Resume – David C. Hay

David Hay
West Linn, OR


While I can work with a wide variety of programming languages and web server technologies, I find that I am most proficient (work complete per unit time) when I work in PHP and LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP) environments.
Languages and Coding Technologies
·  High Proficiency in: PHP 4/5, MySQL 4/5, [X]HTML, CSS, XSL, JavaScript, Perl (1996-'00)
·  (various shell), ActionScript, Lingo, Cold Fusion, Ajax, Word Press (installation and config, mod re-working), Drupal (installation and config), MVC
·  Currently learning: java, iOS
Other skill sets
·  Hackintosh building (Mac OS on AMD), home servers (WAMP and LAMP on Windows and Linux (Ubuntu) respectively), audio recording and editing (Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 hardware recording, Blue Reactor studio mic, Sonar X2 software), various networking, Server administration and hosting.
·  Database: MySQL
·  Server Admin Panels: Plesk, cPanel, phpMyAdmin, b2Evolution, phpBB (w/modding)
·  Platforms: Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP, Mac OS 9, Mac OS X, Linux Fedora, Ubuntu
·  Graphic: Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator, Gimp
In all programming projects, I employ effective, complete documentation to ensure that my products are easily maintained.


I have more than 25 years programming experience in addition to 18 years graphic design. For the last 18 years, I have been an entrepreneurial business owner. In this time, I have accumulated 14 years of experience specifically as a LAMP developer and 18 years applying graphic design to web development.
Owner – David C Hay Studios – / 1996-Present
·  Sole-proprietor. Providing web development services to clients. Work includes graphic design and coding (top to bottom coding and design of sites).
·  Providing hosting services and administration since 2000. (FreeBSD, Fedora, CentOS)
·  Other projects and more description can be viewed at
VP, Co-owner – mGlee, inc. – / 2006-Jun 2007
·  Class-C Corporation officially established as a startup in Aug. 2006.
·  Primary designer and developer. I developed and designed mobile phone sites top to bottom. Created a mobile phone portal for users to find businesses via zip code, category and text searches. Created a client login and designed content management system for the mobile clients to update their mobile websites.
·  Utilized PHP, MySQL, CSS Mobile 2.0, XML, XSL, HTML, Javascript, Photoshop, Flash
Owner – HayNews – / 2004-2009
·  Sole-proprietor. Operational starting in 2005.
·  Developed and designed a double opt-in system for bulk email newsletters. Features included: client login, MySQL database for email list and client information management, open file format (XML), object oriented programming in PHP 5.
·  Utilized PHP, MySQL, CSS, XML, XSL, HTML, Javascript, Photoshop & Flash


·  1989-1990. Columbia University - New York, NY. Computer Science major with an academic scholarship.
·  1990-1995. Oregon State University - Corvallis, OR. Double majored Computer Science and Graphic Design
·  1995. Seattle Art Institute - Seattle, WA. Studied Multimedia

Employment Objectives

At this time I am immediately available for both short and long-term contracts, as well as full-time positions.