Personal Finance Syllabus

Grading System:




  1. The student will demonstrate an understanding of terminology related to personal finance sub categories and understand the opportunities of consumer responsibilities.
  2. The student will demonstrate an understanding for basic personal finance terminology, concepts and procedures for loans, credit, estate planning and retirement plans.
  3. The student will recognize the legal and ethical issues that affect personal finance responsibilities.
  4. The student will use personal finance related software.


Income Standards: Students will be able to:

  1. Identify sources of income.
  2. Analyze how career choice, education, skills and economic conditions affect income.
  3. Explain how taxes, government transfer payments, and employee benefits relate to disposable income.

Money Management Standards: Students will be able to:

  1. Explain how limited personal financial resources affect the choices people make.
  2. Identify the opportunity cost of financial decisions.
  3. Discuss the importance of taking responsibility for personal financial decisions.
  4. Apply a decision-making process to personal financial decisions.
  5. Explain how inflation affects spending and investing decisions.
  6. Describe how insurance and other risk-management strategies protect against financial loss.
  7. Design a plan for earning, spending, saving and investing.
  8. Explain how to use money-management tools available from financial institutions.

Spending and Credit Standards: Students will be able to:

  1. Compare the benefits and costs of spending decisions.
  2. Evaluate information about products and services.
  3. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of different payment methods.
  4. Analyze the benefits and costs of consumer credit.
  5. Compare sources of consumer credit.
  6. Explain factors that affect creditworthiness and the purpose of credit problems.
  7. Identify ways to avoid or correct credit problems.
  8. Describe the rights and responsibilities of buyers and sellers under consumer protection laws.

Saving and Investing Standards: Students will be able to:

  1. Explain the relationship between saving and investing.
  2. Describe reasons for saving and reasons for investing.
  3. Compare the risk, return, and liquidity of investment alternatives.
  4. Describe how to buy and sell investments.
  5. Explain how different factors affect the rate of return of investments.
  6. Explain how agencies that regulate financial markets protect investors.

Managing Your Personal Finances Fifth Edition Contents:

Unit 1 Career Decision

  • Chapter 1Choosing your Career
  • Chapter 2Planning Your Career
  • Chapter 3Getting the Job
  • Chapter 4Adapting to Work
  • Chapter 5Work Laws and Responsibilities

Unit 2 Money Management

  • Chapter 6Pay, Benefits, and Working Conditions
  • Chapter 7Federal Income Tax
  • Chapter 8Budgets and Financial Records
  • Chapter 9Checking Accounts and Other Banking Services

Unit 3 Financial Security

  • Chapter 10Saving for the Future
  • Chapter 11Investing For Your Future
  • Chapter 12Investing in Stocks
  • Chapter 13Investing in Bonds
  • Chapter 14Investing in Mutual Funds, Real Estate, and Other Choices
  • Chapter 15Retirement and Estate Planning

Unit 4 Credit Management

  • Chapter 16Credit In America
  • Chapter 17Credit Records and Laws
  • Chapter 18Responsiblities and Costs of Credit
  • Chapter 19Problems With Credit

Unit 5 Resource Management

  • Chapter 20Personal Decision Making
  • Chapter 21Renting a Residence
  • Chapter 22Buying a Home
  • Chapter 23Buying and Caring for a Vehicle
  • Chapter 24Family Decisions

Unit 6 Risk Management

  • Chapter 25Introduction to Risk Management
  • Chapter 26Property and Liability Insurance
  • Chapter 27Health and Life Insurance

Unit 7 Consumer Rights and Responsibilities

  • Chapter 28Role of Consumers in a Free Enterprise System
  • Chapter 29Consumer Protection
  • Chapter 30Dispute Resolution