
Vessel Questions

  1. The last branch off of the aorta
  1. Abdominal aota

  1. Vessel leading from the adrenal glands
  1. All thoracic and abdominal branches

  1. The inferior mesenteric vein supplies which structure or vessel
  1. Aortic arch

  1. The splenic artery supplies which structure or vessel
  1. Brachial artery

  1. The ext. jugular vein supplies which structure or vessel
  1. Brachiocephalic trunk

  1. The vessel supplying the face
  1. Brachiocephalic vein

  1. The first branch off of the brachial artery
  1. Coronary sinus

  1. The renal vein supplies which structure or vessel
  1. External carotid – facial

  1. The vessel exiting the kidney
  1. Inf. Mesenteric or common iliac

  1. The superior mesenteric artery is a branch from which vessel
  1. IVC

  1. The gonadal vein supplies which structure or vessel
  1. IVC

  1. The left atrium supplies which structure or vessel
  1. IVC/hepatic vein

  1. The ductus venosus supplies which structure or vessel
  1. left axillary vein

  1. The right ventricle supplies which structure or vessel
  1. Liver

  1. The pulmonary artery supplies which structure or vessel
  1. Lungs

  1. The inferior vena cava supplies which structure or vessel
  1. LV

  1. The coronary sinus supplies which structure or vessel
  1. Medial forearm

  1. The coronary veins supplies which structure or vessel
  1. Pulmonary artery

  1. The aorta supplies which structure or vessel
  1. Pulmonary trunk

  1. The lungs are supplied via which vessel
  1. r. common carotid and subclavian

  1. The innominate artery (brachiocephalic) supplies which vessel(s)
  1. RA

  1. The left subclavian vein orginates from
  1. RA

  1. The right subclavian artery originates from
  1. Renal vein

  1. The left common carotid artery originates from
  1. Spleen

  1. The ulnar artery supplies which structure or vessel
  1. Splenic and superior mesenteric veins

  1. The radial artery emerges from which vessel
  1. Splenic vein

  1. The portal vein supplies which structure or vessel
  1. Suprarenal vein

  1. Identify the converging vessels making up the portal vein
  1. Ulnar/radial