VHES Minutes from November 6th2015

Equipment Replacement Planning

Gifford Medical Center

Randolph, VT


Mark Blanchard, Springfield Medical Care Systems

Richard Donnelly, Efficiency Vermont

Ray Forsell, UVM ~ TSP

Patrick Giodono, Gifford MC

Lena Gordon, Morris Switzer Environments for Health

Fred LaFratta

Eric Lahr, UVMC

Jim Lehneman UVMC

Nick Morehouse, Efficiency Vermont

Tyson Moulton, Northwestern MC

Joe Voci, UVMC

Doug Pfohl, Gifford MC

Rob Prohaska, Brattleboro Memorial Hospital

Allan Richard UVMMC

Larry Robert UVM ~ TSP

The meeting was called to order at 9:30AM

Ray Forsell presented on Replacement Equipment Planning & began with a roundtable introduction so all were familiar with each other.

Slides from the meeting will be posted on the VHES website..

The presentation went from 09:30 to Noon.

This was followed by lunch and the business meeting. Discussion at the business meeting included:
Rob Prohaska gave a treasurer’s report noting that VHES had a balance of $10,641.20 as of October 31. Rob also mentioned that he had a few checks to cash.

Also noted were two new members to VHES. John Sohl Facility Director at the Brattleboro Retreat and Efficiency Vermont.

Erik Lahr suggested that a welcome letter be drafted to pass on to new members reminding them of the benefits of joining VHES. Rob agreed to draft such a letter.

Rob also pledged to bring the current membership list to the January meeting for discussion and review among members.

Rob agreed to approach HP Cummings to be a supporting member of VHES.

Rob noted that he could not find a finalized version of the VHES bylaws. He did find a draft copy, which appears to be current, and this was distributed to members at the meeting. Rob also mentioned that the bylaws did not give much flexibility to the VHES President in designating an alternate to the NEHES board meeting. Further, it was noted that NEHES had voted to modify the bylaws at the Fall Conference to allow employees of facility management contractors to be included as active members in NEHES.

Rob suggested that the membership review the draft bylaws and that Rob would add wording to this draft to give the president more flexibility in appointing an alternate for the NEHES board meeting; as well as incorporating the NEHES wording to define active members. This will then be reviewed at the January Meeting. Erik motioned that before doing this, Rob allow a couple of weeks to pass so that current active members could suggest other potential edits of the bylaws for consideration. This was agreed and Rob will send out a draft that includes any further comments by current active members no sooner than two weeks after the November meeting. Any suggestions brought forth in this time will be incorporated into the draft bylaws for review at the January meeting.

The meeting Adjourned at 1:00PMSubmitted by~ Rob Prohaska

2016 VHES Meeting Locations & Topics

November 6th, 2015

Gifford Medical Center

Topic~ Equipment Replacement Planning

January 15th 2016

Efficiency Vermont HQ Lakeside Ave, Burlington, VT

Topic ~ Efficiency Vermont Healthcare Strategy Building Energy Efficiency into your project

(Efficiency VT / Dave Keelty & Lena Gordon of Morris Switzer)

March 11, 2016

VA Medical Center WRJ, VT

Discussion of OR ventilation & designs for infection control & energy savings

May 13th, 2016

Springfield Hospital, Springfield, VT

Topic ~ HR/Management

August 5th, 2016

Joint Meeting VT & NH Chapters

Location DHMC, Lebanon, NH

September 9, 2016

Location Fanny Allen campus ~ UVMC

Topic ~ Annual Meeting