December 2, 1999
Commissioners Present:
Peggy Weidman, Chairman Carl Garner
Diane Bray Curtis Ridout
Mary Smith Larry Visnosky
Linda Westergard Brenda Williams
Staff Present:
Robert Phelps, Director, Keep Arkansas Beautiful
Brenda Halbert, Secretary, Keep Arkansas Beautiful
Richard Davies, Executive Director, Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism
Donna Hartsfield, Group Travel, Division of Tourism, ADPT
Marynell Kalkbrenner, Natural & Cultural Liaison, Office of the Governor
Guests Present:
Jerry Atchley, Chairman, Keep Arkansas Beautiful Foundation
Steve Holcomb, Mangan, Holcomb & Partners
Mary Sue Whitelaw, Garvan Woodland Gardens
Call to Order:
Peggy Weidman called the meeting to order, and Brenda Halbert called the roll. Ms. Weidman welcomed guests.
Presentation of Minutes:
Ms. Weidman asked for approval of the October 28 minutes:
Carl Garner made a motion, seconded by Curtis Ridout, to approve
the October 28, 1999 minutes. The motion passed.
Financial Report:
Ms. Weidman asked Mr. Phelps to present the Financial Report. Year-to-date expenditures for the period ending October 31, 1999 totaled $152,583, reflecting 27 percent of the fiscal year budget.
Linda Westergard made a motion, seconded by Mary Smith to approve the
October 31 Financial Report. The motion passed.
KArB Commission Minutes
December 2, 1999 – page 2
KArB Foundation:
Mr. Phelps introduced Jerry Atchley, Chairman of the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Foundation (KArB, Inc.) who presented an overview of the Foundation, its purpose and financial status.
Mr. Atchley stated the Foundation had been established to pay for items not payable by tax revenues such as miscellaneous items for the Great Arkansas Cleanup and other requested items. Two KArB accounts, a money market account and checking account, total approximately $31,000. KArB, Inc. is looking at fund raising efforts for the immediate future to pay for the awards luncheon in April as well as having a padded fund for future projects. He noted the Foundation is close to hiring someone for fund raising which will be announced at the next Commission meeting. Mr. Atchley opened the floor to questions. Mr. Davies asked about funding in the past, and it was noted contributions had been the sole source of income, i.e., KArB Affiliate membership as well as “corporate and individual people who are sensitive and empathetic to our cause”.
Mr. Phelps stated that $36,000 had been raised for the GAC with $31,000 expenses, and the additional $5,000 used for the wildflower planting as part of the matching grant from NCRC to complete that project along with Deltic Timber.
Mr. Atchley expressed his desire to expand the size of the Foundation and asked for suggestions for Board members, especially some corporations who have supported our programs in the past.
Recommendations by Commissioners as follows: Rusty Jacobs, USA Trucking, Van Buren and John Neubauer, Burger King, Fort Smith (P. Weidman); Christine Jernigan, former Texas Republican fund raiser, Little Rock (L. Westergard); David Featherstone, Arkansas cleaning business, Little Rock (C. Ridout); Johnelle Hunt, J. B. Hunt Trucking of Lowell, and Carolyn Hamra, formerly Wendy’s, Little Rock (D. Bray); Doyle Rogers, businessman/investor, Little Rock (C. Garner). Mr. Atchley said he supported someone from Deltic Timber as well as representatives from the bottlers and fast food industries.
Ms. Weidman asked about KArB Commissioners serving on the Board. Mr. Atchley stated he felt it would be better to keep the two organizations completely separate. Mr. Davies said there had been a legal ruling that if you have more than half the Commission on the Foundation Board, then the Foundation becomes a governmental body.
The importance of statewide representation was emphasized with the state divided into regions, possibly consistent with the regions established for the GAC. Board size of approximately seven or eight was suggested.
Commission Director’s Report:
Mr. Phelps reported on the following:
· “Project Wildflower” – wildflower seeding project at the I-430, Col. Glenn Road
interchange, previous to the Commission meeting covered by Channel 4, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and the Associated Press. As part of the ceremony, Deltic Timber was recognized with Clef Vaughan, Chief Financial Officer, accepting a lovely silk wildflower arrangement from KArB.
KArB Commission Minutes
December 2, 1999 – page 3
· Presentation of magnetic identification tags for Commissioners.
· Christmas gifts to Commissioners from Mr. Phelps – recyclable star or angel
ornaments, later to be planted as wildflower seeds.
