JANUARY 5, 2009

The Douglas County Board of Education met in a regular session in the board room of the administrative office building at 9030 Highway 5. Vice Chairman James Bartlett (Post 2) called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Also present were board members Mr. Mike Miller (Post 1); Mr. Larry Barnes (Post 3); Dr. Sam Haskell (Post 4) and Mr. Jeff Morris (Post 5).

Mr. Bartlett asked for a motion to adjourn into an executive session to discuss personnel, or other matters as allowed under the Georgia Open Meetings Act.

Mr. Bartlett reconvened the Board in open session at 7:00 p.m.

Staff members present were Mr. Don Remillard, Superintendent; Dr. David Whitfield, Chief of Staff; Mr. Dudley Spruill, Chief Operations Officer; Mrs. Kay Turner, Chief Financial Officer; Mrs. Suvess Ricks, Associate Superintendent/General Administration; Mrs. Elaine Hopkins, Interim Associate Superintendent/Curriculum & Instruction; Mrs. Karen Stroud, Director of Community Relations; and Mrs. Melanie Nicholson, Secretary to the Superintendent. Mr. Ken Bernard, Board Attorney, was also present.

The PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG was led by Mr. Remillard.


Mr. Remillard announced that we will be meeting with our Legislative Delegation at the Douglas County Courthouse on January 7 at 10:05 a.m. to review our legislative priorities for 2009.

Superintendent’s Spotlight

A. Special Needs Preschool Recognition

The Douglas County School System serves special needs students starting at age three through age 22. Students age three to five are served in our special needs preschool program. In the spring of 2007, the preschool was monitored by a private provider who made suggestions for improvements in the area of services, curriculum, and communication. The preschool program met and developed a strategic plan with the goal of better serving their students and the community. As a result of this plan and the hard work of the preschool supervisor, Ms. Amanda Shumake, and the preschool staff, many wonderful changes have taken place. There are now two testing teams, one of which is conveniently located here at the central office. There is a collaborative class at Head Start so students do not have to travel and can stay with their typical peers. Technology and community services have also increased.

This past school year, State Department of Education data indicated that our preschool met their required identification timelines 100% of the time. In recognition of all of their accomplishments, the special needs preschool program has changed their program name to LEAP, an acronym for Learning Early Academics Program. The Douglas County School System is proud of our LEAP program.

B. Special Education Department State Recognition

The Douglas County School System’s Special Education Department was recently recognized by the Georgia Department of Education for excellence in the education of students with disabilities. The department received the following certificates:

Certificate for Highest Performance by decreasing the number of students who drop out.

Certificate for Meeting State Target:

  For educating young children in the least restrictive environment;


  For reducing the number of students who drop out of school

We are very proud of the Special Education Department for these accomplishments.

C. Recognition of Drew Hohenstein

Mr. Remillard recognized a former student, Drew Hohenstein, who graduated in 2008 from Chapel Hill High School and currently attends Young Harris College. He was recently recognized by the Georgia State Board of Education and was presented their Award of Excellence. While in high school, Drew participated on both the swim and track teams. During his junior and senior years, he won the state championship for shot put and came in second in the 200 and 800 meter wheelchair races at the state level. He is interested in athletic training and possibly coaching one day. Mr. Remillard stated that

Drew is an outstanding young man and that he considers it an honor and a privilege to know him!

D. Communities In Schools of Douglas County

Communities in Schools of Douglas County was chartered in 1999 and is dedicated to helping students stay in school and prepare for life. It is operated as part of the Community Relations Office. CIS programs include:

·  The Douglas County Performance Learning Center serving 75 high

school students.

·  Three 21st Century After School Grants at four elementary schools, three

middle schools and two high schools serving over 500 students.

·  Douglas MATCH Mentoring Program serving over 422 students

·  Fee Based After School Programs in 24 out of 30 schools serving over 3,000


·  Atlanta Regional Commission – Work Ready Douglas Grant which will serve 16 qualifying students at the PLC. This grant will provide students with additional job readiness training, internships, and tutoring.

