Jason Spangler

300 Sunrise Ave.

Medford, OR 97504

Home :(541)773-1803

Cell :(541)944-1268


To obtain a key management position that will allow me to utilize my previous sales and training experience, management experience, interpersonal, leadership, strategic planning, and analytical skills to further company growth.


Southern Oregon University

1250 Siskiyou Boulevard

Ashland, OR 97520(541)552-6221

Graduated: June 1993 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business: Purchasing/Materials Management

Accumulated GPA: 3.4 on a 4.0 scale


Wagner Electronics12/10-Current Rogue River, OR (541)582-0541

Sales Manager-Flooring Division

Responsibilities include: identification of markets and financial justifications, forecasting, and long/short term strategic planning. Electronic equipment utilized in the construction, concrete, and finishes market segments.

  • +20.3% average yearly growth rate for 2011-2015. Industry average 8.1% for the same period
  • Responsible for strategically identifying new distribution channels and obtaining distributors. 500+ distributor locations in US and Canada. Moved into 3 additional distribution channels.
  • Responsible for growing international presence. Currently have distributors in 8 countries outside North America
  • Represent company at all industry and association trade shows, both nationally and internationally. Active with StarNet, FCICA(Board of Directors), CFI, NAFCD, AIA.
  • Training of distribution personnel through face to face interaction or webinars.
  • Part of 7 person management team establishing corporate goals, budgets, and monitoring results.


Clearwater, FL

District Manager-Northern Oregon –PROMOTED03/09-12/10

Full sales and P&L responsibility for six locations, with annual sales in excess of $10.0M. District encompassed 40+ employees, including 6 sales representatives, in Northern Oregon/Southern Washington. Position required 100% travel. Training/mentoring of multiple staff positions including sales, and proficiency in small/large group presentations to various clienteles.

o15% growth in key market, oxygen. Above company average and 6% higher than predecessor.

  • 4% increase in net sales $$, even with decreases in reimbursement.

o11% increase in EBITDA due to greater focus on center and personnel efficiencies.

o33% decrease in A/R due to personal knowledge of requirements and greater accountability of staff.

  • 4% decrease in COGS and 5% decrease in sales costs due to greater focus on inventory control and ROI.

Center Manager –PROMOTED12/07-3/09

Responsible for leading a team of eight to efficiently and effectively manage and grow a $2+

Million dollar location in Southern Oregon.Complete responsibility for day to day operations, short and long term sales strategies, and profitability.

oTook a two year decline in sales and turned into an 18% growth (national average 13%) , in 2008, by implementing strategies and goals for the team that would allow them to gauge successes and have accountability.

oSuccessfully trained and motivated a very productive commission sales representative.

Sales Representative 5/07-12/07

Wagner Electronics7/05-5/07

Rogue River, OR(541)582-0541

National Account Manager-Commercial Division

oEstablished 22 North American flooring and construction products distributors,

oIdentified, negotiated, and closed National agreement with large commercial contractors establishing large bulk purchase arrangements.

The Prop Doc2002-2005

Medford, OR(541)282-5826


Developed business plan to capture both dealer and retail business within Southern Oregon boating community. Set measurable results and implemented marketing plan, both print and direct selling.

oFinished 2004 ranked 19th out of over 300 customers on the west coast for new prop sales.

o26.5% growth in gross sales 2004 over 2003.

o57% growth in gross sales 2003 over 2002.

Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical (Johnson & Johnson)1999-2002

Raritan, NJDave McCrary, DM (800)624-2542 X 3581

Professional Sales Representative—Women’s Health Care

Responsible for development of comprehensive strategic business plan for Southern Oregon territory, complete with action steps, timelines, tracking system, and measurable results. Large and small group sales presentations targeted at medical professionals to increase product usage. Key qualities: outstanding communication skills, thorough knowledge of technical products, ability to differentiate products and close sales to high end customer base, ability to analyze copious quantities of sales information to reevaluate business plan and drive business.

oGrowth at or above National and Regional in key products. Awarded Platinum award(top award) for growth in 2000.

oTook a consistently bottom performing territory, in the bottom 5%, and placed it in the top 50%, and as high as in the top 30%, ranked regionally.

oFormulated and implemented strategy for two successful product launches.

oKey product manager, for district, motivating and leading district to a top finish in 2000, regionally, with this product.

oAccepted into Management Development 2001.

oCompleted training of new sales representative in 2001. Trainee went on to perform in the top 20% regionally.


Award for being in the top 10% of the sales force for market share increase (2000)

Accepted into Ortho-McNeil Management development program (2001)

Enjoy motorcycles and old cars

REFERENCES- Available upon request