2016 - 2017
(Tyrie Primary School)
Aberdeenshire Council Education & Children’s Services
“Our vision is for an Aberdeenshire in which everyone is able to develop the skills and confidence needed for learning, life and work.”
Tyrie Primary School – Vision, Values and AimsVision
At Tyrie Primary our school vision is:
· To provide a safe, caring and nurturing environment in which to learn
· To achieve our full potential
· To have the confidence and skills to meet the challenges of the future
Our values guide the way we work.
Together we will:
· Respect and look after each other and the world around us
· Create a challenging, engaging and responsive environment
· Provide a safe, supportive and inclusive community where we value everyone
· Build on the strengths, interests and aspirations of all
· Promote equal opportunities, respect diversity and value the special contribution everyone can make
· Actively encourage and promote health and well being
· To achieve the best outcomes for each child through partnership between pupils, staff, parents and the wider community.
· To ensure that children feel a sense of achievement in all that they do.
· To celebrate social and cultural diversity so that everyone feels valued and respected.
· To help children to develop a knowledge and understanding of issues affecting their health and wellbeing so that they can make informed choices for their future.
· To enable pupils to become responsible and environmentally aware global citizens.
· To value and celebrate children’s contributions to society.
· To encourage pupils to maintain high standards of behaviour at all times.
· To develop enquiring minds, enterprising skills and embrace lifelong learning.
In Tyrie School our vision is the driving force behind all our improvement activity.
Education & Children’s Service’s Quality Improvement Framework, is the overarching strategic management tool which directs and supports school improvement in establishments across Aberdeenshire. At the heart of the framework is the belief that self evaluation in each school drives improvement and all improvement is aimed at delivering positive outcomes for children and young people.
“Self evaluation is a reflective, professional process through which schools get to know themselves well…Improvement Planning builds on that self knowledge by involving us in understanding and valuing the best of that which already exists, deciding how good we can really be, and identifying the best way forward.
The Journey to Excellence Part 4: Planning for Excellence, HMIe, 2007
Self-evaluation is an on-going process and involves all stakeholders, including our pupils. It is reported annually to parents/carers in our Standards and Quality Report.
Education & Children’s Service Improvement Cycle
The priorities for improvement contained in the Improvement Plan for 2016 – 17 reflect this process and the priorities identified locally and nationally.
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Improvement Plan
Improvement Priority No. / 1 / Improving Learning Provision - Curriculum Q.I 2.2(1+2 languages/curriculum frameworks)
Intended Outcome (s) / Impact / Actions / Lead member of staff / Timescales
1+2 Languages
· All children from P1 – 7 will develop knowledge and skills in French (chosen Cluster language) through listening, talking, reading and writing.
· All children will have experience of a second language (doric/makaton/Spanish/other) through a Broad General Education
Curriculum Frameworks
· Engage with Curriculum Frameworks in Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Well Being to ensure progression and depth and breadth in learning across all stages.
· Become familiar with the frameworks for all other curricular areas across the BGE with a view to using these to support planning and assessment. / 1+2 Languages
· With guidance from the HT, Teachers will access the authority progression and programme of work for French.
· A consistent approach to planning will be developed and agreed with a list of key vocabulary for each year group.
· Teachers in early years/first level will attend cluster training to support the implementation of modern languages in the classroom.
· Teachers will implement the rationale and methodology/approaches from a range of resources including
· Teachers will plan and implement learning opportunities in an additional language through a variety of contexts.
Curriculum Frameworks
· Staff will become familiar with Authority curriculum frameworks with a view to supporting planning, assessment and reporting
· Staff begin to use the Curriculum Frameworks to inform planning, assessment and tracking pupil progress
· In consultation HT/staff (possibly Cluster) to produce up to date, manageable and informative teacher planning sheets. / Term 1
Term 1
Ongoing throughout the session
Ongoing throughout the session
Term 1
Term 2/3
By June 2017
How will you measure success?
· Children’s attitudes, skills and enthusiasm for learning a modern language
· Children’s ability to demonstrate knowledge, skill, and understanding of a modern language appropriate to their age and stage.
· Through school self-evaluation processes, the opinions of all stake holders will be gathered and inform next steps in learning.
