El Dorado Wildcat Baseball

Booster Club

The El Dorado Wildcat Baseball Booster Club met on Tuesday, October 6, 2009, in the cafeteria of EHS at 5:30 p.m.

Larry Murphy, the 2009-2010 President, called the meeting to order. He welcomed and thanked everyone for attending the second meeting of the 2009-2010 school year.

Larry reminded everyone to submit contact information if they had not already done so or to correct the contact information from the previous meeting.

An agenda was provided for the meeting.

Rhonda Jones, the 2009-1010 Secretary read the minutes, in their entirety, from the September 9, 2009, meeting. The minutes were accepted as corrected with a motion made by Randy Hendricks that was seconded by Donnie Clayton and agreed with no opposition from the voting members present.

Larry Murphy stated that the EWBC membership would not be in the position to determine the outcome of the transportation issue to and from the complex. That matter will be determined by Coach Harris and Phillip Lansdell, the current AD.

It was suggested and agreed upon that the minutes of the meetings be posted on the website prior to the meetings for the general membership. This will grant us the opportunity to adopt the policy that the minutes not have to be read at future meetings nor would paper copies have to be distributed at each member present at each meeting. A paper copy will be kept on file with the current secretary and the current president.

It was reported that the current balance of the checking account as of the meeting date was $582.35 with no outstanding invoices to date.

As for continued business from the previous meeting:

The “opt-out-fee”, which was tabled at the previous meeting was briefly discussed and determined to be tabled until further notice for reconsideration.

Some discussion regarding the “requisition of purchase” amounts for the operations of the concession stand, coach’s purchases, etc….took place with no action taking place to but a policy in place. Examples of the aforementioned will be provided at the next meeting.

Budget proposals from Coach Harris and the Baseball Booster Club will be presented at the November meeting.

Fundraiser: the advertisement signs committee spokesperson, Michael Smith, discussed the dimensions for the signs. The available fence space will accommodate 20, 4x8, double-sided signs made out of the same material the player yard signs are made of. It is estimated that the signs will costs $130.00 each. It is projected to sell the advertising to a business or individual for $500.00 per season, which will be on display from the beginning of the season (February or March) until its conclusion (May). The committee is currently working up proposals and guidelines. Robert Johnson made the motion, which was followed by a second from Donnie Clayton to approve the amount of $500.00 per sign at a cost of $138.00 each for the advertising fundraiser. Further discussion regarding the advertisement signs led to the amendment of the aforementioned motion made by Robert Johnson. Donnie Clayton moved to amend the motion by giving the committee the opportunity to determine the sales amount for the premium sign locations such as the scoreboard and the space on both sides of the press box. The amended motion received a second from Carol Nesbit and the general membership agreed with no opposition. Detail regarding the fundraiser will be forthcoming.

Fundraiser: Randy Hendricks spoke on behalf of the committee for the potential “cash calendar” fundraiser. It was proposed that the pay out of the said fundraiser be limited to $2000.00. After discussing the time and work required to successfully put together a calendar prior to the end of the year, it was suggested that a Wildcat Baseball schedule with “tear-off” tickets on the bottom be considered rather than a twelve month calendar. The drawings would take place on game days and an entry would be resubmitted if it was selected as a winner. A local radio station, KIX-103, is interested in advertising on the air, in return for sponsorship of the schedule. The suggested selling price for the schedule was $10.00 each. In order to cover the costs of the printed schedule, 200 would need to be sold. After a motion by Sheila Johnson that was seconded by Michael Smith it was agreed upon without opposition that the topic be tabled until the committee had contacted El Dorado Public School District Superintendent Bob Watson for approval and until a firm commitment was reached with KIX-103 general manager, Sandy Sanford.

Coach Harris announced that the AAA rules state that a team can play in 2 tournaments and play 22 games, which has prompted him to create a schedule that consists of 4 teams; Varsity, JV, B and Freshman. A tentative schedule was submitted as a sample by Randy Hendricks during his presentation for the fundraising committee.

Coach Harris expressed his excitement for the work he is seeing from the players during the off-season. He stated that the boys are working hard, making major improvements in the weight room compared to last year and we will have a stronger team. He stressed how proud he is of the boys for being so competitive in the weight room on their max-tests.

Coach Harris stated that unfortunately the Wood Bat League hasn’t seen much action due to the rain which has been excessive this fall. He said he was impressed that our boys want to play which isn’t the case with all the teams participating which has also made it difficult to get all the games in on the schedule. A Wildcat World Series is being planned to take place at the conclusion of the football season. After Christmas the team will start its pre-season practices.

Under the matter of new business, Larry Murphy stated that Jan Bilo and Rhonda Jones need to see Kathy Williams at First Financial to update the bank account information due to the election of new officers and due to Lynn Cole’s departure as immediate past treasurer.

Discussion regarding stadium seats for the complex arose. After the general membership discussed the possibility of selling seats for the upcoming season, Donnie Clayton volunteered to get prices for comparison on the actual costs for the seats, prior to the next meeting.

Cheryl Patterson inquired about t-shirt sales. Based on the information from the past,

t-shirt sales have not been a profitable fundraiser. It was discussed that if a parent wanted to take on the responsibility of co-coordinating a t-shirt fundraiser that it could be done with pre-ordered shirts that were paid for by the individuals prior to an order being placed. It was also mentioned that the players could help with such a fundraiser during school hours. There was no immediate action taken on this matter.

The membership was reminded about the mattress sale fundraiser at the stadium parking lot on Saturday. All players were being assigned work times and encouraged to participate unless they were not in town.

It was decided that the next meeting would be held on November 10, 2009, at 5:30 p.m., in the EHS cafeteria.

With there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Larry Murphy.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rhonda Q. Jones
