City of Crawfordsville

Board of Public Works & Safety Meeting

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


The Board met on Wednesday,July 17, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers with Mayor Barton, Erin Corbin, Susan Albrecht, Clerk-Treasurer - Terri Gadd and City Attorney -Kent Minnette present. Also present wereScott Hesler - Street Department, Jim Sessions - Police Department, Larry Patton- Fire Department, Gary Weliver - Storm Water Department,Brandy Allen - Planning Department, Fawn Johnson- Park & Recreation,Brenda Tarter-Mayor’s Assistant and Jon Streetman - The Journal Review.

Susan Albrecht moved to approve the minutes from the July10, 2013 meeting. Erin Corbin seconded. Motion passed.

Erin Corbinmoved to approve the claims from the week of July 15, 2013. Susan Albrecht seconded. Motion passed.

Old Business

Street Commissioner Hesler advised the Board he had reviewed the bid received for equipment and recommends accepting it. It is from Clark Equipment in the amount of $22,579.00. Discussion arose. Susan Albrecht moved to accept the bid. Erin Corbin seconded. Motion passed.

Mr. Hesler has also reviewed the bids received forpaving and recommends approval of the bid from Milestone Contractors. Discussion arose. Erin Corbin moved to approve the bid from Milestone Contractors in the amount of $159,805.00 with an additional $30,550.00 for the Hickory Lane sub-division. Susan Albrecht seconded. Motion passed.

New Business

Marie Steel appeared representing J&D Tree Surgery. They would like permission to close one lane of East Wabash Avenue near Water Street on July 25th from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. They will be removing a tree in the area and need to close the area for access and safety. Street CommissionerHesler asked them to use advance warning signage, barricades and two people to direct traffic. Ms. Steele advised they will call dispatch on the 25th to advise them of the restriction. Discussion arose. Susan Albrecht moved to approve the request. Erin Corbin seconded. Motion passed.

David Shadle appeared representing the First Nazarene Church. They are demolishing the homes at 209 and 213 West Wabash Avenue and would like permission to close the alley between them July 29th through August 2nd. Street Commissioner Hesler asked that they use proper signage and barricades. Erin Corbin moved to approve the request. Susan Albrecht seconded. Motion passed.

Tim McCormick advised he was not prepared to present his request and would come back at a later time.

Board members reviewed a request from IDEM to access Shelley Ditch via City owned property. Counselor Minnette advised he will be changing the language to reflect that we are only granting permission to access property owned by the City of Crawfordsville. Discussion arose. Susan Albrecht moved to approve the request. Erin Corbin seconded. Motion passed.


Department Heads

Fawn Johnson asked for Board approval to close the Southgate Drive entrance to the park on July 29th from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to remove the columns. Erin Corbin moved to approve the closure. Susan Albrecht seconded. Motion passed.


With there being no further business,Susan Albrecht moved to adjourn. Mayor Bartonseconded. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned.

Signed by me this ______day of ______, 2013.


Mayor Todd D. Barton



Terri Gadd, Clerk/Treasurer