March 6, 2012

Members present: Robert Krause, Wayne Thoma, John Ainsworth, Arlyn Tober, and Bert Huntington

Others present: Joe Stellato, Linda Olson, Terri Brunner, Steve Dreher, and Rhonda Sumnicht

Location & Time: Courthouse, Room A at 10:23 a.m.

Call to Order: Chairman Krause called the meeting to order.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Tober, seconded by Huntington to approve February 14th minutes. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion to Deviate: Motion by Huntington, seconded by Thoma to deviate. Motion carried 5-0.

Discussion on Dog Park at the Shawano County Farm: Steve Dreher presented a map of the Shawano County Farm to the Committee. The Dog Park Committee is interested in a section which is 4.7 acres. Steve, Keith Marquardt, and Scott Frank determined that is not an appropriate parcel. It is heavily wooded and is a managed timberland. Dog Park Committee would apply for grants to pay for a fence to put around the area. The only other area that could be used for a dog park is tillable land that is currently being rented out to someone. Discussion on that area of land. It was mentioned that dog owners are already able to bring dogs to the County Farm using existing trails.

Motion by Huntington, seconded by Thoma to not consider any area on the Shawano County Farm for use of a dog park. Motion carried 5-0.

Staff Reports:

Linda Olson reported that the Vita Tax site is open and operating and busy. 200 tax returns have been prepared this year so far. April 21-28th is Money Smart Week. There will be a Resource Fair at the Shawano Community Middle School on April 25th. There will be workshops on economic help, extreme couponing, love and money credit session, job income money management, and secrets of millionaires. Kyla will also have a session on grocery shopping.

Terri Brunner reported that she attended a DNR workshop at the 4-H Camp Upham Woods in Wisconsin Dells on February 27th and 28th. She received training on Project Wet, Project Wild, and Project Learning Tree. This is a program developed by the DNR to bring environmental education into the classroom. Terri will get the word out to the Ag teachers in Shawano County that this program is available.

Joe Stellato reported that he attended the Central District Legislative Dialogue at the Gathering in Shawano in February. Performance reviews of the agents were done. There were two Livestock Credit meetings last week with good attendance of approximately 130 youth.

Skateboard Park Update: Joe and Bob Krause met with City Officials on February 21st. The city is looking into installing a camera and a light. Skateboard park use would also require a season pass that would be purchased at the Rec Center for $10.00. The city is also changing the ordinance to state that children under 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. A contract is also required to be signed by the child and parent when the season pass is purchased.

Ag Society Update by Robert Krause: Update on the Shawano Area Ag Society meeting that was held Monday, March 5th.

Public Comments – Discussion on UWEX having an education tent at the Brunch on the Farm and at the Shawano County Fair in the Commercial Building. Pella Eagles 4-H Club raised $4,100.00 for a family with a child that has cancer. They held a soup lunch this past weekend.

New Business for next meeting: None.

Set next meeting date: Tuesday, April 3, 2012, at 9:30 a.m. after LCC.

Motion to adjourn:

Motion to adjourn at 11:39 am by Huntington, seconded by Ainsworth. Motion carried 5-0.

Submitted by Rhonda Sumnicht

Recording Secretary