Oakton Community College

Community College District 535

Purchasing Department, Room 1540

1600 E. Golf Rd., Des Plaines, IL 60016


Request for Proposal #11

Issue Date: May 5, 2010

Proposals will be received in the Purchasing Department at the above address until

2:00 pm on Thursday, May 20, 2010

Proposals will be publicly opened at this time. Late proposals will not be accepted.

Request for Proposal for Learning Management System

Please note that this proposal will not be awarded based on price alone. After a thorough review and evaluation of the responses submitted, the College will select the one company that best meets our needs and is in the best overall interests of the College.

Please submit three copies of your proposal

Technical questions regarding this proposal should be directed to Gary Newhouse, Dean, Library and Media Services at: and business related questions should be directed to Wayne Szatkowski, Purchasing Manager at: .

Oakton Community College District 535 is exempt from all Federal, State and Municipal Taxes.

I have examined the specifications and instructions included herein and agree, provided I am awarded a contract within 60 days of the proposal due date, to provide the specified items for the sum shown in accordance with the terms stated herein. All deviations from the specifications and terms are in writing and attached hereto.

Company Name: ______Date: ______


Name: ______Title:______

Phone # ______Fax # ______

Signature: ______E-mail: ______

Oakton Community College

Proposal #11

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Instructions to Vendors

1. / Bid Forms: / Proposals should be submitted on the form provided. Envelopes marked “Sealed Proposal For…” Proposals cannot be accepted via fax machines.
2. / Specifications: / Generally, where specifications indicate a particular brand or manufacturer’s catalog number, it shall be understood to mean that or equal, unless “no substitutes” is specified. When offering alternates, they must be identified by brand name, catalog number and manufacturer’s literature must be included.
3. / Samples: / Vendors will be required to furnish no charge samples upon request.
4. / F.O.B. Point: / All prices must be quoted F.O.B. destination. Shipments shall become property of Oakton Community College after delivery and acceptance.
5. / Delivery Points: / Deliveries will be made to the various buildings within the district, as indicated.
6. / Delivery Schedule: / Bids must specify delivery time. Unrealistically long delivery times may cause proposals to be rejected. Order may be canceled without obligation if delivery requirements are not met.
7. / Evaluations: / Oakton Community College reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any technicalities in the proposals, and to award each item to different vendors or all items to a single vendor.
8. / Vendor Selection: / The College will review all proposal information and select the one company that is in the College’s best interests.
9. / Prices: / Prices, terms and conditions must be firm for acceptance for sixty (60) days from the date of proposal opening unless otherwise agreed to by District #535 and vendor.
10. / Quantities: / Quantities shown may be estimates only and orders may be more or less depending on actual requirements and budget limitations.
11. / Exceptions: / Any exceptions to these terms, conditions or deviations from written specifications must be shown in writing and attached to the proposal form.
12. / Tax Exemptions: / Oakton Community College District #535 is exempt from Federal, State and Municipal taxes. Exemption certificates will be furnished upon request.
13. / Equal Employment Opportunity Clause/
Prevailing Wage: / Oakton Community College is an equal opportunity employer, and parties doing business with the College must comply with the Equal Employment Opportunity Clause as required by the Illinois Fair Employment Practices Commission. Not less than the prevailing wage shall be paid for labor on the work to be performed as required by law.
14. / Non-Collusion Clause: / The vendor or agent hereby declares that he, nor any other agent of his business, entered into any collusion or agreement relative to the price to be bid. He further declares that no persons, firms or corporations, have or will receive directly, any rebate, fee, gift, commission, etc., or that any employee or Board of Trustee member of Oakton Community College District #535 has any undisclosed interest in the awarding of this contract.

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Proposal #11

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General Proposal Information

1)  Please supply 3 copies of your proposal.

2)  The proposal will be awarded at the June 29, 2010 Board of Trustees meeting.

3)  Prior to making a final decision, the College may ask that a vendor come to the Campus to make a presentation and take part in an interview.

