Anya Gallaccio


Born in Scotland, 1963

Lives and works in London, United Kingdom

Goldsmiths' College, University of London, 1985-88

Kingston Polytechnic, 1984-85

Solo Exhibitions


This Much is True, Hudson (Show)Room, Artspace, San Antonio


The Light That Pours Out of Me. Permanent Installation. Commissioned by Jupiter Artland, Scotland

Red on Green, Jupiter Artland Gallery, 11 May - until the flowers perish (21 June 2012).

Billboard for Edinburgh, Ingleby Gallery


Highway, Annet Gelink gallery, Amsterdam

Where is Where it’s at, Thomas Dane gallery, London


4x4. Four Galleries, Four Exhibitions, One Venue, Anya Gallaccio, at the Bluecoat, Liverpool


Anya Gallaccio, Camden Arts Centre, London, 11 July 2008 - 14 September 2008

Anya Gallaccio: Comfort and Conversation, Annet Gelink, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Anya Gallaccio, Three sheets to the wind, Thomas Dane Gallery, London


Anya Gallaccio, Galeria Leme, São Paulo

One art, Anya Gallaccio, Sculpture Center, Queens, NY


Love is only a feeling, Lehmann Maupin Gallery, New York


Turner Prize Exhibition, Tate Britain, London

Anya Gallaccio, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, England

Sometimes with one I love, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam


Beat, Duveen Sculpture Commission, Tate Britain, London


Blessed, Lehmann Maupin Gallery, New York


Now the Leaves are Falling Fast, fig-1, London

Falling from grace, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam

Falling from grace, Projektraum, Kunstalle, Bern, Switzerland


All the rest is silence, Sadler's Wells, London

Glaschu, Tramway at Lanarkshire House, Glasgow


Chasing Rainbows, Bloom Gallery, Amsterdam

Two Sisters, Minerva Basin, Hull (Locus+ as part of Artranspennine)

Chasing Rainbows, Delfina, London


Anya Gallaccio, Blum and Poe, Los Angeles

Keep off the grass, Serpentine Gallery, London

[Anya Gallaccio 97.1], Art Pace, San Antonio, Texas


A Multiple, Ridinghouse Editions, London

absolute, Galerie Rodolphe Janssen, Brussels

Harvest of the winter months, Galerie im Künstlerhaus, Bremen

Anya Gallaccio, Ars Futura Galerie, Zurich

intensities and surfaces, Wapping Pumping Station, London (Women Playhouse Trust)


Towards the rainbow, Angel Row Gallery, Nottingham

Anya Gallaccio, Stephen Friedman Gallery, London

Anya Gallaccio, Francesca Sorace, Florence (accompanied by a text of Saretto Cincinelli)


Stroke, Blum and Poe, Los Angeles

Couverture, Filiale, Basel, Switzerland

stroke, Karsten Schubert Ltd, London

La Dolce Vita, Stephania Miscetti, Rome


Brown on white, Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna

Anya Gallaccio, Arts Futura Galerie, Zurich

Anya Gallaccio, Kim Light Gallery, Los Angeles


Red on Green, ICA, London


Anya Gallaccio, Karsten Schubert Ltd, London


All the rest is silence, Sadler's Wells, London

Glaschu, Tramway at Lanarkshire House, Glasgow


Chasing Rainbows, Bloom Gallery, Amsterdam; Delfina, London (catalogue)

Two Sisters, Minerva Basin, Hull (Locus+ as part of Artranspennine)


Blum and Poe, Los Angeles

Keep off the grass, Serpentine Gallery Lawn, London

Art Pace, San Antonio, Texas


A Multiple, Ridinghouse Editions, London

absolute, Galerie Rodolphe Janssen, Brussels

Harvest of the winter months, Galerie im KünstlerHaus, Bremen

Ars Futura Galerie, Zurich

intensities and surfaces, Wapping Pumping Station, London (Womens Playhouse Trust)


