Lane Community College Health and Safety ECE 105

Child & Family Education Instructor: Pamela DuVall

Nuts and Bolts! (4 pages)

A.ALL Forums:

The initial response to the forum questions are due on Sundays by 11:55 PM, unless otherwise posted. Your response toclassmate is due by the following Tuesday.

If you want, you may turn in both parts by Sundays.

Sundays by 11:55 PM / Monday / Tuesdays by 11:55 PM
Initial response to forum question due
(10 points) / One (1) response to classmate’s initial post due
(3 points)

The initial response is worth 10 points. Each week’s forum will explain how 10 points are earned. 3 points is earned by responding to your classmate’s post to the initial question(s). See “B” for further details regarding responding to your classmate’s post.

*When writing your answers for the forum you may want to write your response in a document first that you can save on your computer. This will prevent frustration if Moodle fails, is “timed out,” your electricity glitches, or.... Moodle forum has the capability of unloading your document or “drag and drop.”

B. Forum responses to classmates:

The responses to your classmates need to be respectful, using “I” language when agreeing or disagreeing. See:

Throughout the term, if you respond to a different classmate for each forum, you may earn up to 4 extra credit points. This means that at the end of the term, you have responded to 8 different classmates (8 forums).

The post to your classmate needs to be a minimum of six (6) sentences on the content written in response to the initial question. You may make connections relating the content to your own personal experiences, express curiosity, ask questions or provide more information on that content. Sentences like “Good job,” “I like what you wrote about,” “I agree” are not counted in the six (6) sentences.

Your post needs to be written to the person who wrote the initial answer to the question(s). If you respond to someone’s post to a classmate, it will not count.

***Your response to your classmate’s post needs to be at a minimum SIX sentences long. Yes, I will count!Each sentence related to the content of the assignment is worth .5 points. You cannot earn more than 3 points.

***Please begin your post with the person’s name who you are writing your response to.

Be sure to write correctly in the forum discussions; do not use texting language! One (1) point will be taken off if you have spelling errors and incorrect use of language (texting language, such as lower case I and lack of punctuation – writing should conform with what you learned in your writing classes).

Examples of well-written responses to classmates’ posts (from a different class):

“Hi Don, it's funny that you used shaving off facial hair and recognition of the father as an example for focusing on appearance because that actually happened to me when I was 2.5 years old. My parents love to tell the story about me crying for my dad for a week until his mustache started to grow back. Kids are so literal at that stage of development, and it is fascinating when we take the time to understand what's going on from their perspective.
The monkey bar example is a great one too. Going from showing her how it's done, giving encouragement, and then slowly withdrawing the supports being given and the children using that knowledge to learn the task is cool broken down in that analogy.”


Here’s another way to might format your responses to classmates:

Content: (the graded portion of your response – 6 sentences related to the topic)

Personal: (the ungraded portion, but the part that keeps the human and personable touch to the online class – “You have great ideas,” “Your writing is so descriptive,” “I appreciate your work,” etc.).


(Content) “Hi Sally, I completely agree with you on the desire to survive being an excellent motivator to communicate! I also believe that human beings are social beings seeing that we best thrive as a whole, rather than as individuals. I think the social aspect to language development is huge, because how would we develop language if we didn't have other people to communicate with? I also think that Piaget’s sensorimotor information made sense; I’ve seen children moving their hands in just the way he describes! I’ve also watched children teach other children a skill just as you stated in relationship to Vygotsky’s theory of development.

(Personal) I really enjoyed reading your post; your examples were awesome. I also really liked your perspective regarding the theories of language development. ”

C. Moodle Messages:

Each week, I will respond about your forum work through “My Messages” in Moodle.

If you are unfamiliar with how to read messages through this system:

1. After initially logging into Moodle you will see the following:

2. When you move your cursor over the word, “Students” you will see a drop down menu:

3. Click on “My messages” and you will be able to read messages I send you and then you can send me messages. It’s easiest if you add me as a contact (be careful not to “block contact”).

D. Uploading assignments:

Uploading assignments (quizzes and the final) on Moodle require that you “save as” in a format that is compatible for me to open and read: I am unableto open .pages. Please be sure to “save as” .odt, .rtf, .doc, .docx, .pdf or .wps (which is sometimes problematic). When you click on “grades” you will see my comments to you related to your assignments.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment correctly uploaded into Moodle. When I sit down to grade and your work is not present, it will be considered late.