· Project Redirectory – a SW Bell press conference will be held on January 6 announcing the new books and recycling of the old. Mr. Phelps, also, displayed a wildflower phone book cover, noting that would be on approximately twenty phone books around the state.
· Arbor Day Event, March 20, sponsored by the Arkansas Urban & Community Forestry Council. To celebrate 2000, there will be a simultaneous millenium tree planting at all courthouses in the state. The tree species will be directed by Janet Carson and the Forestry Commission. Mr. Davies noted the Forestry Commission has a hardwood nursery which might be a primary source for the trees.
· Wildflower seed companies – at least two in Arkansas, one being Holland of Elkins. Ms. Kalkbrenner mentioned one might be considered for the Foundation Board.
· KArB Booth – ordered in the near future and, hopefully, available for the February Affiliate meeting. A self-contained television/VCR has been purchased to utilize the speakers’ bureau looped video.
· Great Arkansas Cleanup – executive summary will be presented in January due to the importance of presentation of the Affiliate and Awards’ committee reports today.
Mangan/Holcomb Agency:
In October, Ms. Tallach presented a non-paid media coverage total of $50,000 plus for the Great Arkansas Cleanup. Ms. Bray asked the advertising agency to review the figures again including donated time and space as well as PSA’s and other quantifiable data for future reference in fund raising efforts. Ms. Tallach presented a revised figure of $234,000.
She, also, reported on results of the watering can media kit in promotion of the “Wildflower Project”, i.e., coverage by the Northwest Arkansas Times in Fayetteville, coverage in Grant County, a story in the Pine Bluff Commercial, Boone County Headlight, Jonesboro Sun, etc.
Mr. Phelps said the watering can had won a ribbon at the recent Little Rock Council of Garden Clubs show.
Ms. Westergard expressed appreciation to the Agency for the compilation of the excellent training manual for the Affiliate Program.
KArB Commission Minutes
December 2, 1999 – page 4
New Business:
Ms. Weidman submitted a proposal of keeping the per diem rate of $65 or increasing to $70.
Mr. Davies stated the current maximum is $75. Parks and Travel Commission is still $65, however, they have not had their meeting yet.
Mr. Garner asked about changing mileage rates, since gasoline had gone up, and Mr. Davies noted that had to be by legislative action. Ms. Bray asked about the current hotel reimbursement rate in Little Rock. Mr. Phelps said it was $55 for Little Rock and Hot Springs. Mr. Davies stated most lodging exceeds $55, even at state parks, however a waiver with backup documentation could be submitted for approval of a greater amount, giving an example of lodging at a specific convention where the hotel expense was $75 per day.
Ms. Weidman asked for comparison of per diem and travel expenses on a state and federal level, and Mr. Davies explained. Per diem is for the official Commission meeting day only with mileage reimbursement as well. Meal and lodging reimbursement is for an overnight stay.
Carl Garner made a motion, seconded by Mary Smith, to approve
a per diem rate of $70 per day plus all expenses incurred for early
arrival for the remainder of the calendar year 2000 for the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission. After discussion, the motion passed with a negative vote by Ms. Westergard.
The Commission 2000 Meeting Schedule was presented with Ms. Weidman indicating a change in February with February 23 or 25 as Commission meeting and the Affiliate conference on the 24th. Ms. Westergard recommended a Wednesday afternoon, February 23, Commission meeting and staying over for the Affiliate conference on Thursday. It was, also, noted that the April 13 meeting would be the day following the Awards Ceremony. Ms. Bray stated she hoped to schedule a forum on the same day to afford Commissioners an opportunity to interact with government officials and environmentalists regarding our mission. In that case, the Commission meeting would need to be held in the afternoon on that date. After lengthy discussion,
Ms. Weidman entertained a motion.
Linda Westergard made a motion, seconded by Diane Bray, to
accept the schedule with the February Commission meeting on
February 23. The motion passed.
Old Business:
Nominating Committee:
Ms. Smith presented recommendations for 2000 KArB Officers as follows: Peggy Weidman for Chair and Diane Bray as Vice-Chair.
Linda Westergard made a motion that the officers recommended
be accepted by acclamation. Curtis Ridout seconded the motion,
and the motion passed.
KArB Commission Minutes
December 2, 1999 – page 5
KArB Affiliate Committee:
Ms. Westergard presented the KArB Affiliate report as follows:
· Parkin – first training session successful with the assistance of Crystal Gray of ADOV. More to be held.
