Page 1 of 1 Document No.: Fed Claims SOP1000

Revision Date: 12/31/2013

IMI Global Feeding Claims

Standard Operating Procedures

All documents and records submitted to IMI Global to provide evidence of conformance to obtain a fed claims certificate are kept on file within the SV2 auditing system for a minimum of 3 years.

EU NHTC - HQB - Standard Operating Procedure


1.  Packers are trying to source NHTC cattle that also meet the High Quality Beef Standard(s)

2.  There are two definitions for High Quality Beef depending on the quota the packer is delivering to

3.  Both Definitions are defined below

4.  The OLD HQB Definition is as follows:

Ø  The Requirements to meet that standard are as follows:

i.  Cattle must be on feed for a minimum of 100 days

ii. Cattle must be fed a minimum 70% Grain Diet for at least the last 100 days pre-harvest. (This is determined on an As Fed Basis)

iii.  Cattle must consume a minimum of 20 lbs (determined on an As Fed Basis) of a ration or rations that are a minimum of 70% grain PER DAY for no less than 100 days.

iv.  Cattle must be 30 months of age or less at the time of harvest

5.  The NEW HQB Definition is as follows:

Ø  The Requirements to meet that standard are as follows:

i.  Cattle that have been fed a diet, for at least the last 100 days before slaughter

ii. Containing not less than 62 percent of concentrates and/or feed grain co-products on a dietary dry matter basis

iii.  That meet or exceed a metabolisabale energy (ME) content greater that 12.26 megajoules (MJ) per one kilogram dry matter (US equivalent = 60.318 NEg Mcal lbs/day)

iv.  Fed at a rate of 1.4% of average on feed live body weight per day

v. Cattle must consume on the average these calculated lbs. of ration (determined on a dry matter basis) for at least the last 100 days on feed.

vi.  Cattle must be 30 months of age or less at the time of harvest

6.  This document walks through the steps to verify each shipment meets the HQB Requirements


·  USDA GRAIN Definition Spreadsheet

·  Feed Sheets (Records) showing total number of days fed with daily consumption information (with head counts)

·  Ration Sheets (Records) showing detailed breakdown of Ingredients in percentages on an as fed and a dry matter basis

·  All Records used to fill out the HQB Lot Verification Checklist Document

RESPONSIBILITY: All employees involved with the NHTC feeding and recordkeeping responsibilities


1.  Complete all of the information in the HQB Lot Verification Checklist (either online or manually)

a)  The top two lines are an example to show you how to complete the form.

2.  Calculate the number of days on feed (from Feeding Records)

a)  Ensure cattle have been fed a minimum of 100 days

3.  Calculate and determine if the ration for at least 100 days is a minimum of 70% Grain (determined on an As Fed Basis)-Old Definition and/or the last 100 days is a minimum 62% Concentrates (determined on a dry matter basis)-New Definition —(from Ration Sheets/Formulations)

a)  This is GRAIN, and the USDA has a strict definition of Grain

b)  See USDA Grain List for reference in determining if the ingredient is considered GRAIN by the USDA

c)  If you have a question, make sure you contact IMI for clarification on your Ingredient and whether or not it is considered “Grain”.

d)  Send Rations to IMI for review, as well as your daily records that show daily consumption

4.  Calculate and determine if the cattle have consumed a minimum of 20lbs (determine on an As Fed Basis) of the 70% Grain (determined on an As Fed Basis) ration for at least 100 days (Old Definition) and/or consume on the average (determined on a Dry Matter Basis) a ration that is 1.4% of the average on feed body weight for at least the last 100 days on feed (New Definition).

5.  Calculate the “harvest by date”, knowing that cattle must be 30 months of age or less at the time of harvest

a)  If you meet all of the requirements above, then complete the HQB Lot Verification Checklist Form with summarized information

6.  Send this to IMI for review

7.  IMI will conduct a verification review by Lot.

8.  If cattle are approved, IMI will issue you an HQB Certificate of Approval for the specific Lot in Question.

9.  Send this to the packer with your Shipping Certificates and/or Cards prior to (or with the cattle at delivery).



If when doing the calculations, cattle do not meet the HQB requirements, then do not represent them as HQB approved to buyers and DO NOT fill out the HQB Lot Verification Checklist Form and send to IMI