Towards the rainbow, Angel Row Gallery, Nottingham

Stephen Friedman, London


stroke, Blum and Poe, Los Angeles; Karsten Schubert, London

Couverture, Filiale, Basel

La Dolce Vita, Stephania Miscetti, Rome


Brown on white, Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna

Ars Futura Galerie, Zurich

Kim Light Gallery, Los Angeles


Red on green, ICA, London


Karsten Schubert Ltd, London

Selected Group Exhibitions


Tipping Point, Wolverhampton Art Gallery, United Kingdom

The House of the Seven Gables, University Galleries, Illinois State University College of Fine Arts, Illinois

Creation / Destruction: Anya Gallaccio, Mark Lewis, Rut Blees Luxenburg, The Holden Gallery, Manchester

Chasing Rainbows, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam,


‘This This Monster This Thing’, Focal Point Gallery, Essex, United Kingdom

Dissecting Nature, Quint Contemporary Art, La Jolla, USA

Vip Art Fair, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam


Ideal Home, Chelsea Space - Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, UK

Vantage Point, Oceanside Museum of Art, Oceanside, USA

Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain, Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK


British Council Collection: Thresholds, 9 Jan – 14 March 2010, Selected by Michael Craig Martin, Whitechapel Gallery, London.

On and On, La Casa Encendida,Madrid. Curated Olivier Varenne, illustrated catalogue (Nov- January 2011).

Presidio Habitats: A Site-Based Art Exhibition Celebrating Presidio Nature and Wildlife, San Francisco organised by For-Site Foundation in partnership with Presidio Trust, May 16 2010 - May 15 2011.

Alpha &, On Stellar Rays, New York, NY 10 Jan – 21 Feb 2010.

Enel Contemporanea Award 2010, Macro Museum, Rome, (invitation of Mami Kataoka).

The drawing room, the bakery, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam, 24 April -22 May 2010.

Eating the Universe: Food in Art, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf (28 Nov 2009 – 28 Feb 2010),Kunstmuseum Stuttgart(18 Sept 2010 – 09 Jan 2011), Galerie im Taxispalais Innsbruck (24 April – 2 June 2010), accompanied by a catalogue, Eating the Universe, Dumont Buchverlag (Fall 2010).

On the Edge of the World, John Hope Gateway Gallery, Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, Scotland, 14 May - 15 July 2010, accompanied by a catalogue On the Edge of the World, British Council (2010).


Pot Luck: Food and Art, The New Art Gallery Walsall, 22 May – 19 June 2009.

Art in Public PLaces: the archive of the PADT, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, curated Stephen Feeke and Claire Sawyer, 30th May - 30th August 2009.

15th Anniversary Inaugural Exhibition, Blum& Poe, Los Angeles, CA, September 2009.

Radical Nature, Art and Architecture for a Changing Planet, Barbican Art Gallery, London Barbican centre (19 June – 18 Oct 2009), London, The Eastshire Museums in Scotland including the Dick Institute, the Baird Institute and the Doon Vallery Museum, Kilmarnock, curated by Francesco Manicorda, accompanied by an illustrated catalogue published by Barbican Art Gallery and Koenig Books (2009).

Remote Proximity: Nature in Contemporary Art, Kunst Museum Bonn, Germany, curated by Dr. Volker Adolphs, 15 November 2009 – 21 January 2010.


Living Flowers : Ikebana and Contemporary Art, Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, curated by Karen Higa, 15 June – 7 September 2008, illustrated catalogue.

Nature Interupted, Chelsea Art Museum, New York, curated by Elga Wimmer, 5 July – 6 Sept 2008.

Red Wind, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA, 28 June – 23 August 2008.

Nina in Position, Artists Space, New York, NY, curated by Jeffrey Uslip, 25 Jan – 29 March 2008.

Martian Museum of Terrestrial Art, Barbican centre, London, UK, 6 March – 18 May 2008.

Turner Prize: A Retrospective, 1984 - 2006 (touring exhibition), Tate Britain, London (02 Oct 2007 – 06 Jan 2008); Moscow Museum of Modern Art; Russia and Mori Art Museum, Tokyo.

