Notice of Grant Opportunity


(Formally known as Nontraditional Career Resource Center)


Chris Cerf

Acting Commissioner of Education

Marie Barry


Office of Career and Technical Education


Application Due Date: July 14, 2011


P.O. Box 500

Trenton, NJ 08625-0500



ARCELIO APONTE ………………………………………………..….. Middlesex


RONALD BUTCHER …………………………………………………..Gloucester

Vice President

CLAIRE CHAMBERLAIN ECKERT…………………………………....Somerset

JACK FORNARO ………………………………………………………….Warren

EDITHE FULTON …………………………………………….…..…………Ocean

ROBERT P. HANEY…………………………………………………….Monmouth

ERNEST P. LEPORE…………………………..………………..………….Hudson

ANDRES J. MULVIHILL ……………………………………….……………Sussex

ILAN PLAWKER………………...…………………………….…………….Bergen

J. PETER SIMON…………………………………………….……………….Morris

DOROTHY S. STRICKLAND………………………………….….……….…Essex

Chris Cerf, Acting Commissioner

Secretary, State Board of Education

It is a policy of the New Jersey State Board of Education and the State Department of Education that no person, on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, age, sex, handicap or marital status, shall be subjected to discrimination in employment or be excluded from or denied benefits of any activity, program or service for which the department has responsibility. The department will comply with all state and federal laws and regulations concerning nondiscrimination.



When responding to the Notice of Grant Opportunity (NGO), applicants must use the Electronic Web Enabled Grant (EWEG) online application system. See

to access this system. Please refer to the web page for the NGO at

(click on available grants) for information on when the EWEG application will be online.



1.1Description of the Grant Program 7

1.2Eligibility to Apply 8

1.3Federal Compliance Requirements (DUNS, CCR) 9

1.4Statutory/Regulatory Source and Funding 9

1.5Dissemination of This Notice 10

1.6Technical Assistance 10

1.7Application Submission 10

1.8Reporting Requirements 11

1.9Assessment of Statewide Program Results 11

1.10Reimbursement Requests 11


2.1Project Design Considerations 13

2.2Project Requirements 14

2.3Budget Design Considerations 20

2.4Budget Requirements 21


3.1General Instructions for Applying 23

3.2Evaluation of Applications 24

3.3Application Component Checklist


Appendix 1Documentation of Collaboration26

Appendix 2Documentation of Federal Compliance Form 27


The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) maintains as a priority, an assurance to graduate students that are college and career ready.The NJDOE believes that all students can become productive and economically self-sustaining, and can contribute through their work to the well-being of their larger communities.To accomplish this priority, the department supports equitable opportunities for all students to learn and shall incorporate the efficient use of effective traditional educational opportunities and practicesinfused with innovative, research supported methods. Moreover, the NJDOE believes that career and technical education (CTE) programs, funded by Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Actof 2006 (Perkins IV), provide unique opportunities for students to learn and is committed to equitable access to quality programs for student success.

The purpose of theCarl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Actof 2006 (Perkins IV) is todevelop more fully the academic and career and technical skills of secondary education students and postsecondary education students who elect to enroll in career and technical education programs.This purpose is accomplished by developing and assisting students in meeting high standards, integrating academic and career and technical instruction, linking secondary and postsecondary education, increasing state and local flexibility, collecting and disseminating research and information on best practices, providing technical assistance and professional development, supporting partnerships among diverse stakeholders, and providing individuals with the knowledge and skills to keep the U.S. competitive.

Included in the purpose of the Act, are the efforts of the States, including New Jersey to:

(1)Promote the awareness and retention of students in fields of study, occupations or fields of work, including careers in computer science, technology and other current and emerging high skill occupations for which individuals of one gender comprise less than 25 percent of individuals employed in such occupations;

(2)Develop challenging academic and technical standards for students, including preparation for high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations in current or emerging professions;

(3)Conduct and disseminate research and information on best practices that improve career and technical education programs, services, and activities;

(4)Provide technical assistance and promote leadership and professional development at the State and local levels to improve the quality of career and technical education teachers, faculty, administrators and counselors, and

(5)Provide individuals with opportunities throughout their lifetimes to develop, in conjunction with other education and training programs, the knowledge and skills needed to keep the United States competitive.

In addition, the NJDOE also maintains a commitment to comply with regulations related to nondiscrimination. Specifically, these laws include Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, all in accordance with the United States Department of Education - Office for Civil RightsGuidelines for Elimination of Discrimination and Denial of Services on the Basis of Race, Color, National Origin, Sex, and Disability in Vocational Education Programs34 CFR, Part 100, Appendix B (Guidelines). These statutes require that all CTE programs, services, activities, and employment are accessible without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. These Guidelines have significant applicability and were adopted to provide additional guidance and support to States and CTE administrators in meeting the obligations under civil rights regulations. Included in these guidelines are adherences that the opportunity for CTE programs and educational opportunities must be equal for all students without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap.

