Annex 3. Submission Assessment Checklist

1.  General check

N# / Content / Source
(Refer to columns in TBG17 spreadsheet) / Y/N / Action if No
1 / Is the submission in the most recent version of the TBG17 spreadsheet? / v3p09 / Request the Submitter to resubmit using the correct version.
2 / Does the submission contain the name, e-mail address and telephone number of the representative to TBG17 and/or the project manager where appropriate? / Request submitting organization to supply this information.
3 / Is the submission accompanied by a BRS or its functional equivalent? / Request BRS or its functional equivalent. Do not delay processing of submission.
4 / Is the submission accompanied by a RSM or information model? / Return to Submitter.
5 / Have all new items been assigned a unique identifier by the Submitter? / BO / Assign or return to Submitter.
6 / Is an action indicated for each row? / A / Return to Submitter.
7 / If a change, deletion or replacement to an existing ACC or ABIE, is the UN assigned unique id included? / BM / Return to Submitter.
8 / If this is a withdrawal, is the original Submitter unique id included? / BN / Return to Submitter.
9 / Are required columns completed? / ACC –
BM for Chg, Wdr, Del; BN for Wdr
BM for Chg, Wdr, Del; BN for Wdr
BM for Chg, Wdr, Del; BN for Wdr
BM for Chg, Wdr, Del; BN for Wdr
BM for Chg, Wdr, Del; BN for Wdr
BM for Chg, Wdr, Del; BN for Wdr
Data Type
S for supplemental components;
BM for Chg, Wdr, Del; BN for Wdr / Return to Submitter.
10 / If a qualified Data Type is identified for a BBIE, is the qualified Data Type fully described in the input Data Type sheet? / Return to Submitter.

2.  Content check

N# / Content / Source / Y/N / Action if No
1 / If a new ABIE for which no ACC exists, is the new candidate ACC also included? / Return to Submitter.
2 / Are all ASCCs based on existing or candidate ACCs? / Return to Submitter to either delete the new ASCC’s/ASBIE’s or submit the new ACC.
3 / Are all ASBIEs part of an existing or candidate ABIE? / Return to Submitter to either delete the new ASCC’s/ASBIE’s or submit the new ACC.
4 / Are all ASBIEs based on existing or candidate ASCCs? / Return to Submitter to either delete the new ASCC’s/ASBIE’s or submit the new ACC.
5 / Are all BCCs part of an existing or candidate ACC? / Return to Submitter.
6 / Are all BBIEs part of an existing or candidate ABIE / Return to Submitter.
7 / Are all BBIEs based on an existing or candidate BCC? / Return to Submitter.
8 / Do all definitions conform to those specified in the Definition Boilerplate? / Correct or return to Submitter.
9 / Are there no typos or spelling errors? / Correct.
10 / Are all acronyms spelled out? / Correct.
11 / Is there agreement between the definition and the cardinality? / Correct.
12 / Are the total occurrences of an ASBIE equal to or less than the max occurrences of the ASCC they are based on? / Return to Submitter.
13 / Are the total occurrences of a BBIE equal to or less than the max occurrences of the BCC they are based on? / Return to Submitter.
14 / Is the context suitably defined for each BIE? / Return to Submitter.