· Orientation meetings to be scheduled – one or two in January. Last meeting held in November attended by twenty people with good response.
· Affiliate Program growing – receiving applications and membership fees weekly.
· First annual Affiliate conference in February at DeGray. Format was reviewed starting with registration at 8:30 with featured speakers including First Lady Janet Huckabee and concurrent sessions morning and afternoon.
· Affiliate dues – $25 thru February 24. Because of expenses, Ms. Westergard suggested an increase to $50 after that date which will be annual dues for each calendar year.
Ms. Kalkbrenner asked about the advantages of KArB Affiliate membership and comparison of that to the KAmB program. Ms. Westergard explained as well as reviewing the training process.
Ms. Westergard made a motion, seconded by Diane Bray, to accept
the recommended KArB Affiliate dues structure as presented with $50 being the new membership fee for those joining after the February, 2000 conference. The motion passed.
KArB Awards Committee Report:
Diane Bray presented the 2000 Awards report as follows:
· Awards packet – distributed and requested that Commissioners read and evaluate, not just for purposes of the Awards ceremony but, even more, to establish the Foundation for what we want to do from this point on.
· Commissioners requested to use tools available – speakers’ video as an introduction in speaking to local civic organizations, church groups, etc.; draft of letter on disc to contact businesses, etc. with letterhead stationery. Ms. Bray stressed the importance of making community contacts, stating “no one knows your community like you do”.
KArB Commission Minutes
December 2, 1999 – page 6
· Top ten businesses in your community – define those for possible sponsorship; if you don’t feel comfortable asking for a contribution, Ms. Bray indicated a statewide mailout would be done from information provided by Commissioners.
· Future goal of awards – establishment of scholarships and grants by sponsoring corporations.
· Technical person, Alodia Hankins, hired by the Foundation – permanent database will be established for future use on all projects.
· Mary Storey – good job in organizing GAC but others have been considered because of their expertise in raising large sums of monies. The initial goal has been set at $100,000 - $300,000 with the Foundation contracting with an individual on a percentage basis.
· Importance of creating a program that not only recognizes participants in activities of KArB such as the GAC, but partnering with other environmental groups, private industry and the state for establishment of a strong base for future efforts toward the KArB mission. First ceremony’s success is important in setting the tone for future events.
· Event planned – Excelsior Hotel, luncheon defined, speakers being established with letters sent to Janet Huckabee and the Governor; Senator Bumpers has responded affirmatively. A celebrity hasn’t been chosen yet – program is still developing and changing. Mr. Davies office will help with video clips and presentation.
· People of expertise in place for Awards event and future events.
· Press release for awards ceremony.
· Recommendation that Commissioners approach corporations where they had a personal or business connection, i.e., Mary Smith to Jerry Davis at Affiliated Foods.
· Speaking to various groups, i.e., Curtis Ridout with minister association; Ms. Bray said she would be glad to speak to that association or a group within his church and would take maybe ten minutes.
· Getting the word out – Ms. Westergard noted that all concerns and activities of KArB were presented at the Affiliate meeting; the awards information would be presented again in January and at the statewide conference in February.
· Ms. Bray finally mentioned that Ms. Hankins would be amicable to assisting Commissioners with computer needs in making their corporation and/or community contacts. Ms. Halbert at the KArB will, also, be available to assist.
KArB Commission Minutes
December 2, 1999 – page 7
Ms. Weidman mentioned that Mr. Phelps would be representing Keep Arkansas Beautiful at the KAmB Conference in Washington, D. C. next week.
Mr. Phelps shared a newspaper article regarding the recent humanitarian “ShareFest” event organized by local churches, putting together their resources and manpower for a one-day fund-raising and donation event. Final result: $58,000 each for various charitable organizations; 1200 units of blood; two “Habitat” houses; 20,000 meals; 4,000 toys; and numerous contributions exceeding goals of money, clothing, etc. He stressed the success was due to a “well planned and well organized” event that we might learn from.
Mr. Phelps reviewed the processing of postcard, tri-fold application, then a one sheet summary for the KArB Awards. Keep Georgia Beautiful announced the same type event with a one-sided postcard; of course, they are twenty-five years ahead of us. He stressed again the importance of experience, planning ahead, when and what to expect, etc.
Mr. Phelps shared thank you cards from the students at the Arkansas School for the Deaf after the GAC event and picnic held at Murray Park – a heartwarming response from children and what they are doing toward our mission.