Farmer to Farmer East Africa

Volunteer Assignment Scope of Work


Summary Information
Country / Kenya
Assignment Code / KE84
Country Project / Horticulture
Host Organization / National Potato Council of Kenya (NPCK)
Assignment Title / Establishment of private accreditation services
Assignment preferred dates / October 2016 – March 2017
Assignment objective / Identify the steps and structural framework for establishment of a private accreditation unit for seed potato certification
Desired volunteer skills/ expertise / Expert in private accreditation, and seed certification


The National Potato Council of Kenya (NPCK) is a public-private partnership (PPP) and a multi-stakeholder organization that has the responsibility of planning, organizing, and coordinating value chain activities in the potato sector to develop it into a competitive and self-regulating industry. NPCK’s organizational structure enables it to draw synergies from a wide membership, representing all stakeholders and actors in the potato industry. NPCK’s mission is to coordinate and regulate Kenya’s Potato industry to improve the profitability and livelihood of stakeholders, particularly smallholder farmers, seed potato producers, traders and processors


Potato is increasingly becoming important in Kenya. It is the second most important food crop after maize. It is grown by about 800,000 smallholder farmers, and it contributes over US $44 million to the economy. With current productivity levels being less than 10 tons per ha vis-a-vis 40 tons per ha achievable under recommended agronomic practices, coupled with the increasing demand for potato due to expanding cities, the industry has great potential to further contribute to wealth and food security of the country. The improvement in use of certified potato seed, optimizing the use of inputs, disease control, and improved marketing have the potential to transform the potato subsector into a more commercialized industry in Kenya. This process of transformation calls for adoption of new ways of doing businesses, stimulated by supportive measures and initiatives. Key among the necessary initiative includes accreditation of private organization to undertake the certification of seed potato. Kenya Plant, Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) is responsible in certification of seeds for all crops and this has put pressure on its capacity. There is increased demand for certified seed potato and seed potato producers are increasing and this further overstretching the KEPHIS’s capacity. The Seeds and Plant Varieties Act, 2012 provides the legal basis for authorization of competent private or public persons to undertake specified certification activities. KEPHIS is in the process of gazetting the private accreditation guidelines and this will be achieved by August this year (2016). The objective of authorization is to complement KEPHIS’s work to enhance efficiency in seed certification process. Upon gazettement NPCK would wish to be accredited in the certification of seed potato. There is therefore need to Identify the steps and framework for establishment of a private accreditation unit for seed potato certification so as to streamline the process of certification. In regards of the aforementioned, NPCK has requested CRS for a F2F volunteer technical expert to assist the organization in planning for establishment of a private accreditation department within NPCK which will be in charge of potato certification process.

Seed potato industry has grown tremendously in Kenya with increase in both the local and new varieties. With several initiatives underway to increase certified seed potato production, KEPHIS is likely to be overstretched and certification process may be slow and inefficient. The establishment of private seed inspectorate services will help to ensure faster and efficient inspection process in order to increase the availability and use of certified seed. As a result farmers’ access to high quality and affordable planting materials will be improved. NPCK will partner with the institutions that have elaborate laboratory equipment to carry out the laboratory disease testing on behalf of NPCK. NPCK will identify inspectorate officers in the 13 potato producing counties who will be trained by KEPHIS and gazetted to help undertake the certification process.


There is need for establishing the private accreditation unit for seed potato certification to optimize the benefits of the process which will ensure increased number of farmers accessing affordable seed potato and ensure timely availability of certified seed potato. The increase in number of seed producers and new varieties calls for efficiency in the process of certification. The main objective of this assignment is to identify a structural framework and steps for establishing a seed potato certification unit.

During the assignment, the F2F volunteer will;

  1. Come up with appropriately structured framework for private accreditation unit that entails the coordination, layout, equipment’s required, protocols to be followed and monitoring procedures.
  2. Identify the documentation system and software to be used in the entire process
  3. Identify ways to monitor and oversee the certification process from 13 counties.
  4. Identify the best structure of partnership with relevant institution

Host contribution

NPCK will provide a vehicle for the volunteer during the entire assignment and CRS will provide fuel. The host will also mobilize the staff who will work with the volunteer. The host will also provide the training venue as well as meeting the participants need for refreshments and related participation costs


Anticipated results include;

·  Recommendation of a completed structural framework for private accreditation unit within the NPCK.

