Pearson SuccessNet Information

Realidades 1 textbook online

To register for the first time:

1. Go to

2. Click “Register.”

3. On the first screen, type your class access code in the box. Make sure you use the code for YOUR class period. You must

use capital letters. Click “next.”

4. On the next screen enter your user name. Your user name will be: your first and last initials (CAPITALIZED) and your

GAA student ID number

______(e.g. AB12345)

5. Enter a password and confirmation along with a password hint.

6. Don’t enter anything in “Student ID.” Click “Register.”

7. Log in by typing your user name and password

7. You must register by 6:59am on Tuesday, August 24, 2010

If you are already registered:

1. If you registered in the past using the above user name format, your old information will be transferred to your new Spanish

1 textbook online. You do not need to re-register.

2. Please check your account after 6:59 am on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 to be sure your account information was transferred.

To do the activities and watch the videos:

1. Before you log in at, click “check your computer’s settings” on the bottom right corner of the

login page. (Allow pop-ups.) In order for you to make use of all the textbook functions, you must have the most current

programs on your computer. Make sure there is a check mark by each of the listed programs. If not, you can download all the

programs for free. Also be sure to click on “click here for Quicktime” to check if you have the most current version of

Quicktime. (You will need Quicktime to watch all the videos.)

2. Log in at (Your User ID is case sensitive.) Once you’re logged in, click the link entitled

“Realidades iTextLevel1" which will get you to your textbook online.

3. To do the activities: On the left side of the page, click the chapter you are currently studying. Then click “A primera vista.”

Click “next” (found at the top of the right side of the page) until you find the first activity you have been assigned. Follow the

directions for that activity. To do the rest of the activities, click “next” and look for the next set of activities that are assigned.

Make sure you do all the activities for the assigned chapter and that you earn 100% on each of them. If you make any mistakes

on the activities, you can correct them one time only. If they are not corrected, you must do the entire activity again. You will

only earn credit for activities you’ve completed with a score of 100%. You will also receive an Academic Documentation for

any activities with scores less than 100%. Remember, these activities are due on the day of the test, whether you attend school

that day or not.

4. To watch the videos for vocabulary (Videohistoria): Towards the top left side of the page, click “view by type.” Then click

the chapter you are studying. Find and click “videohistoria.” On the right side of the page click “play video.” Click “play

video” again. A box will pop up with the videos. (Since the videos are short, they have divided into several parts.) Click H or

L depending on your bandwidth speed. Watch the video.

5. To watch the videos for grammar (GramActiva): Towards the top left side of the page, click “view by type.” Then click the

chapter you are studying. Find and click any of the “GramActiva” videos. A box will pop up with the videos. (Since the videos

are short, they have divided into several parts.) Click H or L depending on your bandwidth speed. Watch the video.

All assignments from your textbook online will be due by 6:59 am on the day of the test, even if you are

not in class on the day of the test. Please don’t make any edits/corrections after this time or else the wrong date

will be recorded and you won’t earn credit for any of the work.

Learn Spanish Faster

1. Read magazines and newspapers in Spanish

2. Listen to Spanish radio stations

3. Watch a Spanish newscast and take notes

4. Surf the Internet in Spanish

5. Make flash cards of new Spanish vocabulary

6. Use an English/Spanish dictionary

7. Check out Spanish books from the library

8. Attend Hispanic cultural events

9. Make friends with Spanish speaking students

10. Eat at Latino restaurants and order in Spanish

11. Cook a meal using a Spanish cookbook in Spanish

12. Talk to yourself in Spanish when you are alone

13. Try to think in Spanish

14. Sing along with Spanish artists while listening to their CD’s

15. Visit Olvera Street in Los Angeles and the Museum of Latin American Art in

Long Beach

16. Read aloud in Spanish

17. Practice reading Spanish poetry

18. Volunteer your time with organizations that serve the Spanish-speaking


19. Record yourself reading Spanish and listen to the playback

20. Use a Spanish software program for additional practice

21. Attend your friend’s Quinceañera

22. Attend a play at the Bilingual Foundation of Arts

23. Learn to play Spanish songs on a on a musical instrument

Review for Spanish 1 Final Exam

Your final comprehensive exam will consist of 100 multiple choice questions (with a choice of

A,B,C or D). You will answer the questions on a scantron using a number 2 pencil. Your final exam

is worth 15% of your final grade. Here is what you must do to review:

1) Complete your review sheet in its entirety. For each grammar concept listed, write all the relevant

information in the space that follows it. The more information you have about that concept, the better the

review sheet will help. As you are filling in each section for the grammar concepts, make sure you

understand what you are writing. If not, those are the sections you must review. Along with writing the

rules for each section, make sure to conjugate and translate all the verbs and give examples with sentences,

including the translations, for each grammar concept.

2) Review your vocabulary on Combine all the vocabulary words you

learned this semester into one multiple choice test. Follow these steps:

a) Once you have logged on to the site, click the title of the FIRST vocabulary list of the semester.

b) Under “Play Scatter” click “combine with other sets.”

c) Click the “+” for every chapter you want to combine for the given semester.

d) After you have added all the applicable chapters, choose “test” instead of “familiarize” from the

scroll down menu and click “go.”

e) On the test page, make the following changes on the right side of the page:

- Question Types: check only “multiple choice”

- Question Limit: change the number to the highest number available

- Click “reconfigure”

f) Answer all the questions.

3) On PearsonSuccessnet, do all the multiple choice questions found at the end of each chapter. These

questions are VERY similar to the questions you will see on the test. Follow these steps:

a) Log on to and click on the textbook.

b) On the left side of the page, click an applicable chapter, then click "Repaso del capítulo"

(chapter review) under the chapter title.

c) In the box entitled "Chapter Review" (purple heading), click "Preparación para el examen."