·  The Adolescent Family Life Grant focusing on abstinence education at three
middle schools and two high schools.

·  Character Education in all schools

CIS of Douglas County has been awarded over $7.9 million dollars in grants since its origination. During the 2008-2009 school year alone, Communities in Schools of Douglas County has secured over $1.6 million dollars in funds for its programs.

Mr. Remillard recognized Ms. Dana Jones Wynn. She currently serves as the chairperson of Communities in Schools of Douglas County. She is an enthusiastic supporter of all the initiatives of Communities in Schools and the school system in general. Although Ms. Wynn has an extremely busy schedule, she unselfishly donates her time, energy and financial support to Communities in Schools of Douglas County.

Mitzi Teal is the Executive Director of Communities in Schools of Douglas County. Ms. Teal is very dedicated to serving the students of Douglas County. She works diligently to ensure that all the aforementioned programs work efficiently and effectively. Ms. Teal is a tremendous asset to this program.

The Performance Learning Center (PLC) program is in its third year of operation and is designed to work with students who have already experienced failure and/or serious attendance issues, or are not experiencing success in traditional high school settings. The focus of the PLC is to help keep kids in school, prepare them for life; and at the same time reduce our dropout rate. A total of 107 students have earned their diplomas since the program opened in August 2006.

Ms. Donita Cullen, Academic Coordinator, was recognized for her dedication to education by providing PLC students with opportunities for success.

E. National Mentoring Month

The month of January has been designated National Mentoring Month. The MATCH Mentoring Program provides students with the opportunity to experience a meaningful relationship with a caring adult role model in order to increase their chances of success. There are over 400 active mentors working with students. The mentoring program receives funding from United Way of Metro Atlanta and Communities in Schools of Georgia.

Ms. Patti Sullivan, MATCH Mentor Manager, was recognized for her dedication and commitment to mentoring and to the students in Douglas County.

Mr. Remillard recognized two of our Mentor Champions in the community.

Mr. Julian C. Carter, Jr. has mentored students in the school district since the start of the mentoring program. We have always been able to count on Julian to be available and willing to help whenever and wherever he was needed with genuine sincerity.

Mr. Jimmy Haddle has volunteered in various schools for more than thirty years. He has helped many students improve their academics and empowered them to become lifelong learners.

Each year, one mentor is selected to be named the Douglas County Mentor of the Year. Mr. Remillard recognized our past Mentor of the Year recipients and honored them for their tireless efforts and dedication to the mentoring program.

2008 - Lloyd Chambers

2007 - Mike Moffett

2006 - Charlotte Lockhart

2005 - Sue Basham

2004 - Barbara Williams

2003 - June Keen

2002 - Fred Morris

2001 - Phil Alvers

2000 - Frank Kremer

1999 - The late Christina Hughes

1998 - Bob Snelling

The Adolescent and Family Life Program Grant was awarded to Communities in Schools of Douglas County in October of 2008. CISDC will receive $109,000 per year for five years to focus on abstinence education for participating 7th and 9th graders at five targeted schools: Fairplay, Stewart, and Turner Middle Schools; and Douglas County and Lithia Springs High Schools.

The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) – Workforce Development Grant was awarded in the fall of 2008 and is a partnership between the school system, CISDC, and Parents Educating Parents and Professionals. The grant is funded by the Department of Labor for one year and will target 16 qualifying students at the PLC. The grant will assist with:

·  Providing work ready skills and career education

·  Remediation activities, tutoring, study skills

·  College transition assistance

·  Leadership development activities

·  Work experience and internships

F. Georgia School Public Relations Distinguished Service Award

Mr. Remillard recognized Mrs. Karen Stroud, Community Relations Director, who was recently presented the Anne Raymond Distinguished Service Award. This prestigious award is the highest honor a member of the Georgia School Public Relations Association can receive. It is awarded to an active member who demonstrates strong leadership abilities, commitment to service and acts as a mentor to new public relations professionals. Mrs. Stroud has been in the public relations field for over 30 years. She is a strong advocate for the public school system. She is bright, inquisitive and multi-talented. She is a person of high moral principle who can handle any situation, including the difficult ones or small challenges, with dignity and grace.

