2013Final Rubric
Name: ______/ Teacher: Mrs. Killmore
Criteria / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Score
Points / Teacher
Student works consistently and every day / The student misses more than 3 classes and never makes up missed time or completes project in 2 days or less. Or goofs off or is distracting to others during the week / The student misses 1 or 2 classes and but tries to make up missed time or completes project in 2 days or less. Goofs off or is distracting to others / The student misses 1 or 2 classes and but does make up missed time or completes project in 3 days. Never goofs off, and is never distracting to others / The student does not miss any time in classor does make up any missed time or completes project in 4 days. But also comes in extra to work on project and never goofs off is never distracting to others / ____ / ____
The project is crafted well. / Drawing was poorly drawn does not look like more than 1 hours was spent on the process and/or no visible effort was put into the drawing. There are extraneous marks or drips, or worn areas because students did not properly care for paper. The student may lose assignment. The student never irons out original fold / Drawing was drawn but does not look like more than 1 ½ hours was spent on the process and/or no visible effort was put into the drawing. There are some extraneous marks or drips, or worn areas because students did not properly care for paper Student poorly irons out original fold / Drawing was well drawn to look like 2 ½ hours were spent on the process and/or visible effort was put into the drawing. There are little or none extraneous marks, drips, or worn areas because student properly cared for paper Student irons out original fold / The drawing was very well drawn looks like a 3 hours were spent on the process and/or visible effort was put into the drawing. There are no extraneous marks, drips, or worn areas because student properly cared for paper. Student carefully irons out original fold / ____ / ____
The student creates a drawing shows value, line quality and perspective / Student shows below average manipulation of tools and media to create a drawing that shows a tonal range of 2 or more values from black to white. The drawing shows no line weight and students does not use sighting techniques. Does not attempt to create a realistic perspective / Student shows average manipulation of tools and media to create a drawing that shows a tonal range of 4 or more values from black to white. Drawing show little line weight and students does not try and use sighting techniques learned in class to create a realistic perspective. / Student shows goodmanipulation of tools and media to create a drawing that shows a tonal range of 6or more values from black to white. The drawing shows some line weight and students uses some sighting techniques learned in class to create a realistic perspective. / Student shows above average manipulation of tools and media to create a drawing that shows a tonal range of 10 or more values from black to white. Drawing show line weight and students use sighting techniques learned in class to create a realistic perspective. / ____ / ____
The composition looks well thought out and is creative and imaginative Student creates a drawing that is creative and looks finished / The composition looks accidental and poorly thought out. The background is undone or partially finished Student creates a drawing that is poorly crafted and shows little or no imagination / The composition looks somewhat thought out. The project looks like student thought about shoe placement and the background looks partially finished Student creates a drawing that is marginally crafted and shows some or little imagination / The composition looks well thought out and is creative. The project looks like student thought about shoe placement and the background looks finished Student creates a drawing that is well crafted and some imagination / The composition looks well thought out and is creative and imaginative. The project looks like student spent time deciding where would be best to place the shoe and background reinforces this Student creates a drawing that is very well crafted and shows lots of imagination / ____ / ____
Timely submission of art work / Art work is handed in more than a 3 days late / Art work is handed in more than 2 days late / Art work handed is handed in 1 days late / Art work is handed in on time or ahead of time / ____ / ___
Total  / ____ / ____
Bonus100 points -Clean out all your art work with the exception of art pieces that you want me to carry over till next year. Any work I find anywhere in the room after Thursday June 6th of yours means you lose this bonus

Mrs. Killmore Advanced Art Final 2013

Drawing a Shoe

You will create a drawing using a shoe in any media you choose

  • Choose one of the shoes available and set it up on a table. You will create a drawing that shows tonal value, line weight and use sighting techniques we have learned in class.
  • You will want to think carefully about composition and your background.
  • You may use pencil, charcoal, ink or colored pencil, watercolor crayons
  • You will need to fill out the rubric when you hand in the assignment.

Things to remember

  • Everything is due on Monday June 10th. If you want teacher input get things done before deadline
  • If you will be gone thaton Monday, you will need to hand in your project a day early.
  • Grading is based not only on art work but how you work in class. If you are disruptive or you don’t work your grade will have points deducted
  • Students who work harder or come in extra will be given higher grades.
  • I am not responsible for missing or lost papers. Please label your work and put it away at the end of class.