Minutes for September 4, 2007

Attendance; Adam House, Rowe Mitchell, Andy Whaley / 18 members, plus families total of 42/

Treasurer Report/ Rowe

Members /574

General fund /78,983.61

Crab feed / Event account / 15,597.76

Widow and orphans: Miller? No one there to report…


Music in the Park -- Sat Sept 8th C shift on Gibson Ranch 1PM

We have tickets donation POC Ted Whittmayer

Kyburz 4 wheel drive trip –Sept 27th –30th C shift 4 day trail ride Sat 0900

POC Ron Phillips 22B

11th annual Sporting clays / Skeet shootout—Sept 28th 10AM A shift on

Coon Creek Trap Club, Lincoln POC Mark Repetto 32B

Past events

Campouts A shift and Day shift/ 50 plus members attended

Abalone dive/ 30 members attended, limits everyday


Scott Schneider’s family had a baby

Chief Mettes mothers passed away, Sent flowers, received thank you from Mrs. Mette


FF Olympics—basketball and paint ball did well anyone go? Many medals were won by various teams.

Old Business

Donation to charities?

No old business

New Business

SMFA- New Web page Andy—also email “”

Recruitment event and Safety Fair Sept 15th contact Nikesha Hastings

Burn Institute Sept 5th –20th to fire stations for payroll deductions

POC Forrest Rowell

Anyone have new ideas thoughts? Getting people involved

Recruit classes to take on events as a class and take ownership.

Motion made and seconded by Plexico to have the Oct. meeting at Johns Incredible Pizza in Roseville. Seconded and passed. The Oct. meeting will be at Johns.

Discussed receipts written for event sales to keep checks and balances.

Discussed receipts given to Treasurer for reimbursement. Past problems with events not producing receipts. Must provide receipts to be paid.

Adult Halloween party discussed. Research will be done for this event by Curry and Whaley.

Crab feed second weekend in November , Nov. 10th. Jim Ellis is working on crab feed.

Good of the Order

Next meeting October 2nd A shift on , John’s pizza in Roseville.