Lytham St. Annes Technology

andPerforming Arts College

Parents, Teachers and Friends Association Meeting,04.11.15


1.Members Present

Robert Owen, Debbie Fox, Annemarie Gee, Adele Tata, Corinne Mason, David Thorley, Sandra Madden, Michelle Riley, Samantha Tinsley, Sarah Warburton, Steve Kindon, Lisa Rogan, Julie Thornton, Joanne Millar, Stuart Baldwin, Jo Allitt, Karen Shepherd, Helen Cass, Philip Wood, Andrew Moxham, Sally Windsor, Alison Dunn, Christine Challenger.


Claire Sutcliffe, Liz Nunez, Fiona O’Hara, Donna Mason, Mandy Gallagher Worthington, Sukie Woodhouse, Christine Rouse, Dianne Hammond, Peter Jackson, Shannon Jackson, Amanda Wiseman, Sarah Davies, Lesley Dobson, Jo Kember.

2.Chairs Welcome and Introductions

The minutes of the last meeting were confirmed as a true and accurate record. Robert welcomed the group and opened the meeting.

3.300 Club

The results of this months draw were as follows:

7 – Dennis Bury

107 – StephBowan

Sandra reported that she had done some investigation on rebranding and spoken to Trinity. It seems that most schools call themselves a club rather than use the word lotto etc. There are implications with the gambling commission which would need to be pursued if other words were used. The group were asked for any ideas/thoughts they had had with regard to renaming of the club. One such suggestion was put forward by Robert, LSA Lucky Numbers. This was well received. It was agreed that in order to relaunch the club with it’s new name, a newimage would be useful to go with the name. It was suggested that a competition for the children to design a logo/brand id would be a good idea. Mr Wood agreed to initiate this and asked if a prize could be made available. Once the new logo was decided upon a total rebrand could be organised.

ACTION: Mr Wood to ask students to design a suitable logo

ACTION: Robert to arrange suitable prize.

4. Fundraising

Family Fun Night – Alison thanked everyone for their help for the evening and reported that the evening had been “fun”, but unfortunately, despite being well advertised, attendance was very poor and the profit made (£129) was not commensurate with the effort put into the evening by the group. It was felt that it is a shame that this event is not generally well supported as it is the one event at the start of the year that may appeal to the Year 7 students and parents and therefore a way to encourage new members to the group. The group were asked to consider what an alternative evening might be that could be scheduled in its place.

Stringers shopping night – Michelle and Debbie reported that ticket sales were going well, however, we needed to establish how many tickets had been sold and Michelle asked that anyone who had previously taken tickets should let her know how many tickets they had sold or if they were returning unsold tickets. 250 was the desired number of ticket sales to guarantee the ground floor being opened.

Fun Run – Robert reported that he had spoken to Miss Gore in the PE department and that the PE Department will support this venture on a 50:50 basis on the money raised. Miss Gore has some contacts at Asda as potential sponsors, which she maybe able to utilise to provide medals and water etc. The sub-committee are due to meet to get more details etched out over the next few weeks. It is likely that the evnt will take place on a Sunday morning in Spring and possibly be held along the front in Lytham. Joanne mentioned that she has some contacts at Lytham Hall and this could also be. Looked into as a possible venue.

Summer Ball - Robert reported that an initial meeting had been held and that a few more volunteers would be useful. Sarah Warburton, Sam Tinsley and Steve Kindon offered their help and Robert reported that Peter Jackson had again offered his services. A brief meeting had agreed that 8th July could be a potential date and the Clifton Arms was suggested as the venue again after last year's successful ball. Most people seemed happy to go with this.

ACTION – subcommittee to report on progress at next meeting

ACTION –Debbie to pass names of new volunteers on to current sub-committee.

Christmas Markets – Debbie reported that the coach had been filled for this trip, which is scheduled for the 13th December. There is potential for a second coach to be put on as there are a lot of people on the reserve list, however, Debbie reported that she had been unable to fill a second coach at the moment. Mr Wood suggested that Sixth Formers may be interested in this trip.