NJDOE is committed to providing equal access for all students enrolled in CTE programs. As reported in the Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) to the United States Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education, New Jerseyserves diverse populations of students in CTE programs. During school year 2009-2010, 102,142 New Jersey secondary and 79,316 postsecondary students participated in career and technical education programs. Of these enrolled students, 92,570(53,412 secondary and 39,158 post secondary) were identified as American Indian, Asian, Black (non-Hispanic), Hispanic or economically disadvantaged. In addition 54,013 were male and 48,129 female secondary students and in postsecondary institutions, 34,332 were male and 44,984 were females.

To ensure equal opportunity and access is provided to all students, the NJDOE is committed to strategies that continuously promote awareness among teachers, counselors and administrators in three significant areas:

  1. Promote CTE as an effective pathway toward assisting students to meet the challenge of completing and succeeding in the 21st century global economy;
  2. Increase participation and completion in CTE programs that align to high wage, high skill occupations which are in demand as determined by national and state trends; and
  3. Increase the awareness of enrollment disparities in CTE programs and increased participation and completion of CTE programs for students that are underrepresented in CTE programs based on race/ethnicity, socio-economic status and/or disability.

The department supports the premise that America’s strength and leadership in the global economy is dependent upon the education and career readiness of our students. The ability of our nation to successfully compete and succeedin the global economy of the 21st centuryrequires the education systemto prepare students for high skill, high wage and high demand current and emerging occupations identified in the New Jersey Five-Year Career and Technical Education Plan. As a result, NJDOE strives to promote and increase awareness, participation, retention and completion for identified students in courses of career and technical studies as a viable method to ensure the strength of our nation.

The 2009-2013 New Jersey State Plan for Career and Technical Education established eight priorities to align with the new vision of CTE, in the effort to prepare students to succeed as global citizens and for career opportunities of the 21st century and to support healthy economic growth within the State.These priorities, specific, focused and forward thinking, will be achieved through strategies and initiatives such as this grant program. The three specific priorities identified in the 2009-2013 NJ State Plan that align with this project are as follows:

  • Priority #1- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education

Thispriority stresses the importance of strengthening the “skill development of New Jersey’s CTE students specifically in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to ensure success at the postsecondary level and long-term, high wage, high-skill, or high demand career opportunities for students particularly in New Jersey’s burgeoning high-tech sectors.

  • Priority #3- Nontraditional Careers

This priority proposes to expand the participation of students in the exploration of and preparation for nontraditional careers to allow all students to satisfy their personal interests and make the best use of their particular knowledge and skills, while positioning the students to take advantage of critical growth areas in New Jersey’s economy.Additionally, attention should be provided to the unique needs of nontraditional students and the historically marginalized student populations to ensure that CTE serves the needs of the broadest possible range of students.

  • Priority #4 - Developmental Career Counseling

This CTE priority supports strong developmental career counseling programs to promote career preparation and life-long learning. The focus on this priority will assist secondary and post secondary schools enhance programs and services to personalize the environment and help historically marginalized students or special populations of students develop focused academic and career plans. Attention in this area will provide opportunities to increase access to educational and career opportunities.

On a national level, President Obama and USDE Secretary of Education Arne Duncan have also vocalized their concerns for ensuring the increasing demand for our students to compete and succeed in the economic challenges of the 21st century. On February 2, 2011, USDE Secretary of Education Duncan cited the need to adequately prepare students and to change the vision for career and technical education in this country. He stated,

“Students need the same set of skills for both college and the workplace, particularly in reading and math. And it's the job of the K-12 system to prepare them for both options. In our globally-competitive, knowledge-based economy, all Americans are likely to face the challenge of a lifetime of continued learning. And all need a common core of skills.

Today, these employability skills are poorly-defined in America's K-12 system. But they are one of the universal hallmarks of world-class education systems in the 21st century.

To be a winner in the future, President Obama has urged every American to get at least a year of higher education or post-secondary career training. "Whatever the training may be," the President says, ‘every American will need to get more than a high school diploma.’

In effect, the President has suggested that every American earn a minimum of … a high school diploma, and a degree or industry-recognized certification. In the years ahead, young adults are likely to need those two credentials to secure a good job. That will become the ticket to success and a positive future.”

Recentreports from the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate significant and rapid changes are occurring within the nation’s workforce. These reports suggest the workforce is growing at a slower pace, it is becoming both older andmore diverse.Reports further indicate that the composition of the workforce includes more women and minorities. Specifically, Latino and Asian populations being the fastest growing component of the population in the labor force, in part due to immigrations. In addition, the reports further indicate that workers with computer skills are the most in demand.

