care for mothers before and after their pregnancies. Over the past many years, Serbia has been making sure that women are educated so that in turn, more women can be educated about essential prenatal care. The delegation of Serbia has been collecting high quality health data related to women to make sure women are receiving the best care, and the delegation has dramatically increased the number of patients tested for HIV. With all of these advancements, the delegation of Serbia has a record low maternal mortality rate of 17 deaths per 100,000 live births. With this being said, the delegation of Serbia still would like to make women feel more educated about their health during pregnancies. In addition, the delegation would like to increase the credentials of doctors so that women will be able to feel more comforted during their pregnancy. Furthermore, Serbia would like to be able to provide better maternal health care access to those living in rural areas. The delegation of Serbia believes that for a state to be strong, the citizens have to be healthy. Serbia knows that an increase in maternal health care throughout states will allow for greater development.

The delegation of Serbia realizes that to have greater maternal health care, there has to be a sufficient amount of doctors for women going through pregnancies. Without a doctor who can fully provide for their patients, women are much more likely to have problems relating to maternal health; therefore, Serbia believes that more hospitals should be implemented in rural areas. With more hospitals comes more doctors, and increasing the number of hospitals in rural areas will also allow for women to have easier access to health care, geographically speaking.

The delegation of Serbia urges proper HIV testing and prevention programs in rural areas. Without proper prevention programs, citizens of Serbia are not able to go through pregnancies as healthfully as when they are educated on how to prevent HIV. In addition, proper HIV testing should be done to make sure that pregnancy is the best choice for that particular women. Without this, women can inadvertently transmit this disease to their child. With proper prevention and treatments, the delegation of Serbia believes that there will be a dramatic increase in maternal health in rural areas.

Serbia has worked for many years to increase maternal health by signing off on resolutions related to global strategy for women’s and children’s health and prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS. The delegation of Serbia works by the day to even better improve technology related to maternal health and has seen a dramatic increase within the past decades. The delegation of Serbia looks forward to providing assistance to states lacking proper maternal health care so that every state is able to provide vital health care for pregnant mothers and has the ability to develop.