· Professional dialogue and monitoring of planning, assessment and reporting
· Classroom monitoring
· Children’s consistent development and application of knowledge and skills in Numeracy, Literacy and Health & Wellbeing as well as the BGE. (PIPS/ INCAS data, teacher assessments, children’s attitudes and enthusiasm and ability to transfer skills across other curricular areas)
· Reflective and professional dialogue during curriculum development meetings.
Progress Check / Comments / Next Steps
Improvement Priority No. / 2 / Improving Learning Provision – Family Learning Q.I 2.5
Developing Improved Approaches to Reporting Progress and Achievement to Parents/Carers
Intended Outcome / Actions / Timescales
The development of an improved process of reporting learners’ progress and achievement to parents/carers.
ie an identified and clear, on-going process with regular information sharing which would include:
· a process which is spread over the whole school year and have less emphasis on an annual written report in the latter half of the session
· increased pupil involvement in the reporting process
· increased parental engagement in their children’s learning
· an increased understanding for parents of their child(ren)’s progress and achievement. / · Review the current process of reporting learners’ progress and achievement to parents/carers
· Audit parents/carers to gather views and proposals
· Consider and design improved ways of sharing information of learners’ progress and achievement within the curriculum for excellence
(ref: BtC5 Recognising Achievement, Profiling and Reporting and support materials from Reporting Group)
· Create annual calendar to reflect the planned reporting year.
· Share information and plans for revised approach with parent council
· Implement improved ways of working as per agreed calendar which ensure that pupils and parents/carers are more actively involved
Evaluate and review progress throughout the year in order to inform effectiveness of improved process / Term 1
Term 1
(ongoing Terms 2/3/4)
Term 1
Term 1
Term 1
to June
Ongoing throughout the session
How will you measure success?
· Regular feedback from parents
· Parent consultations
· Staff and pupil discussions
· HMIE where relevant
Progress Check / Comments / Next Steps
Improvement Priority No. / 3 / Improving Leadership at all levels – Self Evaluation for Self Improvement Q.I 1.1
Intended Outcome / Actions / Timescales
· A more robust system to ensure quality assurance/self-evaluation is an ongoing process throughout the school year.
· A more accurate picture of how all stakeholders feel about new developments/changes within the school.
· Better opportunities to use the views of others to help move forward with school improvements / · HT to ensure a more robust Quality Assurance calendar is in place, shared with stakeholders and updated regularly.
· Create a better template to use for planning meetings/classroom monitoring to allow for more effective feedback and focus during the observations.
· Better questionnaires to be developed to ensure feedback is used effectively. Use Survey Monkey to give parents the option of completing these online.
· Re-focus Pupil Council meetings to ensure they have the opportunity to contribute their ideas to school improvements as well as the activities/fundraisers that they plan.
· HT to ensure regular opportunities for pupils, as well as parents, to give feedback on new initiatives. / Term 1
Term 1
Ongoing throughout the year
Ongoing throughout the year
Ongoing throughout the year
How will you measure success?
· Feedback from questionnaires/consultations
· Evaluation of the QA calendar at the end of session
· Minutes of meetings (Parent Council/Pupil Council/Collegiate)
· More effective monitoring arrangements
Progress Check / Comments / Next Steps
Improvement Priority No. / 4 / Improving Outcomes for all learners – Creativity and Employability Q.I 3.3
Digital Literacy
Intended Outcome / Actions / Timescales
· Pupils are innovative, confident and responsible in the use of technologies and staying safe online. / · HT to complete an audit of resources and identify any new requirements to ensure successful implementation.
· Staff to engage with digital literacy skills development resource and agree a progression of skills that pupils will be expected to achieve by a given time.
· Produce a skills checklist that can be used to track pupil progress.
· Staff to ensure pupils understand the link between technology for learning and how the skills learned can be used in the future.
· Staff to attend training sessions on the use of ipads in the classroom and also on computing science to build confidence. / Term 2
Term 2/3
Ongoing throughout the session
When available but by the end of June 2017
How will you measure success?
· Pupils will be able to demonstrate their understanding on how to use a range of different technologies to support their learning and explain how these skills will help them in the future.
· Classroom Monitoring
· Staff more confident in leading computing science lessons
· Feedback from all stakeholders, staff, pupils and parents.
Progress Check / Comments / Next Steps
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