Daniel 6:10-28
Bible Stories We Remember Message Series
August 28, 2016
Pastor Nathan J. Thompson
The television show Seinfeld was one of the top rated network programs for a number of years. In fact it is still popular among many as reruns. If any of you have watched it you know that its appeal lies in its quirky and off the wall humor.
An example is where one of the episodes got in on the whole subject of commitment. Kramer is trying to convince Jerry that he should not make a commitment to the woman he was seeing. Jerry responds by asking him why commitment is such a bad idea.
Kramer says, “Because when you commit, you’re committed to prison.” Jerry bursts out, “No, I want to commit to her.” Kramer right back to him, “No, man, no! Listen to what happens when you commit.”
“You can no longer watch television and eat supper at the same time. You have to sit down at the dinner table and actually talk to her, man.” Jerry responds, “No way…you’re kidding.”
Kramer continues, “Yeah, man, you become a slave to her ‘I want to know’ talks. You have to tell her what was good and bad about your day.” “Get out of here,” says Jerry. Kramer says, “It’s over man; you’re committed to prison and it’s pure torture.”
Commitment (as this spoof points out) has often received a negative rap in our present day society. We live in a time when many people no longer are willing to commit to organizations; to solid beliefs; to churches; and yes even to each other in marriage.
Yet commitment and faithfulness are essential parts of what it means to be a Christian. It means that we stand firm in our faith and beliefs even when others disagree; it means that we trust in God through the ups and downs of life.
In the Bible story we remember today Daniel was one who teaches us many things about being committed to God. Perhaps you recall how Darius the Mede was the king at that time; how Daniel had become one of the highest ranking administrators in that kingdom.
In fact King Darius liked Daniel so much that he was looking for a time to make him the leader over a whole empire. However as you can imagine this caused quite a bit of jealousy. In fact, some other officials were looking for a way to derail this process.
Therefore they came up with a plan. Since they could find no corruption in Daniel they decided to go after his loyalty and commitment to God. They manipulated King Darius to issue an edict that anyone who would pray to any god other than the king for 30-days would be thrown in the lion’s den as punishment.
Daniel of course was very distraught over this decree. However when he went home he went straight to his upstairs room, fell to his knees and prayed to God. But not only that Daniel prayed right in front of his open window where everyone in Jerusalem could see him.
Therefore these other officials vividly saw Daniel defying this law; as a result they brought him before the king. They remind Darius of his own law and insist that Daniel face the designated punishment. As a result the king reluctantly gave the order to have Daniel thrown into the lion’s den.
The rest of course is history. Daniel goes into this death chamber and the door is sealed. The king himself did not stop worrying about his friend. Then early the next morning Darius came to the den and called in an anguished voice, “Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continuously, been able to rescue you from the lions?”
Daniel then answered, “May the king, live forever. My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.”
Needless to say King Darius was filled with joy. He set Daniel free; while those who had accused him of this crime Darius had them thrown into the lion’s den. Before these people barely entered this space they were totally devoured and crushed by these raging lions.
Therefore the Bible story of Daniel is one of commitment and faithfulness to God. He was one who truly loved God with all his heart, soul, strength and mind. He was also one who was willing to swim against the stream of popular opinion; reject the pattern of trying to always make certain individuals happy. Daniel’s faith and commitment was evident in everything he did.
This message of Daniel also calls each one of us to commit our lives completely to Jesus. It calls us to swim against the stream; to stand firm in what we believe; to allow our faith to be seen by others in the example of how we live; in the words we say; in the deeds we do.
The story has been retold many times following the terrible shootings at Columbine HS a number of years ago. As one of the killers, Dylan Klebold, held a gun to Cassie Bernall’s head he said, “Do you believe in God?”
Surely Cassie could have said, “no.” In fact all the world would have forgiven her if she did; we would have probably encouraged her to save her life in anyway she could. Her love for God however was truly evident in everything she did; so rather than renounce God she was killed.
A story like this certainly begs the question of how committed our faith is in Jesus our Savior. Yet for most of us it isn’t a matter of having a gun put to our heads and being called to renounce God; it is whether we are even willing to let others see and know you truly believe in God.
Are you even willing to speak up and defend the truth of Jesus when others are making untrue statements about the Bible; about God’s will for his church? Are you willing to defend another person when people are sharing hurtful lies about them; gossip; mistruths?
Are you willing to allow your faith in Jesus to influence your actions so your daily walk is evident with integrity, forgiveness, encouragement, and joy? Are you committed enough to Jesus that worship takes priority each week; that you want to learn through the Bible; that you seek to grow in care and community through a small group?
I have shared this well-known illustration before. If you were put on trial for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you? What specific evidence; what actual proof could be brought forward that could definitively prove your faith is real? Does your life outside of the church reflect a totally different reality?
As I mentioned at the beginning of this sermon we live in a time when committing to certain things is no longer popular. Some today are choosing not to commit themselves in a marriage commitment because they say they don't want to get tied down; they want to have an easy escape option from their relationship rather than needing to work hard through the challenging times.
Some others today are choosing not to take a stand; will not commit to things they may know in their heart to be moral and right simply so they don’t offend certain people they want to like them. It is so easy in this world to be wishy-washy; to say what we think people want to hear; to state one belief/conviction in a certain group; yet to state a completely opposite one in another.
The truth you need to always remember is that our God through his son Jesus has committed himself totally to you. In fact, Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice of his life on the cross so that you might know his forgiveness; might find new life and hope in him.
Jesus has committed his whole being to you so that you might know him as your personal Savior; might live by faith each day. Jesus has promised to be with us each day; to walk with us in the ups and downs of life; to never leave us or forsake us. What an unbelievable gift of grace.
Daniel knew the love and commitment of God in his heart and he was willing to stand up for God in his words and actions. He was not ashamed of his God and his faith; he was willing to pray where all could see; to openly witness in his actions that God is Lord of all.
The Apostle Paul said in Romans 1:16: “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.” May you receive Gods love and commitment in you by faith. May you commit your all to his mission and truth.