In addition to this accolade, the Community Relations Department earned three Silver Awards at the annual GSPRA Conference for the following publications:

  System Planner Calendar

  Refrigerator Calendar

  Roadmap to Success


Mr. Remillard, Secretary to the Board of Education, declared the floor open for nominations for Chairman of the Board of Education. A nomination was received from the floor. Mr. Remillard made two requests for nominations for chairman. Only one nomination was received.

Based on a nomination by Mr. Barnes, Mr. Bartlett was elected Chairman of the Board of Education by unanimous acclaim.

Mr. Remillard declared the floor open for nominations for Vice Chairman of the Board of Education. A nomination was received from the floor.

Mr. Miller nominated Mr. Barnes as Vice Chairman.

Mr. Remillard asked if there were any other nominations for Vice Chairman.

Mr. Bartlett nominated Dr. Haskell as Vice Chairman.

Mr. Barnes received two votes as Vice Chairman from Mr. Miller and Mr. Barnes.

Dr. Haskell received three votes as Vice Chairman from Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Morris and Dr. Haskell.

Dr. Haskell was elected Vice Chairman of the Board of Education.

SETTING OF AGENDA: On motion by Dr. Haskell, seconded by Mr. Morris, unanimous approval was given to accept the agenda as written.

MINUTES: On motion by Dr. Haskell, seconded by Mr. Barnes, approval was given to accept the minutes of the December 1, 2008 Regular Meeting.Mr. Miller and Mr. Morris abstained.


Mr. Barnes stated that he knows that our staff is working on preparing our budget and will be presenting it to the Board soon.



The Board receives a package of information approximately a week before their regular board meeting. The Board discusses items placed on the “Consent Agenda” at the Work Session or in Executive Session as allowed under the Georgia Open Meetings Act. Before the Board voting session the Board may ask or answer any questions about items to be placed on the “Consent Agenda”.

On motion by Dr. Haskell, seconded by Mr. Barnes, unanimous approval was given to set the consent agenda. The agenda was set as follows:


A.  Certified

B.  Classified


Second Reading:

A.  GBRIB(1)/GCRGB(1) – Sick Leave

On motion by Dr. Haskell, seconded by Mr. Barnes, unanimous approval was given to approve the consent agenda.



A. November 2008 General Fund Report

On motion by Dr. Haskell, seconded by Mr. Barnes, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the November 2008 General Fund Report as presented.

B. November 2008 Capital Projects Report

On motion by Dr. Haskell, seconded by Mr. Barnes, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the November 2008 Capital Projects Report as presented.

C. November 2008 SPLOST Receipts Report

On motion by Dr. Haskell, seconded by Mr. Barnes, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the November 2008 SPLOST Receipts Report as presented.

D. Copier Proposal

On motion by Dr. Haskell, seconded by Mr. Barnes, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve IKON for providing copiers and service to all schools and central office facilities in the amount of $524,250.00 as presented.


A. Annual Renewal of Antivirus Software

On motion by Dr. Haskell, seconded by Mr. Barnes, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve Zones for providing renewal of antivirus software in the amount of $69,390.00 as presented.

B. Cancellation of Memorandum of Option

On motion by Dr. Haskell, seconded by Mr. Barnes, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the cancellation of memorandum of option on a parcel of land owned by New Manchester Properties, LLC as presented.

C. Intergovernmental Agreement with Douglasville-Douglas County Water and Sewer Authority

On motion by Dr. Haskell, seconded by Mr. Barnes, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with Douglasville-Douglas County Water and Sewer Authority as presented.

D. Surplus Food Service Equipment

On motion by Dr. Haskell, seconded by Mr. Barnes, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the surplus of food service equipment as presented.


A. 2009 Board of Education Meeting Dates

On motion by Dr. Haskell, seconded by Mr. Barnes, unanimous approval was given to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the 2009 Board of Education Meeting Dates as presented.