Whang – New Patient History Form

Name______Age _____ Date of Visit______

  1. What is your mainspinal problem or reason for today’s visit? (check all that apply)

□ Pain □ Spinal deformity □ Weakness □ Numbness □ Other ______

  1. When did your symptoms start and when was it severe enough to require medical attention?

Pain started______I first sought medical attention______

  1. If pain is a problem, where is the pain located? (check all that apply)

□ Neck □ Upper back □ Lower back □ Buttocks/thighs □ Right arm □Left arm □ Both arms

□ Right leg □Left leg □ Both legs □ Other ______

  1. Isthe pain worse in your extremities (arms/legs) or in your spine (back or neck)?

□ Worse in my extremities □ Worse in my spine □ Same in extremities and spine

  1. How severe is your pain? (circle the number corresponding to your average pain over the last week)

(No pain) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Worst possiblepain)

  1. How would you describe your pain? (Check all that apply)

□ Sharp □ Shooting □ Achy □ Dull □ Burning □ Numbing □ Other ______

  1. Is your pain constant or intermittent? □ Intermittent □ Constant
  2. What makes the pain better? (Check all that apply)

□ Rest □ Lying down □ Sitting □ Standing □ Walking □ Medications □Nothing □ Other______

  1. What makes the pain worse? (Check all that apply)

□ Rest □ Lying down □ Sitting □ Standing □ Walking □Nothing □ Other______

  1. Do you have any weakness or numbness in your arms or legs?

□ None □ Weakness □ Numbness □ Weakness and numbness

  1. If so, which extremities are affected?

□ Right arm □Left arm □ Both arms □ Right leg □Left leg □ Both legs

  1. Have you noticed any changes in your coordination, balance, or walking?

□ None □ Coordination □ Balance □ Walking

  1. Are you losing bladder or bowel function (wetting or soiling yourself)? □ Yes □ No
  2. What treatments have you tried for your symptoms? (Checkall that apply and circle those that have helped)

□ Physical therapy □ Anti-inflammatory medications □ Other pain medications □ Epidural Injections (# ______)

□ Other injections □ Chiropractic manipulation □ Acupuncture □ Other______

  1. Are you taking medications for your pain? □ No □ Yes (please list) ______


  1. Are there any legal issues related to your spine? (Check all that apply)

□None □Workman’s compensation claim □ Accident claim □ Medical malpractice claim

Signature______Date ______

Name ______Age ______Date of Visit ______

List all of your diagnosed medical problems (not just spine related):



List all of the prior surgeries you have had (include the dates of the operations):


List all medications you are currently taking (including the doses):


List any medications that you are allergic to:


List any medical problems in yourfamily:



Do you smoke or use tobacco? □ Yes □ No

If so, how many years have you been smoking? ______How many packs do you smoke per day? ______

Do you use alcohol? □ Yes □ No If so, how many drinks per week? ______

Who do you live with? ______

Are you working? □ Yes □ No What is your profession or occupation?______

If you are not working, is it because of your spinal problem? ______

If you are not working, how long have you been out of work? ______

Signature ______Date ______

Patient Name______Date______

Please List any Symptoms or Problems you have in the Following Areas or Body Systems:


□ fevers

□ chills

□ night sweats

□ unintentional weight loss

□ other ______


□ use of corrective eyewear

□ blurry vision

□ double vision

□ other ______


□ chest pains

□ irregular heart beat

□ enlarged heart

□ arrythmia

□ ankle swelling

□ heart attack

□ other ______


□ shortness of breath

□ cough

□ sputum production

□ asthma

□ other ______


□ heart burn

□ ulcers

□ black stools

□ vomiting blood

□ other ______


□ joint pains

□ joint swelling

□ muscle spasms

□ muscle weakness

□ trouble walking

□ other ______

Page 3


□ open sores

□ skin cancer

□ rashes

□ itching

□ other ______


□ headaches

□ poor balance

□ trouble manipulating fine objects (e.g. buttons)

□ stroke

□ speech difficulties

□ other ______


□ depression

□ suicidal thoughts

□ schizophrenia

□ bipolar disorder

□ difficulty handling your life’s stresses

□ other ______

Endocrine (hormones)

□ problems controlling blood sugar

□ problems with thyroid gland

□ abnormal hair growth

□ frequent or long-term steroid use

□ other ______


□ bleeding problems

□ easy bruising

□ use of aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications

□ use of coumadin, plavix or other blood thinners

□ anemia

□ other______


□ burning with urination

□ trouble with intercourse

□ trouble with erections

□ menstrual problems

□ heavy periods
