Why Are There So Many “Churches” in the First Place? A Good Question...
Our Wednesday night class is addressing questions regarding false doctrines and the establishment of various “churches.” We would look at some of the reasons they exist. One reason we have so many churches is because of something that John wrote. He said in 1 John 4:1: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” Indeed there are many false prophets that have gone out into the world and some of these false prophets have created churches of theirown. This is part of Satan’s plan to divide the followers of Christ. The Bible teaches that if it is to his benefit that Satan can transform himself into an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14). We go on to read in the next verse: “Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness” (11:15). In other words, there are people in the world today who appear to be ministers of righteousness but who are actually working for Satan. How do you know the difference? “Try [test] the spirits whether they are of God.”
Another reason we have so many churches is because many are not content to be just Christians.They want to be Christians of a particularsort. This was the problem that the church atCorinth was having. Paul rebuked them becausethey were calling themselves after something otherthan Christ. Today many want to say that they areBaptist-Christians, Methodist-Christians, Presbyterian-Christians, Pentecostal-Christians, Lutheran-Christians, etc. What was Paul’s response tothis type of thinking? He said, “Is Christ divided?was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized inthe name of Paul?” (1 Cor. 1:13). Instead of being followers of the one who was crucified for them,instead of being content to be followers of the onein whose name they were baptized, they wanted tobe known as Paul-Christians or Peter-Christians,or Apollos-Christians. They were not content withjust being mere Christians.
The third reason we have so many churches is because many simply want their own way. They want their way so much that they are willing to allow a church to be divided over their own opinions.They confuse their opinion with what the Scripturesteach. To avoid this requires that we study andknow what the Bible teaches so we do not pawnoff our own opinions as biblical teaching and sowe do not pawn off biblical teaching as our ownopinions. We ought to care more about the truththan ourselves.
What would you like to do my friend? Do you want the unity for which Jesus prayed? Will youtest the things that you believe against what the Scriptures say? Do you want to be “just a Christian?”
Then I offer you this challenge this very day. Find a church. Question them regarding what theybelieve and practice. If the Scriptures do not teach it,
then reject it. If they are doing what the Scriptures teach and onlywhat the Scriptures teach, then accept it and become part of that church today. It is my personal conviction that the church of which I am a member, the church that belongs to Christ—the church of Christ—is doing exactly this, nothing more and nothing less.
Johnny Oxendine
PO Box 5026; San Mateo, CA 94402
America has troops in countries using military power to enable those countries to become what we are, that is, a democratic society. Muslim countries have people in America using the Koran and the Islamic religion to make America what many of them claim to be, that is, a theocratic society.
Our soldiers are suffering all the atrocities of was. The outcome from their sacrifices remains uncertain. The Islamic people who come to this country are enjoying the blessings of our country, including religious freedom. And the Muslim religion is reported to be one of the fastest growing religions in America.
The Muslim people have much to gain through the successful mission of the American soldiers. The growth of the Muslim religion in America, through the teaching of the Koran, presents the American people with serious problems that did not previously exist in America.
Those problems are inevitable if Muslims follow the teaching of the Koran to be ruthless to “unbelievers.” The Koran says “Muhammad is God’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another” (Victory 48:29). Who are the “unbelievers” to whom Muslims are to be ruthless? “Unbelievers are those who declare God is the Messiah, the son of Mary” (The Tablet 5:15). The unbelievers are professed Christians!
“Believers make war on the infidels who dwell around you” (Repentance 9:123). Who are the infidels with whom the Muslims are to make war? “The Jews say Ezra is the son of God while Christians say the Messiah is the son of God, such are their assertions by which they imitate infidels of old” (Repentance 9:30).
Some Muslims may say you have taken those statements out of context. A context is the “weaving together of words” (Webster). In this country, you cannot use a “weaving together of words” to be “ruthless to the unbeliever” and “make war on infidels.” And “slay the idolaters where ever you find them” (Repentance 9:5) is unlawful in America in any context.
What will keep Muslims in America from doing what some Muslims throughout much of the world are doing? They “make war on the infidels” with the destruction of their own bodies. How can we fight enemies who remain unknown until they destroy themselves in their efforts to destroy us?