Apres la pluie, Musée départemental d’art contemporain de Rochechouart, France (with: Jennifer Allora et Guillermo Calzadilla, Jordan Wolfson, Guillaume Leblon, Bojan Sarcevic, Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Alighiero e Boetti, Luciano Fabro, Gilberto Zorio, Pier-Paolo Calzolari, Giovanni Anselmo and Thomas Ruff)

Kim Light Gallery Early 90s, Kim Light Lightbox, Los Angeles

Chanel, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

Wood for the Trees and Falling Leaves, Gimpel Fils, curated by Alice Correia, London

Relationships: Contemporary Sculpture, York Art Gallery, York, UK

Sparkle then Fade, Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, WA

The Flower of Life: an exhibition about art, love and nature, James Hyman Gallery, London, UK


Core, Illuminate Productions, Union Works, London, 16 September – 20 October

If It didn’t exist you’d have to invent it…A partial Showroom history, The Showroom, London

Toutes Compositions Florales, Counter Gallery, London, 7 July – 11 August

Too Much Love, Angles Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, curated by Amy Adler


Monuments for the USA (touring), White Columns Gallery, New York, December 13th – February 7th 2006


Sad Songs, University Galleries, Illinois State University, Illinois

Monuments for the USA, CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco


Flowers observed, flowers transformed, Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburg (may-sept)

Forest, Wolverampton Art Gallery (Touring Exhibition)

Turning Points: 20th Century British Sculpture, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art (British Council)

Von Pop bis Heute, Das Grosse Fressen – Kunsthalle Bielefeld

Art of the Garden, Tate, London

Domestic (Futility), New Art Centre, Wiltshire

Lustwarande 04: Disorientation by Beauty, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Rose c'est la vie - On Flowers in Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv Museum of Art (July-October)


Micro/Macro: British Art 1996-2002, Mucsarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary

Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, USA

Urban Baroque, Plane Space, New York

FlowerPower, Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery; The Millennium Galleries, Sheffield

Purloined Nature, Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art, Japan

Look & Feel, art landscape nature, De Verbeelding, Zeewolde, Holland


Caldic Collection in Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum, Rotterdam

Blast to Freeze: British Art in the 20th Century, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Germany (curated by Henry Meyric Hughes + Gijs van Tuyl)

Different States, Spacex Gallery, Exeter

In Print, A British Council touring exhibition of contemporary prints commissioned and published by the Paragon Press. The Art Pavilion Gallery, Belgrade; Yaroslavl Museum of Fine Arts, Urals Museum of the Youth at Yekaterinburg; Centre of Graphics and Printmaking and Akhmatova Museum and Novosibirsk Fine Art Gallery.

Words from the Arts Council Collection, national Touring Exhibition, City Museum & Art Gallery, Plymouth; Arts Centre, Aberystwyth; City Art Gallery, York; Gallery, Oldham, and The City Gallery, Leicester (selected by Isobel Johnstone and Fiona Bradley)

Falling from grace, Look & Feel, Art landscape nature, Pavillon de Verbeelding, Zeewolde, Holland

Different States, Spacex, Exeter (july)


Multiplication, A British Council touring exhibition of Artists’ Multiples, National Museum of Art, Bucharest;

Muzeul de Arta, Brasov; Muzeul Brukenthal, Sibu, and then to venues in Croatia, Turkey, Russia, Estonia and Poland in 2003

EGOFUGAL: Fugue from Ego for the Next Emergence, 7th International Istanbul Biennial (curated by Yuko Hasegawa)

Pawel Althamer, Anya Gallaccio, Amden, Switzerland

en verder, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam

arte y naturaleza, Marina Abramovic, Pilar AlbarracÌn, Gunilla Bandolin, Maurizio Cattelan, Anya Gallaccio, Sol Le Witt, Richard Nonas, Roxy Paine, Susana Solano. Montemedio Arte Contemporaneo, Cadiz, Spain

artline 5, Nature and Architecture, Borken, Germany

FIELD DAY, sculpture from Britain, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan

Artline 5 (Interaktionen - Natur & Architektur), Broken, Germany (curated by Jan Hoet)


Lemon Tree Hill, Asprey Jacques, London

Art in the Park, Compton Verney (commission curated by Locus+)

