First Evangelical and Reformed Church Consistory Meeting

Monday, August 14, 2017 7:30 PM

Consistory President Alicia Moor called the 15 members present to order by giving prayer. Any corrections or additions to the secretary report was asked for. Ted Nusbaum advised he was asked by Pastor Balicki to present a paper with information on communion he had given or attempted to give to members to change the recent secretary report that stated all shut ins had refused communion from Balicki. The report was read by Nusbaum (copy of which is in the consistory notebook in the office). Secretary Blackburn advised the letter would be added to the notebook but that Pastor Balicki had stated at the July meeting he had not given communion to any of the shut ins as they had all refused except Betty King who he did not think was able to take communion. He was questioned about that statement at the time to be sure that was what was said and he repeated the statement. Secretary’s report was accepted.

Treasure Report was given by Rex Maurer. Trustee Barbara Blackburn advised that the Verizon stock and Frontier Communications stock had been sold. This was the stock that permission had been requested from her at a previous meeting to have a letter sent to Computershare, the holding company, for the sale. This permission had to be included in a letter from Blackburn which was then taken to two banks by Blackburn and President Moor to obtain a Medallion Seal. This sale had been refused in an attempt to sell it several months ago. The second letter was accepted and the sale was finalized. The funds have been added to the current fund and now all stocks held by the church are in Edward Jones accounts.

Deacon President Patricia Offenbacher advised Chris Few has accepted the position of deacon vice-president for the vacancy created when Cathy Gladfelter resigned. Offenbacher advised she cannot find someone to fill Cathy’s spot so Missy Grapner will continue to serve in her place until someone is found.

Trustee President Paul Offenbacher advised the roof has now been replaced on the garage. The pastor’s expenses for the CCCC Conference in July has been approved for reimbursement.

Elder Ted Nusbaum advised Steve Blackburn will be teaching catechism and requested Life Application Bibles be purchased for the students. Missy Grapner advised the Sunday School would purchase them. There was discussion on which kids would be in the class and Nusbaum advised that the decision would be made soon. Elders have approved 9 rules for the children in junior church and Sunday School. They have been rewritten by Alicia Moor so they can be understood by the younger children and will be posted around the study area and art area. Chris Hoff suggested the ruled be given verbally and talked about also. It was advised that would happen.

Elder Charles Cheuvront made a motion that basketball games in the church parking lot could be used as an outreach in the community. The block party had the portable hoop set up and it was a draw for the young people. He would ask Randall Allen to help with the endeavor. Seconded by Ted Coon. Approved. Barbara Blackburn was requested to check with the insurance company to see if that would be a problem with the insurance.

Ted Nusbaum advised the Pastor had made an apology this past Sunday to the adult Sunday school class for an angry outburst during a class a few months ago. He had been requested to do this several times but had refused. He did not feel he needed to apologize but finally did so.

Ted Nusbaum advised the Spiritual Committee would like permission to take the children of the church and one friend, drivers, and chaperones to the Columbus Zoo on September 9 with the church youth ministry funds paying for it. It was decided that the plus ticket should be purchased. Missy Grapner seconded motion, motion passed.

Spiritual Committee will also be hosting a meal auction on October 8. A luncheon will be held on that day and after the meal people will be able to bid on the dinners. Menus are requested to be turned in by September 17 by those who wish to prepare and serve the meals.

There was no old business. Under new business, Patricia Offenbacher moved the consistory meeting time be moved back to 7:00 pm. Joe Moor seconded, motion carried. It was also announced if someone is having trouble seeing to drive at night to let someone know and they could be picked up by another member of consistory.

Secretary Blackburn advised she will not be able to attend the September meeting and asked for a volunteer to take the minutes. Sherri Maurer advised she would be willing but may not get to the meeting on time if she got off work late. Ted Nusbaum said he would cover till she got there.

Trustee Barbara Blackburn then read the following:

When we were elected to our positions on the consistory, we took on the responsibility to possibly make hard decisions for the good of the church. Keeping in mind that those decisions cannot be personally motivated but rather motivated by the desire and responsibility to keep the church in God’s will; to make the church a place of peace and welcome and to create an atmosphere of cooperation, love, fellowship, and forgiveness.

At this time I regretfully would like to make a motion to call for the termination of the pastor’s contract. This decision has not been made lightly but has been studied and prayed upon by the elders and trustees who have unanimously agreed that this step needs to be taken.