4)  Because this is a sealed proposal, the College cannot accept your response over the phone, by fax or e-mail. If you are sending your proposal via an overnight carrier please address the envelope to:

Oakton Community College

Attention: Purchasing Officem Room 1540

Proposal #11

1600 East Golf Road

Des Plaines, IL 60016

5)  The College is exempt from all taxes.

6)  If your company will not be submitting a proposal, please return this sheet marked “NO BID.”

7)  The College participates in the following purchasing consortiums: :

Educational and Institutional Cooperative Services (E & I)

U. S. Communities, Government Purchasing Alliance

Illinois Department of Central Management Service (CMS)

Illinois Community College System Foundation (ICCSPC)

Illinois Public Higher Education Cooperative (IPHEC)

Midwest Higher Education Consortium (MHEC).

Any appropriate discounts and/or special pricing from these consortiums should be applied to this bid.

Oakton Community College

Proposal #11

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Oakton Community College is a two year community college in Des Plaines, Illinois, serving 465,000 residents of northeast suburban Cook County. Oakton’s fall 2009 credit enrollment was 10,500 students with an FTE of 5973. The college also supports an extensive non-credit curriculum. In the spring 2010 semester, Oakton offered approximately 200 full online course sections and used learning management software to support an additional 300 face-to-face class sections. Oakton currently uses WebCT version Campus Edition.

Oakton is seeking a proposal to replace its existing learning management software. (LMS) The goal of this RFP is to assess LMS technologies and costs and choose a product that will best meet the needs of the college now and in the future. The successful vendor will be expected to provide a list of successful implementations at educational institutions of similar size and complexity.

Dates and Timeframes*

RFP Issued / May 5, 2010
Deadline for Vendors submission of proposals / May 20, 2010
Approval of contract award by Board of Trustees / June 29, 2010
Software Implementation / Summer 2010
Project Time Frame (Course conversion) / Summer 2010-Summer 2011

*The college reserves the right to change or alter these times and activities.

Three signed and sealed copies of the proposal should be mailed or delivered to:

Oakton Community College
Attention: Purchasing Department, Room 1540
1600 E. Golf Rd.
Des Plaines, IL 60016

Oakton Community College

Proposal #11

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It is assumed that the LMS supports the following general features. If your product supports the feature, you may simply indicate “Yes” for sections 1 through 4. If you wish to elaborate further, you are welcome to expand your response. If “No”, please explain.

1. Communications

a.  The LMS supports robust discussion boards which are easy for students to participate in and for instructors to manage.

b.  The LMS has file exchange tools, such as drop boxes, to facilitate sharing of files with instructors and other students; these tools support group work.

c.  The LMS supports internal and external email communication.

d.  The LMS supports real-time chat tools, including archives for subsequent review.

e.  The LMS supports electronic Whiteboard tools, including image and PowerPoint uploading, graphing and mathematical symbols.

f.  The LMS provides tools for students to monitor their own progress in courses.

g.  The LMS supports group work with secure dedicated group work space and the ability to assign specific tasks and projects to groups.

2. Assessment

a.  The LMS supports a variety of assessment types including multiple choice, multiple answer, matching, ordering, calculated, fill-in the blank, short answer, survey questions, and essay.

b.  The LMS supports automated testing management, including when tests may be taken, time-on-test limits, and test banks.

c.  Tests can be customizable to accommodate different student needs.

d.  Test results integrate with grade book functions.

e.  Test tools support MathML for inclusion of mathematical formulas.

f.  The LMS supports the importing and exporting of tests and test banks.

g.  The LMS supports a comprehensive grade book to track student progress and work online. Online assignments are automatically added to the grade book; offline assignments can be added.

h.  Grade book presentation allows the instructor to continuously view the student name when managing grades. (similar to a ‘freeze panes’ spreadsheet feature)

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Proposal #11

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3. Course Management

a.  The LMS supports a variety of pedagogical approaches and can be responsive to the various learning styles of students.

b.  The LMS provides tools which allow the instructors to control the progression of an online class through the course material.

c.  The LMS provides the ability to track the usage of course materials by students, and perform analysis and reporting both of aggregate and individual usage.