The Greenhouse Effect, Serpentine Gallery, London (curated by Lisa Corrin + Ralph Rugoff)

The Invisible Touch, The Kunstraum Innsbruck, Austria (curated by Maia Damianovic)

Anableps, Studio Stephania Miscetti, Roma


Natural Dependency, Jerwood Gallery, London

Flower Show, Fruitmarket, Edinburgh

Releasing Senses, Anya Gallaccio, Christian Marclay, Muraoka Saburo, Martin Walde, Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan (curated by Mami Kataoka)

60s/ 90s Two Decades of Art and Culture, Towner Art Gallery and Museum, Eastbourne

Viereck und Kosmos: Amdenener Rundang, Amden, Switzerland (Roman Kurzmeyer)

Graphic! British prints Now, Yale Centre for British Art, New York

Do Paintings Dream of Veronese Green? Elga Wimmer, New York (curated by Maia Damianovic)

Prime, Dundee Contemporary Arts, Scotland (curated by Andrew Nairne + Katrina Brown)


Organic, Les Abattoirs, Toulouse

Thinking Aloud, National Touring Exhibitions, Kettle's Yard, Cambridge; Cornerhouse, Manchester and Camden Arts Centre, London (curated by Richard Wentworth)

Here to stay: Arts Council Collection purchases of the 1990s, National Touring Exhibitions, Plymouth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth Arts Centre, The Metropole Arts Centre, Folkestone, The Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent, Laing Art Gallery,Newcastle, and Turnpike Gallery, Leigh (selected by Susan May)

Fifty years of Sculpture Works from the Arts Council Collection, Lothbury Gallery, London

Still, Laurent Delaye Gallery, London (curated by Jenefer Winters)

Les Capteurs deRêves, La Biennale de Montreal (curated by Claude Gosselin)

New Art from Britain, Kunstraum Innsbruck (curated by Peter Murray)

Real Life- New British Art, Tochigi Prefectural Museum, Fukuoka Art Museum, Hiroshima City Museum, Tokyo MOCA, Ashiya City Museum, The British Council

Interactive, an exhibition of contemporary british sculpture, Amerada Hess, London (curated by Janice Oresman)


Private Face/Urban Space, A new generation of artists from Britain, The Gasworks, Athens (curated by Katerina

Gregos + Henry Meyric Hughes)

Pictura Britannica ART FROM BRITAIN, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney; Art Gallery of South Australia and Te Papa, Wellington, New Zealand (curated by Bernice Murphy)

Der Verlorene Garten, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestral, Switzerland (curated by Roman Kurmeyer)

Material Culture: The Object in British Art of the 1980s and '90s, Hayward Gallery, London (curated by Michael Archer + Greg Hilty)


Projekte der Galerie im KunstlerHaus Bremen, April 1996 - December 1997 (curated by Horst Griese)

The pleasure of aesthetic life, The Showroom, London (curated by Amikam Toren)

From Figure to Object: A Century of Sculptors' Drawings, Frith Street Gallery, London and Karsten Schubert, London

Private View: Contemporary British and German Artists, A New Collection for John and Josephine Bowes, The Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, Durham (curated by Penelope Curtis)

Time Wise, Swiss Institute, New York


Anya Gallaccio and Fortun O'Brien, Bloom Gallery, Amsterdam

The British Art Show4, National Touring Exhibition: Castlefield Gallery, Manchester; Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, Cardiff

Brilliant! New Art from London, Walker Arts Centre, Minneapolis; CAM, Houston, Texas

On Beauty, Regina Gallery, Moscow (curated by Dan Cameron)

Where you were even now, Kunsthalle Winterthur (curated by Roman Kurzmeyer)

Chocolate! The Swiss Institute, New York

Wit & Excess, Contemporary Arts Centre of South Australia, Parkside


Art Unlimited: Multiples of the 1960s and 1990s, National Touring Exhibition


Le Shuttle, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin

Sarah Staton Supastore Boutique, Laure Genillard Gallery, London

inSITE 94, (Chrematis) Aqua Caliente, Tijuana, Mexico, MOCA San Diego

Group Show: Gallery Artists, Karsten Schubert, London

Choix de Bruxelles, Espace Jacqmotte, Brussels

Domestic Violence, Gio Marconi, Milan (curated by Alison Jacques)