Our reasoning is as follows:

The pastor has shown to be very difficult to work with. His attitude has been that things are to be his way or not at all. When questioned about the direction he wishes to take or changes to his plan, he has become verbally combative and abusive. He allows his temper to get out of hand at times and has become menacing to one member who dared to question him. This member felt physically threatened by him and was quite concerned about safety not only then but if they questioned him again. Several members have withdrawn from committees due to his temperament and unwillingness to compromise or listen to other’s ideas. Two elders have resigned, one will not agree to an additional term of office and one more has threatened to quit. One deacon has resigned for the same reason. All the resignations have been due to the inability to work with the pastor and his temperament.

The pastor was teaching a bible study at a parishioner’s home but was asked not to return as he was being too abrasive and overbearing to person’s attending. The class continued but with members of the class continuing to teach it. His demeanor was causing discomfort and unease to the extent that people were not coming back or would not answer questions posed or make comments because the pastor was criticizing all their answers. At one class he removed himself from the class to go into the bathroom to calm his temper.

The pastor has shown fits of anger and made a scene at three Sunday School classes. He has belittled those in attendance and at one, told everyone he was smarter than all of the people there. He in particular showed his anger at a class member who had made a comment that was not out of order and the pastor made quite a scene. He has refused to apologize to the class or the class member who has since not come back to church due to his outburst.

He takes no responsibility for any of his actions but rather blames others and refuses to try to make amends. He preaches about unconditional love and relationships but makes no effort to show these attributes to members of the church. He does not try to get to know members of the church and build relationships with them. He focuses on having members have relationships with the community outside of the church. He promotes nothing and stops attempts to strengthen relationships within the congregation.

Our attendance has dropped over half since the pastor took over. When a new pastor takes over, it is expected that there will be some decrease in attendance but usually this will rebound. It has not in our case. We continue to lose attendance. Some of the decrease in attendance has been directly attributed to the pastor’s demeanor to them. I have been told by some people who are still attending they do not want to come to church due to problems with the pastor’s temperament and actions in the past and they no longer feel comfortable coming.

Article 6 of the church constitution states members are to build one another up in the Christian holiness toward maturity. That we will walk with one another, seeking peace, love and joy. Our pastor is not following this example, how can we expect it of our membership? If the pastor is not leading by example, how are we to grow as Christians or in membership?

Article 5 of the constitution advises the pastor should be temperate, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, be above reproach, not be disobedient to God’s word, not be over bearing, not quick tempered, hospitable, self-controlled, not lord over those entrusted to you or dominate over others or act arrogantly toward others. Yet our pastor is breaking these truths. We cannot stand by and let it continue. Counseling by the elders has not worked. Contacting CCCC for help has not worked.

If consistory leadership cannot have a good working relationship with the pastor, we will continue to lose leadership and members. No one will want to take on a leadership position knowing it is going to be a constant struggle and confrontation. We cannot afford to lose more attendance. We cannot have a pastor who does not practice Godly character.

Each of you need to pray on your vote. We are not pressuring you to vote as we do but you also need to remember that this is a unanimous vote for dismissal from the elders and trustees who work with the pastor and have experienced his outbursts and arrogance.

If the vote for dismissal passes the consistory, it does not need to go to the congregation for a vote.

Vote will be written.

Motion was seconded by Ted Nusbaum. Elder Nusbaum then added more information. The elders feel the church cannot fulfill the needs of the pastor nor what he wants from the church. He advised the pastor gives a good sermon and does have some positive ideas such as the luncheons. One of the main problems is that he is more concerned about the relationships outside the church than inside. He does not lead by example nor is he a leader.

Chris Hoff asked about the CCCC contact and was told that the bottom line was that the Elders could not work with him. Elders Charles Cheuvront and Sherri Maurer advised about some anger issues the pastor has and problems they have had working with him. He will not take responsibility for his actions and does not like anyone questioning his ideas. The three elders advised this was a tough decision but we all needed to think about what was best for the church.

Charles Cheuvront gave prayer prior to the vote.

A written vote was taken and 14 members voted for dismissal and 1 voted not to dismiss. Elder Cheuvront advised he would contact the pastor of the decision and Elder Nusbaum would contact the church secretary. Elders Nusbaum and Maurer will write a notice about the dismissal to be sent to church members. Trustee Ted Coon will meet with the pastor on Wednesday to get the keys to the church. President Moor voiced encouragement for the church and the consistory as well as asking for prayer for the pastor.

Ted Coon moved for adjournment, seconded by Ted Nusbaum. Motion carried. The Lord’s Prayer was recited by those in attendance.

Respectfully Submitted,

Barbara Blackburn, Consistory Secretary