Course Syllabus

English I

Course Goals

Students enrolled in English I will continue to increase and refine their communication skills. Students are expected to plan, draft, and complete written compositions on a regular basis. Students edit their papers for clarity, to produce error-free final drafts. In English I, students practice all forms of writing. An emphasis is placed on persuasive forms of writing such as logical arguments, expressions of opinion, and personal forms of writing. These personal forms of writing may include a response to literature, a reflective essay, or an autobiographical narrative. English I students also read extensively in multiple genres from world literature. Students learn literary forms and terms associated with the selections that are being read. Students interpret the possible influences of the historical context on a literary work.


Prentice Hall Literature: Language and Literacy


Instructor choice


A minimum of ten (10) daily grades and two (2) major grades will be taken each six weeks and may vary per six week grading period. Major grades account for 50% of students’ six weeks grade. Daily grades also make up 50%.For semester grades, an average of the three grading periods in a given semester represents 85% and the semester exam represents 15%.

Grading Policies

In case of an absence...

·  Upon their return, students are responsible for finding out what work has been missed.

·  Unless otherwise noted, work is due on the assigned date.

·  Students have two (2) class days per day missed to turn in assignments.

Late work (Students must be responsible and have the initiative to complete any missed work.)

·  All work (daily and major) work can be accepted one (1) day late. Daily work will lose fifty (50) points. Major grades twenty-five (25) points.

Class Policies

Students are expected to be in their assigned seat when the bell rings. If you are not in your assigned seat at that time, you are tardy. The tardy policy for this course is the same as the tardy policy for the campus. The most important factor about this policy is that after four (4) tardies, a student will lose the opportunity to exempt the final exam for this class.

Student responsibilities in this class are as follows: attend class regularly, be on time, be prepared for class, meet deadlines, use time wisely, be actively involved, have a positive attitude, pay attention, listen, and not be disruptive. Rudeness to teachers or other students will not be tolerated.

The teacher will dismiss this class.Not the bell.Remain seated when the bell rings until permission has been given to leave.

The instructor is available for extra help by arrangement. Avoid waiting until the day before a test to seek help. It will be too late.

Grooming in class is prohibited. If students are in violation of this policy, whatever is being used will be confiscated.

Class policies (cont’d)

All SISD and WHS policies and codes of conduct will be fully enforced.

Failure to follow school and/or classroom policies and procedures will result in appropriate disciplinary action being taken.

Students are required to respect and show courtesy toward classmates, teachers, other adults and themselves.

Use of electronic devices is prohibited during class and must remain in the “off” position. If a parent needs to contact a student, they must call the WHS front office (281-891-7130).

In addition, they are expected to bring all supplies to class each day unless informed otherwise.

Required Supplies (to be brought to class every day)

Five subject spiral 1 dry erase marker

Small spiral (70 sheets) High lighters

Red pens/pencils Two-pocket folder w/ brads

1 box of Kleenex Wide-ruled notebook paper

Blue/black pens 1 ream (package) of colored typing paper

Good work habits Great attitude

Teacher Information



Conference Period:


WHS Phone number: 281-891-7130

I have read and understand the course syllabus and the expectations and policies of this course.

Student Signature Date

Parent Signature Date

Permission to View Movies or Clips

To support various units, videos/movies are used to supplement the classroom curriculum. Movies shown have various ratings. Therefore, parent permission is required for students to view them in class.

Please circle any movies you DO NOT wish your child to watch.

Possible Movies/Clips for Viewing:

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Bill Cosby on Julius Caesar The Power of One I Robot

Simon Birch Dead Poets Society Emperor’s Club The Man Without a Face

Twelve Angry Men

Check one:

Yes, my son/daughter may watch any of the movies listed above.

No, my son/daughter may not watch all of the movies listed above.

I have circled those to which I object.

Printed Student Name (Last, First)

Parent Signature Date