American History 9 (Phelps) Name ______Period ______

Chapter 22 Reading Guide

Section 22.1 Pgs. 730-735 Due: ______

1.  What group did Ho Chi Min help create in 1940? ______

What was his goal for Vietnam? ______

2.  What was the U.S.’s involvement in the fight between the French and the Vietminh? ______

3.  Domino Theory: ______

4.  The plan of the Geneva Accords sounds a lot like what other country..? ______

5.  The Ho Chi Min Trail went through what two countries? ______What group did this allow the North Vietnamese to support? ______

6.  Identify 2 problems that made Ngo Dinh Diem’s government unpopular with his people:

a.  ______

b.  ______

7.  What event(s) early in Johnson’s presidency led to us ramping up the military conflict in Vietnam? ______

8.  What was the secret about the U.S.S. Maddox that Johnson did not tell us? ______

Section 22.2 Pgs. 736-741 Due: ______

9.  Why was Johnson’s move to put troops on the ground in Vietnam in 1965 seen as a contradiction? ______

10. Gen. Westmoreland asked for ______throughout Vietnam War

11. Describe three tactics/resources that the Vietcong used to fight the American forces

a.  ______

b.  ______

c.  ______

12. Why did Gen. Westmoreland’s “war of attrition” fail to work against the Vietcong? ______

13. What tactics/ “tools” did the U.S. use that made it more difficult to win over the “hearts and minds” of the Vietnamese people: ______

14. Search-and-Destroy missions: ______

15. What did many American soldiers turn to when morale dropped? ______

16. What was the Johnson Administration’s “credibility gap” on the Vietnam War? ______

Section 22.3 Pgs. 742-747 Due: ______

17. What was one of the most common ways for young men to avoid the draft? ______

18. Why did MLK Jr. see African Americans serving in Vietnam as ironic? ______

19. What did the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) say was ruining America and what did they call for? ______

20. Four reasons many young people opposed the war:

a.  ______

b.  ______

c.  ______

d.  ______

21. What incident happened at the Pentagon on Oct. 1967? ______

22. Who left Johnson’s team in Nov. 1967? ______

Section 22.4 Pgs. 748-753 Due: ______

23. How did the Vietcong pull off the surprise attack on the Tet holiday in Jan. 1968? ______

24. Even though we stopped the Tet Offensive & killed more of their soldiers, why was this event seen as a psychological failure? ______

25. How did the Tet Offensive impact Johnson’s popularity? ______

26. What two major announcements came out of Johnson’s March 31, 1968 televised speech:

a.  ______

b.  ______

27. Robert Kennedy was killed just after what achievement? ______

28. Identify two reasons protestors appeared at the 1968 Democratic Convention:

a.  ______

b.  ______

29. As police attacked some protestors at the Dem Convention, what did the protestors chant? ______

30. What two promises did Nixon make on the 1968 campaign trail that helped him win?

a.  ______

b.  ______

Section 22.5 (PART 1) Pgs. 754-757 Due: ______

31. Vietnamization: ______

32. National Security Advisor Kissinger and Nixon wanted “Peace with ______”

33. Nixon ordered bombing to start where? ______

34. What happened in My Lai in March of 1968? ______

35. National Guard troops killed protesting students at what two colleges in May 1970? ______

36. The leaked “Pentagon Papers” confirmed many American’s belief that ______

Section 22.5 (PART 2) Pgs. 758-761 Due: ______

37. How effective was our bombing campaign of 1972? ______

38. After claiming “peace is at hand” before the 1972 election, what did Nixon call for around Christmas? ______

39. When did the last U.S. combat troops leave Vietnam? ______

40. Total U.S. Killed ______Wounded ______

41. Total Vietnamese deaths were over ______

42. Describe how many veterans were treated by the public when they returned home. ______

43. What happened to Vietnam and Cambodia after we left? ______

44. The War Powers Act was designed to take some military decision-making power away from whom? ______