Lesson 9: Quatrain
Pennsylvania Core Curriculum Standards:
ü 1.3.8 C Pennsylvania’s public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to analyze the effect of various literary devices (Sound techniques (e.g., rhyme, rhythm, meter, alliteration) and Figurative language (e.g., personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, allusion)).
ü 1.3.8 D Pennsylvania’s public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to identify poetic forms (e.g., ballad, sonnet, couplet).
ü 1.6.8 E Pennsylvania’s public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to use media for learning purposes (Describe how the media provides information that is sometimes accurate, sometimes biased based on a point of view or by the opinion or beliefs of the presenter.)
Behavioral Objectives:
Students will be able to:
ü Distinguish between the four different rhyme schemes by listening to song lyrics and highlighting the different rhyme schemes.
ü Choose and produce a list of rhyming words by working together in groups.
ü Blackboard
ü Chalk.
ü Song lyrics
ü CD
ü CD player
ü Markers or highlighters
ü Video of The Princess Bride
ü Television
ü Daily Oral Language
ü The Princess Bride clip
ü Motivation (10 min)
· Play 5 minute clip of The Princess Bride.
· Students must copy down the words that rhyme.
· Discussion: How was rhyming effectively used here?
ü Homework Extra credit review:
· Ask students for the names of any songs (The extra credit hw). Write on the board.
ü Song:
· Pass out lyrics
· Listen to group of songs
· Discuss the elements they use within this song.
ü Competition game:
· Students divide into 2 or 3 teams (depending on class size).
· I choose a words for them to rhyme (4 or 5 rounds in total)
· One by one, each team must choose a rhyming word for that word, which I write on the board. The first team to miss a word gets a point.
· The team with the least amount of points at the end wins candy.
ü What are the four types of rhyme schemes?
ü How is rhyme effectively used to convey emotion?
ü What are some ways to think of rhyme?
Special Education Modifications:
ü All handouts will be according to COLA standards and have three holes punched in order to easily be put into a binder.
ü None