To deal with changes in the nation’s workforce, the global economy and with technology, the United States must change how its workforce is prepared to maintain its leadership position in the world economy. The changes to the system for preparing students must keep pace with the rapid technological advances and must ensure equal access and opportunity for all students to quality rigorous academic and technical standards and workplace skills. The new design, goals and vision of CTE programs is essential to our nation’s economic success.It affords opportunities for effective collaboration of key stakeholders and prepares students to succeed in advanced education and careers.

1.1.Description of the Grant Program

To support the intent of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-270), (the Act), New Jersey will establish a Career Equity Resource Center (formally known as Nontraditional Career Resource Center). Funded through New Jersey State Vocational Education Aid funds,which have been identified to support the implementation of the Act, the Career Equity Resource Center shall be designed to:

  • meet the needs of the 21st Century workplace and the global economy;
  • provide resources and implement strategies to schools and school districts that will assist in the preparation of nontraditional, special populationsand/orhistorically marginalized students,
  • assist in developing academic and career and technical skills for students who enroll in career and technical education programs; and
  • enhanceinnovative and high quality educational opportunities for all students

For the purpose of clarification, the following definitions are offered:

“Non-Traditional Fields” as defined in the Act, means occupations or fields of work, including careers in computer science, technology, and other current and emerging high skill occupations for which individuals from one gender comprise less than 25 percent of the individuals employed in each such occupation or field of work.

“Special Populations” as defined by the Act, means individuals with disabilities; from economically disadvantaged families, including foster children; those preparing for non-traditional fields; single parents, including single pregnant women; displaced homemakers; and those with limited English proficiency.

“Marginalized Students” as referred in the 2009-2013 New Jersey State Plan for Career and Technical Education, include students categorized as special populations by the Act as well as those disproportionately represented in CTE programs, as categorized by enrollment, concentration,or course completion. This disproportionate representation may be based on one or more factors, which can include gender, race/ethnicityand/or socioeconomic status.

To achieve the purposes of this program, the entity selected to serve as the Career Equity Resource Center shall demonstrate the capacity to provide training, professional development, technical assistance, resources, and evaluation activities to local educational agencies that assist in areas which may include but are not limited to:

  1. Recruiting and retaining students in programs nontraditional for their gender or under represented based on race/ethnicity or socio economic status;
  2. Providing comprehensive technical assistance to school/school districts in developing strategies to enhance participation in CTE programs that align with high wage, high skill, high demand and nontraditional career fields;
  3. Providing information and training on bias-free instructional practices;
  4. Providing technical assistance to reduce disproportionate participation, retention and completion of special populations and marginalized students in high skill, high wage, high demand CTE programs; and
  5. Initiateon-going sustainable collaborative partnerships among key stakeholders aroundidentified and publicized best practices that support and enhance equitable practices aligning with academic and career success of students.

Grant Program Period

Awards will be issued on an annual basis with a continuation application required each year. Based on the availability of federal and/or state funds, this four-year grant program will begin October 1, 2011 and end September 30, 2015. The initial award year will be October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012. The project periods for the subsequent award years are:

Year 2:October 1, 2012 – September 30, 2013

Year 3:October 1, 2013 – September 30, 2014

Year 4:October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015

This four-year grant program is designed to serve the career interests of post-secondary students and public school students in grades 7 and above. The program requirements will remain the same for each year of the multi-year grant program. However, the grant recipient agency will be expected to update objectives approved for year one, and incorporate new activities and strategies to accomplish the State’s goal for this program in year’s two, three and four.


The Career Equity Resource Center program is a limited competitive grant program. Applicants eligible to apply as the lead agency are public 2-year and 4-year degree granting institutions of higher education in the State of New Jersey. In addition, the following entities may be included as eligible consortium partners with the lead agency:

  • Private 2-year or 4-year degree granting institutions of higher education in the state of New Jersey; and/or
  • Nonprofit entitiesin New Jersey with 501(c)(3) IRS status and demonstrated effectiveness toward improving access and equity for secondary or postsecondary students participating in career and technical education programs or opportunities.

The selected lead agency must identify all consortium partners and provide evidence of their eligibility, where applicable. The lead agency will also be responsible for providing coordinated statewide services to promote preparation of students for education, training and employment. Therefore, applicants should consider their ability to effectively provide the required services throughout New Jersey.

The chief executive officer (CEO) of the lead agency must complete, sign, scan and upload the Documentation of Collaborationform (Appendix 1), attesting to the agency’s eligibility to apply for funds and collaborative partnership. Failure to submit a completed Documentation of Collaboration form may result in the agency being removed from consideration. NJDOE reserves the right to reject any application not in conformance with the requirements of this NGO.