d.  Student usage data is maintained over the life of the course.

e.  The LMS maintains a learning objects repository which facilitates content sharing and reuse.

f.  The LMS supports template based course creation, and allows for the development of a custom designed Oakton template.

g.  The platform has a wizard type program to assist instructors in course design and the application of rubrics.

h.  The LMS supports text, multimedia, html, blogs, wikis, etc. as part of the learning environment.

i.  The LMS supports complex course structures, including multiple semester periods with flexible start and end dates, multiple section courses, and non-credit courses.

j.  The LMS complies with Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act, and with WAI WCAG 1.0 Level A guidelines.

k.  The LMS is SCORM and IMS compliant.

4. Administration Tools

a.  The LMS fully interfaces with Sungard Higher Education’s Banner Student Information System (Version 8) to facilitate the creation of course rosters and gradebooks. The system also allows for manual registration controls.

b.  The LMS can authenticate against an external LDAP server and Sungard’s Luminis Portal (Version 4.1) and support Oakton’s single signon system.

c.  The LMS has the ability to integrate with external technologies, for example plagiarism detection software, synchronous conferencing tools (Elluminate), Jing, Captiva, iTunes_U, etc.

d.  The LMS supports restricting access based on roles, and roles are customizable. A guest role is available for courses.

e.  The LMS supports a variety of browsers and versions, and includes a browser checker functionality, which allows the student to determine if a particular browser is compatible with the LMS.

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5. Implementation Services

Briefly describe the project management and implementation support proposed for the project.

6. Content Migration

Please describe the migration path and process to migrate existing courses from WebCT Campus Edition to your product. Please identify any known content type issues, or other migration problems.

7. System and Hardware Requirements

Please identify hardware specifications, including operating systems versions, revision levels, patch levels and software incompatibilities. Identify database requirements, preferred hardware and operating system. Please confirm that your software supports virtualization.

8. Hosting Services

If your product includes a hosting option, please describe hosting capability, including service level agreements and average uptime per month.

9. Reference Sites

Provide a minimum of three educational institution reference sites where your product has been in production for at least one year, and where user authentication is to an LDAP directory.

10. Customer Support/Maintenance/Training

Please describe your customer service options, including:

a.  Modes of support (email, forums, telephone)

b.  Support hours

c.  Description of your support team

d.  What is included in your standard maintenance

e.  Training options provided (onsite? Online? Public classroom?)

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Proposal #11

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11. Pricing Quotation

Please provide all pricing that will apply to your proposal for a three year contract.

Also provide pricing for a 5 year contract. Please identify one time versus recurring costs. This should include

3 Year Contract Price / 5 Year Contract Price
a / Basic Software license cost and license terms
b / Cost to have additional copies in a development and backup environment
c / Maintenance contract terms and rates for 1, 2 and 3 years
d / Training options (costs per person or per class)
e / Rates for hourly consulting
f / Integration with Sungard Higher Education Banner SIS (8) and Luminis Portal (4.1)
g / Other recommended costs including such items as installation, integration and course conversion tools
h / Hosting costs, if available

12. Other

Please list any other key feature or service which you feel distinguishes your company or product, and which you think we should consider in our selection process.

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Proposal #11

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13. Company Profile

Please provide the following information:

a.  Company locations

b.  Number of years in business

c.  Total number of employees

d.  Number of developers

e.  Number of customer support staff

f.  Total number of clients / number of Higher Education clients / Community College clients

g.  Primary markets

h.  Credentials/resume’s for the proposed project team that will be working on our account.

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Proposal #11

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Pursuant to Illinois Revised Statutes Chapter 38, Article 33E (Public Contracts), the undersigned certifies that he/she is a duly authorized agent of the contractor submitting the attached bid to Community College District 535, Oakton Community College and that said contractor is not barred from bidding on this public contract as a result of a violation of either Section 33E-3 or 33E-4 of said statute.

Signed this ______day of ______, 2010.

By: ______

Title: ______

Address: ______



me this _____ day of ______, 2010.


Notary Public

Please return this form with your proposal.