Agriscience Course Expectations – Mrs. Traylor

Veterinary Medical Applications

Course Description: Veterinary Medical Applications is a class to help prepare students for careers in the field of veterinarian medicine. Topics covered in this course include, but are not limited to, veterinary practices as they relate to both large and small animal species.

All students in the Vet Tech Pathway are required to take the Equine Science class, Small Animals class, Biology I/Principles of Ag, Food and Natural Resources successfully before applying for the Veterinary Medical Applications class.

Students will earn 1 credit for this course.

Materials Needed: Pen, pencil, 1-1 ½ inch binder, notebook paper, purchase of lab coat, and other materials as needed

Conference Time: 6th period Phone Number: 936-856-1250


Assignments/Make-up Work: All students are responsible for asking for make-up work. Any handouts will be in a folder on the wall. The daily assignments will also be located on the wall under the course title. Work made up from an absent will need to be turned in 3 school days of the date last day missed. Late work/make-up will be accepted by a loss of 20 points for the first day and 10 points each day there after. Be sure to set up a date with me to make-up a test or quiz. Make-up tests and quizzes will not be made up during class time. Please be knowledgeable of the Power of I. “0”s are not acceptable.

Extra Curricular/Co Curricular: Students may become involved in the Willis FFA where they can participate in leadership events, career development events, livestock exhibition, and others. All students, a member of the Willis FFA or not, will be required to keep a record book, which will include all activities they choose to participate in. These record books can be used to apply for college scholarships through the FFA. Membership fee for Willis FFA is $25.

Tips for Being Successful in Veterinary Medical Applications:

1.  Have materials everyday in class.

2.  Complete all assigned work in class.

3.  Put forth your best effort and TRY!

4.  After an absence get work and

makeup work within 3 days.

5. Be respectful to teacher and peers.


1.  1st Disruption – Warning

2.  2nd Disruption – Call home/email

3.  3rd Disruption – Referral (call home/email)

4.  After 3 disruptions student and parent will be responsible for meeting with Mrs. Traylor and the assistant principal for possible removal from Vet Tech Program.

5.  Three absences in a row from class – Call home/email

Please sign and return signature page. Keep top page to keep for your information.

I have read and understand what is expected in Mrs. Traylor’s Veterinary Medical Applications class.

Parent’s Signature Parent email address Date

Parent Day Phone Number

Student’s Signature Date

Print Student Name