Calhoun College


Summer Fellowship

Information & Application

Summer 2016

Information for Junior Applicants

Calhoun College

Dwight V.V. Waterman Fellowship 2016


Applications are due by Thursday, March 24th, 2016. Two hard copies of the application must be delivered to the Calhoun College Master’s Office by 5:00 p.m.


  • Applicants must be in their junioryear of study and must be in good academic standing.

Application Procedures and Instructions:

  • Applicants to the Dwight V.V. Waterman Fellowship must have an unpaid summer internship in community service or in a role of leadership development.
  • Notification to students regarding the status of their application will bein late April, 2016.
  • Follow all application instructions, and provide twosigned copies of your application to the Calhoun College Master’s Office on or before the deadline.
Requirements of the Fellowship:
  • The Fellowships are awarded to Calhoun juniors with an unpaid summer internship in community service or in a role of leadership development.
  • All Fellows will be expected to complete and submit a final report by September 30, 2016 to the Calhoun College Master’s Office.

Calhoun College

Dwight V.V. Waterman Fellowship 2016

Undergraduate Application • Summer 2016

Open to Calhoun College juniors. Please type or print in non-cursive writing.


Mailing Address:

E-mail Address:


Application Instructions: Complete the application questions listed below, follow all directions, and return 2 identical copies of your application to the Calhoun College Master’s Office.

Part I. On a separate page, please respond to the following questions in the order below. Please repeat the questions before your answers.

  1. Describe the unpaid summer internship in community service or leadership development internship you will be participating in this summer.
  1. Do you have any other experience and/or training that might be relevant to the Fellowship? Please describe.
  1. What are your most significant non-academic activities?

The Application Deadline is March 24th, 2016.


Signature: Date: