ELA 6 & 8 Syllabus
To students enrolled in ELA 6 and 8:
Welcome to ELA! This class will be focused on the study and usage of the English language. Topics of instruction include parts of speech, sentence structure, evaluating the writing of others, revising and editing, writing for specific audiences and purposes, communicating ideas effectively, and writing as a means of exploration and self-expression. By the end of this class, you should have a clear understanding of Standard English mechanics; how to write effectively in functional, academic, and creative context; and how to evaluate, revise, and edit your writing and the writing of others.
The following is an overview of class rules, policies and expectations that you will be expected to adhere to. Please contact me if you have any questions. My conference period is from 3:00 to 3:45.
Let’s get better this year!
Mr. Awalt
Class Rules
- Follow directions the first time given.
- Follow all policies and procedures in the syllabus and student code of conduct.
- Be respectful of all students and teachers, as well as personal and school property.
- Bring all materials to class.
- Be on time for class.
Any infraction of class rules will result in signing the disciplinary pad to indicate when the infraction occurred and which rule was broken. Infractions will accumulate through the week, and reset at the start of the next week.
- Warning
- 45-minute detention
- 90-minute detention
- Severe Clause
Severe Clause – Excessive and/or severe rule infractions will result in immediate office referral. Severe rule infractions include, but are not limited to, violence, obscenities, destruction of property, plagiarism, and noncompliance.
I will be available between 7:30 a.m. to first bell and 3:40 p.m. to 4:40 p.m. Monday through Thursday for students to get assistance on assignments.
During the year, I might assign mandatory tutorials to students who show a need for extra assistance. Failure to show up for mandatory tutorials will result in activating the severe clause.
Signing the pad for the second time or third time in a week will cause you to be assigned after-school detention for the next school day. You will receive a slip to be signed by your parent or guardian and returned the next school day. The slip will show the rules broken, when you will be required to show up for detention, and how long the detention will last.For the 2nd infraction, detention will be from 3:45 to 4:30. For the 3rd infraction, detention will be from 3:45 to 5:15. Failure to show up for detention will activate the severe clause.
In detention you may quietly do homework or sit quietly until detention is over. Failure to sit quietly for the duration of detention will add time to your detention or possibly activate the severe clause.
The Substitute Teacher Clause
In the event that a substitute teacher or guest is present, you will be expected to exhibit the highest respect for them. Any negative report from the sub will result in an automatic 90-minute detention (3:45 to 5:15) on the next school day. A positive report will result an extra credit grade.
iPads need to be out of sight at all times during class, unless I explicitly tell you to use them. You will be notified the day before if your iPad will be used in class. Unless I have told you to bring them, iPads should either be in your backpack or in your locker. If I see your iPad out when we are not using them for an activity, I will confiscate it, and you will sign the pad.
Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. This includes: copying peer work and copying from electronic and paper sources without citation. In academic terms, this is cheating. Anyone found to have committed plagiarism will be subject to grade penalties and activation of the severe clause. No paper will be accepted when plagiarism is suspected. This goes for plagiarists and anyone who willingly aides in the plagiarism of their own work.
When using information from a source, always use quotations and cite where the information came from. It is never okay to copy an entire work in one’s assignments.
Required Materials
In this it is necessary to have the following materials every day:
Writing Utensil
Notebook Paper
Vocabulary notebook
Grammar book
If other materials are required for class you will be informed the day before. Coming to class without required materials will cause you to sign the pad.
Lack of required materials
If you come to class without your required materials, you will be required to sign the pad. I will not provide writing utensils or paper for student use. You may borrow from a peer if they allow it. If you must go to your locker to retrieve required materials, you must still sign the pad. Lack of required materials does not exempt you from classwork and class participation.
The beginning of class –
When you enter the class room, you will need to turn in your homework, and then pick up the day’s warm-up, handouts, homework, and a dictionary. Once you’ve picked up all of your materials you will sit quietly at your own seat and complete your warm up/journal entry
Five minutes after the tardy bell, I will begin reviewing the warm up/journal entry. From this point on, you may not leave class until the day’s lesson is complete.
Leaving the room during class –
You may only leave the classroom after the day’s lesson is complete. Any request to leave during the lesson will result in signing the pad.
Once the lesson is complete you may quietly write your name on the board for the restroom. If another student is ahead of you on the list, you must wait for them to return. Before you leave you must take the bathroom pass from the blue cabinet and quietly leave the room. If the pass you need is not available, continue working and wait for the person using the pass to comeback.
If you must leave to get class materials from your locker, you will be required to sign the pad before you leave.
Emergencies –
In the case of an emergency, you may use an emergency slip to leave class immediately. To use an emergency slip, fill it out and set it on my desk quietly. Once you have given me your slip, take the pass you need and quietly leave the room.
You will be given two slips per six-weeks. These passes don’t rollover nor are they transferable. Once you’ve used both of your slips you will not be allowed another slip until the next six-weeks.
If you have a medical condition that causes frequent emergencies, see me after class.
Emergency slips are only valid for the restroom, office, or nurse. Any attempt to use an emergency slip for any other reason will result in signing the pad.
Leaving at the end of class –
Two minutes before the end of class I ask you to begin the end of class procedure. At this time you will return your dictionaries and books to the proper area. Once you have returned the materials to the proper place, you need to return to your seat and check your area for any trash or loose papers.At this time, I will be making announcements about homework and any information you need for the next day. When the bell rings, you need to remain seated until I dismiss you. You will be dismissed when I finish announcements and everyone is seated. Remember to take all materials with you.If you leave a mess behind, you will be called back to clean up your area and will be required to sign the pad.
Grade by Percentage
Daily Work - 50%
Tests/Quizzes/Essays/Projects- 35%
Journal/Warm Ups - 10%
Participation - 5%
Daily Work
Daily work includes any assignment (not specified as a warmup or journal entry) that you complete during class or for homework.Please be sure to keep up with due dates and turn in assignments on time.
Tests/Quizzes/Writing Projects
You will have regular quizzes, tests, and writing projects.Expect at least six quizzes, three tests and two writing projects per six weeks.
Journal Entries/Warm Ups
You will have a warm-up every day which you will work on in the first five minutes of class. You will also have a journal assignment for Monday through Thursday.
Your participation grade will be determined by the amount of late assignments accumulated during the six weeks. You will start out with 100 points each six weeks. Five points will be deducted for every late assignment you have during the six weeks. By submitting all assignments on time, you will receive full credit for participation.
Late Work/Makeup Work/Corrections
Late Work
Any assignment submitted after the due date will be subject to the late work policy.
One Day Late – The highest grade you can make is an eighty.
Two Days Late - The highest grade you can make is a seventy.
Three Days or More – The highest you can make is a fifty.
Makeup Work –
If you are absent, your work will be in the red sleeve by the door. Check the sleeve with your period number and you will find your work labeled with your name. You have up to three days after the date of the assignment to turn it in. After that, the assignment is subject to the late work policy.
You may only correct an assignment if you made less than a seventy. If you submit complete corrections, you will receive a maximum score of seventy. No late work will be accepted for corrections.
Please sign and date to indicate that you have read and understand the rules policies and expectations stated in this syllabus.
Parent SignatureDate
Student SignatureDate