Eccles Hall Application Form 2017
Name of Applicant: ......
Gender: M / F (please circle as appropriate)
Date of Birth: ......
Address: ......
Post Code:......
Tel. No:......
Parent/Guardian e-mail address if available.
School Attended:......
Sacraments Received:
Baptism Yes / No Reconciliation Yes / No Eucharist Yes / No Confirmation Yes / No
(Please circle as appropriate)
Is applicant permitted to go swimming? Yes / No (please circle as appropriate)
What musical instrument, if any, can applicant play and bring to Camp?......
1. To help the organisers, please advise of any necessary diets or particular health problems which may be relevant to your child's stay at Camp (e.g. bed wetting, allergy to penicillin, asthma etc..)
2. If the need for a special diet arises from an allergy please supply a confirming letter from your doctor.
3. After you have completed this form please ask your parish priest to endorse it by signing below.
4. Insert where indicated below the amount of payment enclosed with this application
Name of your Doctor:......
Doctor's Tel. No:......
Signature of Parent/Guardian:...... Date:......
Signature of Parish Priest
In support of this application:...... Date:......
The payment amount enclosed with this application is £......
Or Sent By Bank Transfer:
Please see attached application notes
Application Notes
Eccles Hall Camp 2017
• Friday 26th August 2016 till Monday 29th August 2016
• For applicants aged between 8 yrs. to 14 yrs. of age
• Cost £ 85.00
To reserve a place on Camp a fully completed application form together with a deposit of £25 is required by 31st May 2017. Early booking is recommended. A separate application form is required for each child.
We regret deposits will not be refundable for cancellations made after 30th June 2017.
Due to planning requirements the organisers will not accept applications received after 30th June 2016.
In the event that a Camp is under subscribed then it may not proceed, in which case all payments received will be fully refunded.
Completed Application forms should be sent to:
Mrs Lorraine Furmedge
30 Beaufort Drive
PE19 5YU
Please mark the envelope "Diocesan Summer Camp"
Cheques should be made payable to “RC Diocese of East Anglia”
Or Via Bank Transfer direct to the Diocese, using the following:
Payee: RC diocese of East Anglia
Sort code: 60-15-31
A/C N0. : 08741697
Ref: SUMMER CAMP - CAMPERS NAME. – This bit is really Important!
NB: IF you pay direct to the diocese PLEASE send a brief email to at to advise when & how much you have paid.
All applications will be acknowledged and further details together with Parent/Carer Consent Forms (requiring your signature) will be sent out during the first week of July 2016. The signed Consent Forms and balance of payment will need to be returned to arrive no later than 11th August 2016 to ensure your child is accepted upon arrival at the Camp.
For further information please contact either:
Mrs Lorraine Furmedge on 07765411170 or at
…Or via our Facebook page ‘Catholic Youth Summer Camp’ www.facebook.com/diocesansummercamps