VOCABULARY – SON OF THE MOB – UNIT 2 – Words from Ch 11-20 (23 Words)

dismay / noun / the state of being shocked and upset
octogenarian / noun / person in his or her eighties
impound / verb / to seize and retain in legal custody
addict / noun / a person who is addicted to an activity, habit, or substance
lucid / adj / 1. Easily understood; intelligible.
2. Mentally sound; sane or rational.
seething / adj / very angry
itinerary / noun / a proposed route of travel
indictment / noun / A formal accusation of a crime (presented to the accused party after the charges have been considered by a grand jury)
delude / verb / to deceive or mislead (usually without actually telling lies)
[Example: She deluded herself into thinking he cared for her.]
incur / verb / to bring (something unpleasant) on oneself
[Example: to incur someone's displeasure]
solemn / adj / unsmiling, serious, gloomy, somber
edict / noun / an order or command from someone in authority; a decree
foliage / noun / plant leaves, especially tree leaves, considered as a group
gall / noun / nerve, impudence, arrogance
embittered / adj / made bitter, full of hate, and irritated
sequestered / adj / withdrawn into seclusion; removed or set apart
concede / verb / to acknowledge, often reluctantly, as being true, just, or proper; admit
shrapnel / noun / small pieces of metal from an explosive shell, bomb etc
[Example: His leg was torn open by shrapnel.]
tribute / noun / (an) expression of praise, thanks etc; something given or done as an expression of praise
apocalypse / noun / 1. any revelation or prophecy
2. any universal or widespread destruction or disaster
[Example: the apocalypse of nuclear war.]
glower / verb / to look or stare with sullen dislike, discontent, or anger
incorrigible / adj / incapable of being corrected or reformed
[Corrigible = submissive to correction or reform]
tirade / noun / a long angry or violent speech