RUSSIA HQB - Standard Operating Procedure


1.  Packers are trying to source cattle that meet the High Quality Beef Standard(s)

2.  Russia High Quality Beef Standard requires Quota A to be met

3.  HQB Definition QUOTA A:

a) The Requirements to meet that standard are as follows:

ii. Cattle must be on feed for a minimum of 100 days

iii.  Cattle must be fed a minimum 70% Grain Diet (corn, wet, modified or dry distillers grains are the only products that qualify) for at least the last 100 days pre-harvest. (This is determined on an As Fed Basis)

iv.  Cattle must consume a minimum of 20 lbs (determined on an As Fed Basis) of a ration or rations that are a minimum of 70% grain PER DAY for no less than 100 days.

4.  This document walks through the steps to verify each shipment meets the HQB Requirements


·  USDA GRAIN Definition Spreadsheet

·  Feed Sheets (Records) showing total number of days fed with daily consumption information (with head counts)

·  Ration Sheets (Records) showing detailed breakdown of Ingredients in percentages on an as fed basis

·  All Records used to fill out the HQB Lot Verification Checklist Document

RESPONSIBILITY: All employees involved with the HQB feeding and recordkeeping responsibilities


1.  Complete all of the information in the HQB Lot Verification Checklist (either online or manually)

a.  The top two lines are an example to show you how to complete the form.

2.  Calculate the number of days on feed (from Feeding Records)

a.  Ensure cattle have been fed a minimum of 100 days

3.  Calculate and determine if the ration for at least 100 days is a minimum of 70% Grain (determined on an As Fed Basis)- from Ration Sheets/Formulations

a.  This is GRAIN, and the USDA has a strict definition of Grain

b.  See USDA Grain List for reference in determining if the ingredient is considered GRAIN by the USDA

c.  If you have a question, make sure you contact IMI for clarification on your Ingredient and whether or not it is considered “Grain”.

d.  Send Rations to IMI for review, as well as your daily records that show daily consumption

4.  Calculate and determine if the cattle have consumed a minimum of 20 lbs (determine on an As Fed Basis) of the 70% Grain (determined on an As Fed Basis) ration for at least 100 days

5.  If you meet all of the requirements above, then complete the HQB Lot Verification Checklist Form with summarized information

6.  Send this and supporting records to IMI for review

7.  IMI will conduct a verification review by Lot.

8.  If cattle are approved, IMI will issue you a RUSSIA HQB Certificate of Approval (Quota A) for the specific Lot in Question.

9.  Send this to the packer with your Shipping Certificates and/or Cards prior to (or with the cattle at delivery).



q  If when doing the calculations, cattle do not meet the RUSSIA HQB requirements, then do not represent them as RUSSIA HQB approved to buyers and DO NOT fill out the RUSSIA HQB Lot Verification Checklist Form and send to IMI

SO100 Fed- Standard Operating Procedure


1.  Participants wanting to market beef animals with a minimum requirement of SO100 fed in the diet.

2.  To define the definition and requirements of SO100 Fed

3.  The SO100 Fed Definition is as follows:

Ø  The Requirements to meet that standard are as follows:

i.  Annual Onsite Audit for Finishing Location

ii. Cattle that have been fed a diet, for at least 50 days before slaughter.

iii.  Cattle must have, at a minimum, been fed a diet containing 1.3#/hd./day of SO100 during the period outlined in line (i.) above. (This is determined on an As Fed Basis)

4.  This document walks through the steps to verify each shipment meets the SO100 Fed Requirements


·  AUDSO100 Feedyard Onsite Audit Checklist

·  SO100 Fed Lot Summary Checklist

·  Feed Sheets (Records) showing total number of days fed with daily consumption information (with head counts)

·  Ration Sheets (Records) showing detailed breakdown of Ingredients in percentages on an as fed and a dry matter basis

·  All Records used to fill out the SO100 Fed Lot Summary Spreadsheet Document

RESPONSIBILITY: All employees involved with the SO100 feeding and record keeping responsibilities


1.  An onsite SO100 Fed audit must be conducted annually. Once the feeding location has been audited and is approved for the SO100 claim, an SO100 Location Certificate of Approval will be issued to the feeding location. Once the feeding location is approved for the SO100 Fed claim, the feedlot is able to submit the below information to IMI Global to acquire an SO100 Fed Certificate of Approval for a specific lot of cattle.