ACTION- Debbie to email MrStaniforth to ask for support from the sixth form.

Mother’s Day Shopping Evening–Alison reported that plans were going well for this and a date had been agreed, Debbie reported that the room had been booked and secured for the 25th February. Alison reported that a Trinityshopping evening was planned for November and some of the stall holders from this would undoubtedly come along to the school one.

ACTION – Alison, Lesley to report progress at next meeting.

Rag bag – Debbie reported that the scheme had been successful and since it had started, earlier in the year, the scheme had raised in the region of £200. A reminder was issued to the group to keep the clothes coming in and thanks to everyone who has donated so far.

ACTION – Andy to confirm amount raised since start of collection.

Alternative Teacher’s race night- Debbie explained to the group that Mr Connaughton had kindly offered to organise, host and compare an alternative teachers race night. This would be a similar format to previous race nights except that the video footage would show teachers performing strange and “silly” tasks prerecorded and guests would be invited to use pre bought “funny money” to bet on which teacher they thought would complete the task first/most successfully.MrConnaughton had already sought agreement from members of staff and was suggesting that this be hosted around February sometime. Debbie explained to The group that she had explained to Mr Connaughton that these evenings in the past had not always proved the most well populated, however, depending on who the intended target audience is, this could be a popular event with students and a fun evening although not the greatest money maker. It was agreed that clarification was needed as to who this should be marketed at, and generally it was felt that an early evening event (starting around 4.00-4.30) would be the optimum time to host this as based on pervious experience of school events, more students and staff are likely to attend straight after school rather than return later in the evening. It was felt that gambling may be a bit of an issue with the students, so Mr Mr Wood suggested that some of the money was sold with each ticket which would serve as the students’ limited stake. A refreshment supply would be needed,tucketc, and profit would be made from sale of tickets. Mr Wood felt that it was better to make this a ticketed event and then numbers could be controlled more readily. A date of 3rd February was tentatively agreed as a good time to aim for. Debbie asked for volunteers to help on the evening with refreshments and door etc. Thanks to Christine, Corinne, Karen and Alison who all volunteered their services.

ACTION- Debbie to go back to Mr Connaughton to discuss details further.

Ongoing Fundraising Schemes

Library scheme – Robert reported to the group with regards to the update meeting that he had recently attended. There are various plans ongoing for the Library and different schemes that the PTFA may wish to consider adopting as their focal point for fundraising. Plans include developing a Zone area, a room within a room for clubs and meetings etc., new chairs, tables and carpets. It is also proposed that a target for fundraising will be displayed in the library. Mr Wood also reported that an initial design for the new Library had been drawn up by Jo Kemberand there has been some discussion about match funding.

Lighting –Robert reported that Sarah had a meeting. Scheduled with Peter Webster with regards to this and getting a definitive estimate and plan.

ACTION – Sarah to report back to group.

5. Finance

Andy reported that currently there is £6,200 in the account and an interim report is due.

6.Headmasters Forum

The group reported back to Mr Wood about his request to attempt to find the information on the school website, with regards to subject targets and notes, that this was difficult to find and with a greater or lesser degree of success most parents had been unable to find this. Mr Wood was grateful for everyone's attempts at this and this proved what in fact he had initially suspected about the route to find this and the complexity of the layout.

7. Refreshments

Sally asked for volunteers for the forthcoming Scheduled events that would require refreshments, such as theYr 11 Music concert, which usually required interval refreshments and the scheduled Parents evening on the 10th December. Sally will co-ordinate this and let people know what times to turn up.

8. Any Other Business

Debbie showed the group the presentation cheque that David had kindly arranged for the group and also thanked David for his generosity in sourcing this and for ye advert he placed in the Local List for the forthcoming Stringers event. The group were reminded that David will always happily place an advert in this publication for any of our future events.

9. Date of next meeting

The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 10th December and the meeting closed at approximately 20.45