Trader Notice 04/2014
To all registered importers of Plants and Plant Products from Third Countries (excluding wood)
Measures in respect of certain Citrus fruits originating in South Africa – Commission Implementing Decision 422/2014
With effect from 24 July 2014, and having regard to Council Directive 2000/29/EC on protective measures against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plant or plant products and against their spread within the Community, the EU Commission has introduced new importation requirements in respect of certaincitrus fruitsoriginating in South Africa. Citrus fruits including Kumquats, Trifoliate orange (and their hybrids) but not including Bitter orange/Marmalade orange or Persian lime, will be subject to additional protective measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the Union of Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlpine) Van der Aa formerly known as Guignardia citricarpa (Citrus black spot).
The full legal text is set out in Commission Implementing Decision 422/2014 (copy attached) and this Trader Notice does not purport to be a legal interpretation of this Decision.
In relation to direct importsfrom South Africa of the specified fruits, your attention is drawn to the following points:
- The requirement of the specified fruits to be accompanied by a Phytosanitary certificate with the appropriate additional declarations.
- The specified fruits shall be visually inspected by DAFM inspectors. These inspections shall be carried out on samples of at least 200 fruits of each species of the specified fruits by batch of 30 tonnes, or part thereof, selected on the basis of any possible symptom of the specified organism.
- If symptoms of the specified organism are detected during the inspections referred to above, the presence of the specified organism shall be confirmed or refuted by testing of the fruits showing symptoms. If the presence of the specified organism is confirmed, the batch from which the sample has been taken shall be subjected to one of the following measures: (i) refusal of entry into the Union or (ii) destruction, other than by processing.
In the event that you have any queries in relation to this matter, please contact this office either by emailing or alternatively by telephone (01)5058885.
Crop Policy, Production & Safety Division
17 July 2014