Malton Community Primary School

Enhanced Mainstream School for SEMH

Highfield Road, Malton, North Yorkshire. YO17 7DB

Tel & Fax: 01653 692582 Website: E-mail:

Registered Charity No: 1060023

Headteacher: Miss Kelly Wilkinson BSc PGCE MEd NPQH



Would you like to be a Parent Governor? Parent governors play an important role and are welcomed as valued members of the team. We are particularly interested to hear from anyone with legal, public relations or human resources experience. The role is vital to the education of the children in our school community so we would urge you to consider standing – training is provided.

This is anopportunity for you as a parent to have an influence over the education our school provides for all our children. Governors make decisions about many aspects of the school including setting the vision, ensuring that pupils receive high quality education and planning for the future development and improvement of our school.

Parent Governors also provide a link between the school and parents. You will be expected to attend six meetings of the School Governing Body each year, in addition totraining and working party meetings. You will take an active interest in the school and the children and help promote the parental view at Governor’s meetings during your four year term of office.

All parents (and people who have parental responsibility) for a child at the school are eligible to stand for election as a Parent Governor. Parents who work at the school are eligible provided that they work for less than 500 hours per year when they are elected.

There is currently a Parent Governor vacancy. If only one nomination is received, the candidate will be elected unopposed. If more than onenomination is received, an election will be held.

If you wish to serve as a Parent Governor,please complete the Governor Nomination form by January 19th, 2018. Your application statement as stated on the nomination form will be circulated to parents in the event of an election.

Please note that there are certain restrictions which prevent a person from standing for election as a Parent Governor. A person cannot stand for election as a Parent Governor if they are an elected member of the Local Authority or if they work at the school for more than 500 hours in a school year. People who are bankrupt may not serve as Governors, nor may people who have in the previous five years been sentenced to three months or more in prison without the option of a fine, people who have been sentenced to a period of more than two and a half years of imprisonment may not stand within twenty years of that conviction and anyone who has been sentenced to a period of imprisonment of five years or more is totally disqualified. People who are disqualified from working with children may not hold office as a Parent Governor.