Posting Date:24/09/2013
NOTE:Staff Members are subject to the authority of the Secretary-General and to assignment by him or her. In this context, all staff are expected to move periodically to new functions in their careers in accordance with established rules and procedures. This is a temporary vacancy. Appointment against this post is for a limited duration and does not carry any expectancy, legal or otherwise for renewal.
ORGANIZATION: / UNEP Division of Environmental Policy Implementation (DEPI)
DURATION: / 5.5Months (15October2013 to 31 March 2014)
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the United Nations systems designated entity for addressing environmental issues at the global and regional level. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. UNEP’s Division of Environmental Policy Implementation (DEPI) works with international and national partners, providing technical assistance and advisory services for the implementation of environmental policy, and strengthening the environmental management capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition. This post is located in theEcosystem Services Economics Unit of DEPI. ESE has been implementing a series of projects to contribute to the UNEP’s programme of work, including the UN Development Account-funded project on “Capacity building in national planning for food security”, GEF-funded Project for Ecosystem Services (ProEcoServ), as well as a project entitled, “Strengthening ecosystems and development linkages through innovative economic approaches for green growth”. The Unit is also starting to promote the overarching programme called, “Valuation and Accounting of Natural Capital for Green Economy (VANTAGE)”. As a series of outputs and deliverables of these projects/programmes will be completed in 2013 and early 2014, there is a critical need for the Unit to have additional support from the technical specialist in ensuring that there is appropriate branding for project outputs in place, and that communication and dissemination activities on technical issues related to the projects are undertaken in a professional manner to improve visibility of the outputs and deliverables of the projects/programmes.
Summary of principal functions:
The consultant will assist the ESE Unit with the implementation of the outreach and dissemination activities on the following selected projects and programs:
- UNDA 7th tranche project on “Capacity building in national planning for food security”
- GEF-funded Project for Ecosystem Services (ProEcoServ)
- Project on “Strengthening ecosystems and development linkages through innovative economic approaches for green growth” (including the Valuation and Accounting of Natural Capital for Green Economy (VANTAGE))
Specific activities to be undertaken in relation to each project/programme include the following:
- UNDA 7th tranche project on “Capacity building in national planning for food security”
- Provide support to the final workshop of the project to be held in November/December 2013, in particular, in drafting a press release, as well as in preparation of a banner and a flyer/brochure for the event.
- Identify target audiences, key messages and appropriate channels of communication, and provide advice and support in the dissemination of technical outputs of the project to target audiences.
- Develop a coherent brand/visual identity for the project outputs with advice from the Division of Communications and Public Information (DCPI), by coordinating the development of a template format and design to be used for project outputs and ensuring that the communication materials and other publications of the project (e.g. website, reports, brochures and other communication products), are prepared with a coherent brand/visual identity.
- Support in editing final reports, training modules and policy briefs to be prepared by country teams, writing a project brochure with inputs from the ESE Unit, and arrange production of those publications.
- Provide advice and technical backstopping in packaging and presenting the information about the project and activities on the website, with support from the team at the ESE Unit.
- GEF-funded Project for Ecosystem Services (ProEcoServ)
- Provide support to two global outreach events organized by the Proecoserv, particularly in preparing flyers/brochures and featuring the events on the website.
- Oversee the writing and dissemination of press releases if necessary.
- Assist the Proecoserv team in gathering stories from the pilot countries by preparing a template and compiling stories received from country teams to be presented on the website.
- Based on technical content provided by the project team, provide reader friendly versions of dissemination material (1-2 fact sheets).
- Support the global team in the preparations of Proecoserv Newsletter and ES Talk Podcast series.
- Project on “Strengthening ecosystems and development linkages through innovative economic approaches for green growth” (including VANTAGE)
- Provide support to the workshops and meetings organized by the ESE Unit under the project. In particular, support the communication and outreach activities for the VANTAGE meeting to be held in October/November 2013, by preparing press releases, presentation materials and presenting information on the website.
- Identify target audiences, key messages and appropriate channels of communication, and provide advice and support in the dissemination of project outputs.