Punishment and Decoration, Hohenthal und Bergen, Cologne (curated by Michael Corris)

A Group Show: Keith Coventry, Peter Davis, Anya Gallaccio, Zebedee Jones, Bridget Riley,and Alison Wilding, Karsten Schubert, London


Sarah Staton Supastore, Poster Studio, London

Le Jardin de la Vierge, Musée Instrumental, Brussels

Mandy Loves Declan 100%, Glenn Brown, Keith Coventry, Adam Chodzko, Anya Gallaccio, Stephen Glynn, Siobhan Hapaska, Stephen Hughes, Alex Landrum, Michael Stubbs, Mark Wallinger, Gillian Wearing, Mark Boote Gallery, New York

Home Alone, with Angus Fairhurst, 85 Charlotte Street, London

Le Principle de Réalité, Villa Arson, Nice

Ha-Ha, Spacex Gallery, Exeter

Wooster Gardens: A group show, New York, (curated by Michael Jenkins)

Galerie Sooie, Rotterdam


With Attitude, Galerie Rodolphe Janssen, Brussels

20 Fragile Pieces, Galerie Barbara et Luigi Polla, Geneva (curated by Gianni Romano)

Sweet Home, Oriel Mostyn Gallery, Gwynedd; South London Gallery, London; Newlyn Art Gallery, Penzance, Cornwall; Aberystwyth Arts Centre

A Group Show: Lea Andrews, Keith Coventry, Anya Gallaccio, Liam Gillick, Damien Hirst, Gary Hume, Abigail Lane, Sarah Lucas, Steven Pippin, Marc Quinn, Marcus Taylor and Rachel Whiteread, Barbara Gladstone Gallery and Stein Gladstone Gallery, New York (curated by Clarissa Dalrymple)

Life Size, small medium large, Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italy

15/1, Malania Basarab Gallery, London

Fifth Anniversary Exhibition, Karsten Schubert Ltd, London


Confrontaciones, Palacio de Velázquez, Madrid

Rachel Evans, Anya Gallaccio, Bridget Smith, The Clove Building, London

Broken English, Serpentine Gallery, London

Museum of Installation Site Three, Surrey Docks, London

The Times: London’s Young Artists, Art '91 Olympia, London


Next Phase, Wapping Pumping Station, London

East Country Yard Show, Surrey Docks, London


The Drum Show, Broadgate Arena, London

New Year New Talent, Anderson O'Day, London


Poetic Figuration in the Eighties, Laudale House, London

Freeze, Surrey Docks, London Projects (conceived and curated by Damien Hirst)

A dance collaboration with Rosemary Butcher, Third Eye Centre, Glasgow



Kinsale Arts Festival


Southbank Centre Christmas lights


Limited edition print and etching for Dundee Contemporary Arts (commissioned by Andrew Nairne)

The Enchaffed Flood, limited edition colour C-type print for (commissioned by Judith Nesbitt)

Absolut Gallaccio, an event for Absolut Vodka, Butlers Wharf, London


Repens, Compton Verney grounds, Warwickshire, England


54-54-54, Financial Times Building, London (curated by Michael Petry)

Shopping, 15-21 Ganton Street, London and Shops in and around Carnaby Street, London (curated by fat)


Kings Cross planting project, Camden Council and Public Art Development Trust (still incomplete)

Screen: 12 artists from London, print portfolio published by Charles Booth-Clibborn

Habitat Print Portfolio Prints, produced for sale in Habitat stores (curated by Carl Freedman)

Dandelion, printed silk for Selfridges, London


Be Me, A project for Giorgio Sadotti at Interim Art, London


forest floor, Chiltern Sculpture Trail, Oxford


shiny nylon, Anya Gallaccio, Deborah Levy and Kristina Page, S-Shed, George V Dock, London

Commissioned by Womens Playhouse Trust


into the blue, Bournemouth Festival, Bournemouth beach