Linda Ikeji Music: The Brief

  1. Editorial

Editorial Philosophy

In a world where the media is oversaturated with more information than anyone needs, the sole focus of LIM, will be to drive conversations to places where no one is looking at and to echo thoughts others may merely think without expressing. We want to be bold, disruptive and relatable.

Content Direction

In this high-tension information world, the appeal for LIM will be to find that soft spot of balance between high-brow content and mass market content. A third mainland bridge more or less that finds its audience with both the common man on the streets and the Business Executive scrolling through the internet before his flight. Our content will be witty without being needless, creative without bordering on the abstract and void of distraction.

Brand Ideology

With Linda Ikeji as a brand already being a pop culture phenomenon in the Nigerian digital space,the goal for LIM, will be to creatively expand the scope of the Linda Ikeji brand to reach new audiences and create content that can sustain what we dream to be—the strongest community of music lovers in Nigeria and then in Africa.

Content Outline

LIM will feature, 7 categories of content:

News: This category will feature all of the latest updates in the music world

New Music: As the name specifies, we will be uploading all of the new music from all over the country here.

Videos: This will serve as a video alternative to the new music category.

Features: This category will be dedicated to opinion pieces, long form articles and occasional think-pieces from celebrity guest writers. There will be three dedicated sub-categories for Columns, Playlists and Listicless.

Reviews: For this category, we will take on new music, albums videos and live concerts with an objective point of view.

Buzzr’ TV: This category is dedicated to all the original video content curated and produced by LIM.

Podcasts: In addition to the text posts for recorded podcast episodes, this category will be a one stop archive for all recording. Sub-categories include: Alternative Radio and The Music Business.

2. Content(ing)

For ease of creative control, we have curated a day-to-day schedule for publishing text content and producing audio-visual content.

Weekday / Content / Format
Monday /
  1. Moodboard Monday
  2. Round-Up Monday
/ Text
Tuesday /
  1. Alternative Radio
  2. Linda’s Room
  3. Buzzr’ Interview
/ Audio/Podcast
Wednesday / Woman Crush Wednesday / Text
Thursday /
  1. Throwback Thursday
  2. The Music Business
/ Text
Friday /
  1. Hiving
  2. Lyrics Decoded
  3. Underground Sessions
/ Text
Weekends / News and Music Upload / Text

*News are not included in daily schedule on this table because it will be published by default

Video Content

The management’s emphasis on creating well produced video content has not gone unnoticed. LIM will be producing and publishing shows under its own stylized channel called ‘Buzzr’. Buzzr’ will function as a music variety platform that will create shareable content for digital media. Though, we hope to expand for more inclusive programming, the following shows will be produced under LIM’s Buzzr

  • Buzzr’ 60: This will serve as a 60 second daily news round-up from the music industry
  • Round-Up Monday: This is a dedicated programming for all the industry events, breaking news and gist from the previous week.
  • The Buzzr’ Interviews: With the Nigerian media lacking well recorded in-depth interviews, this show will be used to explore the concept of the Nigerian celebrity through the eyes of the common man.
  • Reviews: Short (maximum of 3-minutes long), scripted, critical reviews will be delivered on this show
  • The Shuffle: This will be LIM’s dedicated 2 Minute chart show of the top 10 songs for the week.
  • Linda’s Room: Will feature the best of the Nigerian musicians recording in our state-of-the-art music studio.
  • Underground Sessions: Underground artists will be given a chance to prove themselves on our microphone with added benefits of giveaways and promotions.

Roles and Responsibilities

Operationalisation of this content template requires well defined roles and responsibilities amongst team members. With exception of delegated responsibilities outside the purview of this document, duties will be shared between Toye and Muyiwa as follows

Muyiwa / Toye
News / Reviews
Lists / Lists
Playlists / Features