- Develop a coherent brand/visual identity for the VANTAGE programme through updating the website and preparing logo, brochures and other communication products, with inputs and guidance from DCPI.
- Support writing and editing of an outreach material related to the project, particularly on VANTAGE programme.
- Provide advice and technical backstopping in packaging and presenting the technical information about the project and activities on the website, with support from the team at the ESE Unit.
In undertaking the above activities, the contractor will liaise closely with DCPI in order to receive inputs and guidance, in order to ensure that publications and information materials are prepared in line with an overall communication strategy of UNEP.
In addition the above-listed activities, the contractor will provide broader support to the external and internal outreach activities of the ESE Unit, as requested by the Chief of the Unit.
Specific outputs to be delivered by the contractor include the following:
- UNDA 7th tranche project on “Capacity building in national planning for food security”
- Publications and communication materials of the project (reports, policy briefs, training modules, a brochure and project website) prepared with a coherent brand/visual identity for the project.
- Key target groups identified at the global level and in the selected countries, in liaison with country teams, and project outputs disseminated to the target audience.
- GEF-funded Project for Ecosystem Services (ProEcoServ)
- Flyers/brochures for two global outreach events and information on the events made available on the website.
- Press releases on technical issues are produced following major training/dissemination workshops organized/attended by Proecoserv global team.
- Compilation of at least four stories (one from each country) have been drafted in use for outreach activities.
- 1-2 fact sheets prepared with technical contents to be provided by the project team.
- At least two issues of Proecoserv Newsletter and four ES Talk Podcast series have been completed and shared with the Project stakeholders.
- Project on “Strengthening ecosystems and development linkages through innovative economic approaches for green growth” (including VANTAGE)
- Support to the workshops and meetings, in particular, the VANTAGE meeting in late 2013, provided through drafting press releases, packaging and presenting information on the website.
- Key target groups identified at the global and project outputs disseminated to the target audience.
- A coherent brand/visual identity for the VANTAGE programme developed and technical information materials (e.g. website, brochures) prepared with inputs and guidance from DCPI.
- At least one technical information material on the VANTAGE programme prepared.
- Advice and technical backstopping provided in packaging and presenting the information about the project and activities on the website.
Ability and experience across a broad range of functions and tasks related to communication and outreach, including the communication support to major initiatives in the field of environment.
Technological Awareness
Solid computer skills with full proficiency in various MS-Office applications and other IT applications. Ability to use Microsoft Office and Lotus Notes.
Strong drafting ability, particularly in preparing reports that are clear, logical, concise and intelligible; good interpersonal skills; good communication skills and good presentation skills.
Planning and Organizing
Good planning and effective organization of own work. Resourcefulness, initiative, maturity of judgment, ability to work independently.
Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues with different national and cultural backgrounds and respect for diversity.
Client Orientation
Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with partners from participating countries and other external collaborators.
Advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in environmental policy or related field with strong relevance to communication of technical issues related to global environmental policy. A first level university degree in combination with qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
At least seven years of experience in the relevant field. Experience with the UN a definite advantage.
English is one of the official languages of the UN Secretariat. Knowledge of other official UN languages is an asset.
Other Skills: The consultant must be experienced in preparing technical information materials that contain scientific information on biodiversity and ecosystem services, as well as implementing outreach and dissemination activities. Excellent computer skills (Microsoft office, Internet, email) are required.Ability to use relevant computer technology (Internet, word processing, database, spreadsheet, and presentation packages).
Preference will be given to equally qualified women candidates.All applications to be sent to the following address on or before the deadline of01/10/2013 Applicants should send a completed United Nations P.11 or Personal History Form together with a covering letter of how they meet the requirements of the job to:
UN staff members must submit scanned copies of their two latest Performance Appraisal System (PAS) reports at the time of application to the email address above.
(Applications without Correct Vacancy Number will not be Considered)
The United Nations shall place no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality in its principal and subsidiary organs. (Charter of the United Nations - Chapter 3, article 8). The United Nations Secretariat is a non-smoking environment.