Early Years

Numeracy Bundle

Self-Evaluation for Self-Improvement

How well are you using the resources in the bundle?

How do you know?

What are your next steps?

May 2016

How are we doing?
How do we know?
What are we going to do next?
Environmental Toolkit /
  • How regularly do you use the toolkit to evaluate your environment?
  • How do you involve children and parents as part of the evaluation?
  • Do you identify areas for development and monitor the impact?
  • You might want to consider having a focus area at staff meetings, rather than evaluating the whole setting at one time.

Numeracy Tracker /
  • Are your trackers completed over time to show child’s progress in pre-5 setting?
  • Do you use the information gathered to plan next steps in learning to provide progression, depth and challenge?
  • How do you use the document to support transition?
  • How do you use the information as part of Parents’ Consultations?

  • How well do staff understand the progression of a child’s learning in early number?
  • Have all staff attended Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning (SEAL) training?
  • Are staff able to identify, through observation and/or questioning where a child’s understanding is?
  • Are staff confident in offering relevant learning opportunities for children to move their understanding forward?
  • How do staff ensure that learning opportunities in early number are relevant and in an appropriate context?

Number Rhymes and Stories /
  • Do children have the opportunity to sing/say number rhymes every day in your setting?
  • Do you have a range of books and/or rhyme sheets to support and develop interest in number songs and rhymes in your book corner?
  • Do you have visual symbols for number rhymes to support children developing language skills?
  • How do you support children to request or choose a favourite song or rhyme?
  • How do you make a song or rhyme relevant to other aspects of learning?
  • How do you involve parents, carers to encourage families to sing/say number rhymes regularly out of nursery?
  • How will you know that regular, consistent use of number rhymes has an impact on improving counting skills?

Building the Ambition /
  • How are staff engaging with Building the Ambition?
  • Have staff attend CPD sessions / open doors events?
  • Have you accessed the online support documents on Education Scotland Website?
  • What do you see as the characteristics of high quality ELCC in your own particular setting?
  • What changes can you make tomorrow, next week and next month to improve the quality of children’s experiences in your setting?
  • How well does your setting allow children to make choices and provide them with well thought out experiences and opportunities through play to develop their learning? How could this be improved?
  • How will you know that the changes you have made will have had a positive impact?

Numeracy Bundle

Self-Improvement Plan

What are we going to do now? / By when / by who? / Self Improvement Review
Impact of your improvement / How do you know?