(light blue)

d) On the right side of the page click "Go online: for test preparation."

e) Click "continue" to open a new window with the Flash activity and to begin the test.

There will be 20 multiple choice questions which will prepare you for the test and help you target

the areas that you need to study more.

Buena suerte. (Good luck.)

Useful Classroom Expressions

May I go to the bathroom? ¿Puedo ir al baño?

May I go to my locker? ¿Puedo ir a mi armario?

May I get a drink of water? ¿Puedo tomar agua?

May I go to the office? ¿Puedo ir a la oficina?

May I use the computer? ¿Puedo usar la computadora?

I don’t feel well. No me siento bien.

I have a headache. Me duele la cabeza.

I have a stomach ache. Me duele el estómago.

I’m (very) thirsty. Tengo (mucha) sed.

I’m (very) hungry. Tengo (mucha) hambre.

How do you say______? ¿Cómo se dice ______?

What page are we on? ¿En qué página estamos?

How do you write/spell ______? ¿Cómo se escribe ______?

What does ______mean? ¿Qué quiere decir ______?

What is the homework for today? ¿Qué tarea es para hoy?

Do we need our books today? ¿Necesitamos los libros hoy?

Lend me a pen/pencil please. Préstame un bolígrafo/lápiz, por favor.

Is there a test/quiz today? ¿Hay un examen/una prueba hoy?

I don’t understand. No entiendo. Or No comprendo.

What is the answer to number ___? ¿Cuál es la respuesta al número ____?

I don’t know. No sé.

Help me, please. Ayúdame, por favor.

Repeat, please. Repite (tú)/Repitan (Uds.), por favor.

No problem. No hay problema.

I have a question. Tengo una pregunta.

I’m lost. Estoy perdido/perdida.

I don’t understand the homework. No entiendo la tarea.

Do you have your book/homework? ¿Tienes tu libro/tarea?

I lost it. (book/homework) Lo/La perdí.

I forgot. Se me olvidó.

It’s in my locker. Está en mi armario

I left it at home. (book/homework) Lo/La dejé en casa.

I’m sorry. Lo siento.

Bless you. (after someone sneezes) Salud

Pardon me. Perdón.

Thank you. Gracias.

You’re welcome. De nada.

It doesn’t matter. No importa.

I think so./I don’t think so. Creo que sí/no.

I (don’t) agree. (No) estoy de acuerdo.

Realidades 1

Pronunciation and Capitalization

a = as in “father”

e = as in “set”

i = as in “machine”

o = as in “obey”

u = as in “rule”

b = b; between two vowels or followed by l = v

d = th as in “the”

h = silent

j = h

ll = y

ñ = ny

p = p and b together

qu = k and g together

r = slightly “trilled” r

rr = “trilled” r

v = v or b

y = long e sound (when used as a vowel)

z = s

c (before a consonant or before a, o or u) = k (k and g together)

c (before e or i) = s

c (before ua) = kw (k and g together)

g (before a consonant or before a, o, u, ue, or ui) = g

g (before e or i) = h

g (before ua) = w

Capitalize the first letter at the beginning of a sentence.

Capitalize the names of people, cities, states, and countries.

Don’t capitalize the days of the week, months of the year,

seasons of the year, nationalities or the names of school subjects.

Realidades 1

Para Empezar (1a) “En la escuela” (2-6)

Buenos días.

Buenas noches.

Buenas tardes.


¿Cómo te llamas? (familiar)

Me llamo ______.



Mucho gusto.

señor (Sr.)

señora (Sra.)

señorita (Srta.)

tú (familiar)

usted (Ud.) (formal)

¿Cómo estás (tú)? (familiar)

¿Cómo está Ud. (usted)? (formal)

¿Qué pasa? (familiar)

¿Qué tal? (familiar)

¿Y tú? (familiar)

¿Y Ud. (usted)? (formal)

(Estoy) bien.

(Estoy) muy bien.




de nada


Hasta luego.

Hasta mañana.

¡Nos vemos! (familiar)


Realidades 1

Stress Rules

Spanish words that have two or more syllables and do not have accent marks use one

of the following two stress rules:

1. Words that end with the letters “n,” “s” or a vowel (a,e,i,o,u) are stressed on the

second-to-last syllable.

bue/nos mu/cho na/da en/can/ta/do

lla/mas se/ño/ra gra/cias i/gual/men/te

2. Words that end with a consonant (not “n” or “s”) are stressed on the last syllable.

se/ñor us/ted re/gu/lar es/pa/ñol

es/cu/char es/cri/bir ha/blar es/toy

Every syllable must contain at least one vowel/vowel sound.

Strong vowels: a,e,o

Weak vowels: i,u

A diphthong is a weak vowel + a strong vowel or a weak vowel + a weak vowel.

A diphthong is treated as a single sound/syllable, unless an accent mark

separates it.

gra/cias vien/to pai/sa/je trein/ta ciu/dad

cua/tro cin/cuen/ta gui/san/tes oi/go cau/sa

Any strong vowels that are together must be divided into separate syllables.

They are not combined to form one sound/syllable.

cre/o le/es se/an can/o/a

Realidades 1

Para Empezar (1b) “En la escuela” (7-9)

los números
































treinta y uno








¿Qué hora es?

Es la una.

Son las dos.

Son las tres.

Son las cuatro.

Son las cinco.

Son las seis.

Son las siete.

Son las ocho.

Son las nueve.

Son las diez.

Son las once.

Son las doce.

y 1-29

y cuarto

y media

menos 1-29

menos cuarto

el cuerpo

la cabeza

el ojo, los ojos

la nariz

la boca

el brazo, los brazos