2.  Complete all of the information in the SO100 Lot Summary Spreadsheet either online or manually.

3.  Calculate the number of days on feed (from Feeding Records)

a)  Ensure cattle have been fed a minimum of 50 days

b)  Calculate and determine if the ration for at least 50 days is a minimum of 1.3#/hd./day of SO100 (determined on an As Fed Basis)

c)  Send Rations to IMI for review, as well as your feed records that show daily consumption

4.  If you meet the requirements above, then complete the SO100 Fed Lot Summary Spreadsheet Form with summarized information.

5.  Send this to IMI for review

6.  IMI will conduct a verification review by Lot.

7.  If cattle are approved, IMI will issue you a SO100 Fed Certificate of Approval for the specific Lot in Question.

8.  Send this to the packer with your Shipping Certificates prior to (or with the cattle at delivery).



q  If when doing the calculations, cattle do not meet the SO100 Fed requirements, then do not represent them as SO100 Fed approved to buyers and DO NOT fill out the SO100 Fed Lot Summary Spreadsheet Form and send to IMI

Vegetarian Fed/Fed 100% Vegetarian Diet - Standard Operating Procedure


1.  Participants wanting to market beef animals that have been fed a vegetarian only diet, from birth to harvest

2.  To define the definition and requirements of Vegetarian Fed/Fed 100%Vegetarian Diet

3.  The Vegetarian Fed/Fed 100% Vegetarian Diet:

a.  The Requirements to meet that standard are as follows:

i.  Onsite audit to determine that cattle have been fed a vegetarian only diet at the ranch of origin

ii.  Onsite audit to determine that cattle have been fed a vegetarian only diet at the backgrounding and/or finishing lot

4.  This document walks through the steps to verify that each shipment to the packer meets the Vegetarian Fed/Fed 100% Vegetarian Diet Requirements


·  Vegetarian Fed/Fed 100% Vegetarian Diet Checklist 100

·  Vegetarian Fed/Fed 100% Vegetarian Diet Lot Summary Sheet

RESPONSIBILITY: All employees involved with the Vegetarian Fed/Fed 100% Vegetarian Diet feeding and record keeping responsibilities


1.  Onsite audit conducted at ranch, backgrounder (if applicable) and feedlot to review all feedstuffs, labels, and rations for feeds fed to program cattle using the Vegetarian Fed/Fed 100% Vegetarian Diet Checklist 100. If approved, the ranch will receive a Group Approval Certificate, and the Backgrounder/Feedlot will receive a Location Approval Certificate

2.  IMI will conduct a verification review by Lot prior to Feedlot shipping program cattle

3.  Feedlot will complete the Lot Summary Spreadsheet for the lot(s) to verify and send it, the Rations and Feed Labels, and the Ranch Approval Certificate to IMI for review

4.  If review shows that lot can be approved for Vegetarian Fed/Fed 100% Vegetarian Diet claim, a Right to Ship Certificate with said claim will be issued to the feedlot for the specific lot of program cattle

5.  Feedlot will send the Right to Ship Certificate to the packer prior to (or with the cattle at delivery).



q  If when doing the product Label and Ration reviews, cattle that do not meet the Vegetarian Fed/Fed 100%Vegetarian requirements will not have a Right to Ship issued for the lot. The cattle are not to be represented as Vegetarian Fed/Fed 100%Vegetarian Diet approved to buyers.

Never Fed Beta-Agonist - Standard Operating Procedure


1.  Participants wanting to market pork and beef animals that have not been exposed to Beta-Agonist Growth Promoting Feed Additives

2.  To define a Beta-Agonist and the requirements of the Never Fed Beta-Agonist Program

3.  Beta-Agonists

a)  ractopamine hydrochloride (Optaflexx used in beef and Paylean used in pork)

b)  zilpaterol hydrochloride (Zilmax)

4.  The Requirements to meet that standard are as follows:

a)  Requires initial onsite audit if location is not already approved under an existing PVP or 3rd Party for the USDA NHTC, PFEU or NE3 Verification Program. Program requires verification of No Beta Agonists onsite, or if they are onsite, identification and segregation procedures are in place for cattle and/or pigs, and feed