·  Recommendation on documentation system and software to be used in the certification process

·  Recommendation on ways to coordinate and monitor the certification process from 13 counties

·  Recommendation of best partnership arrangement that will allow efficient and cost effective delivery of certification services

·  F2F volunteer presentation to NPCK stakeholders at the end of the assignment

·  Debriefing with CRS staff & USAID Mission

·  Volunteer feedback and completed field trip report

·  Outreach activity, a press release or a media event back in US


NOTE: The identified volunteer will liaise with the CEO of NPCK and develop a detailed itinerary of work





No of days

1 / Depart US
2 / Upon arrival, you will be picked by a cab driver from Europcar company. Thedriver will have a placard bearing CRS logo & your name and will drive you to The Zehneria Portico 10 Karuna Road, Westlands | P.O. Box 66249-0800 | Nairobi | Visit us at: www.; Telephone: +254 731617469/264 | Mobile: +254 733988813 | Email: / 1
3 / Meeting at CRS offices with CRS F2F staff to become fully briefed on logistics and itinerary of trip as well as discuss anticipated outcomes and work plan.
Introduction of the volunteer by CRS staff to NPCK management and staff
Review the main objectives of the assignment and adjust the agenda for the coming days. / 1
4 / Develop structured framework for private accreditation unit that entails the coordination, layout, equipment’s required, protocols to be followed and monitoring procedures.
5 / Identify the documentation system and software to be used in the entire process
6 / Identify ways to monitor and oversee the certification process from 13 counties.
7 / Identify the best structure of partnership with relevant institution
8 / Identify the documentation system and software to be used in the entire process
9 / Debriefing with NPCK company management and CRS staff
End of assignment PowerPoint presentation to NPCK, staff and selected key stakeholders
10 / Debriefing at CRS office with USAID Mission and CRS staff.
Complete Trip Report (TR),
Volunteer departs for USA


§  Practical experience in seed certification

§  Formal qualifications in Pathologist, project management or a related field

§  Ability to work independently as well as with a team and establish harmonious and effective working relationships both within and outside the organization;

§  Excellent hands-on training skills to an adult audience is necessary

§  Good writing and analytical skill as well as good communication skills


While in Nairobi, the volunteer will stay at The Zehneria Portico 10 Karuna Road, Westlands | P.O. Box 66249-0800 | Nairobi |Website: www.; Telephone: +254 731617469/264 | Mobile: +254 733988813 | Email: or any other hotel identified by CRS and communicated to the volunteer prior to arrival

CRS will pay for hotel accommodation, and provide volunteer with per diems to cater for meals and other incidentals. The volunteer may get an advance which has to be cleared before departing Kenya. For more information, please refer to country information that will be provided.


·  CRS-F2F designs assignments with the assumption of some pre-departure preparation by the volunteer. Actual preparation time will vary based on the experience of the volunteer, as well as informational or training resources the volunteer has readily available. CRS relies on the volunteer to assess the tasks outlined in this SOW and to make his or her own judgment about how much and what kind of preparation is needed prior to arriving in Kenya.

·  The volunteer should prepare materials for hand out which can be printed at CRS office in Nairobi before commencement of the assignment. Flip charts, markers, masking tapes can be obtained at CRS offices. Depending on the training venue the volunteer may use a laptop and projector for power point presentations. But if the training venue is in the community, it will be difficult to use PowerPoint.

·  CRS strongly recommends that the volunteer become familiar with CRS programs in Kenya, the livestock project description, other information in the briefing pack before arrival to Kenya

G.  Key Contacts

CRS Baltimore / CRS EA Regional Office
Maria Figueroa
Volunteer Coordinator
EA Farmer-to-Farmer Program
228 W. Lexington Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Email: / Nyambura Theuri
Deputy Project Director
EA Farmer-to-Farmer Program
P.O. Box 49675 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
St. Augustine Court Karuna Close Road
CRS Kenya
Gabriel Mbokothe
Project Director
Farmer-to-Farmer Program
Office Tel: +254 20 421 0000, ext 116
Mobile cell phone +254 733990299
Email: / Marcy Trueb
Head of Programs
CRS Kenya & Somalia
Office Tel: +254 20 421 0000
Mobile: +254733788850
Host Contacts
Wachira Kaguongo
Chief Executive Officer
National Potato Council of Kenya
KALRO Kabete Campus, Off Waiyaki Way
P.O. Box 29982-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel. 0722597389/0712338633/020 2338231
Email: ; or