Personal Finance Syllabus
Grading System:
- The student will demonstrate an understanding of terminology related to personal finance sub categories and understand the opportunities of consumer responsibilities.
- The student will demonstrate an understanding for basic personal finance terminology, concepts and procedures for loans, credit, estate planning and retirement plans.
- The student will recognize the legal and ethical issues that affect personal finance responsibilities.
- The student will use personal finance related software.
Income Standards: Students will be able to:
- Identify sources of income.
- Analyze how career choice, education, skills and economic conditions affect income.
- Explain how taxes, government transfer payments, and employee benefits relate to disposable income.
Money Management Standards: Students will be able to:
- Explain how limited personal financial resources affect the choices people make.
- Identify the opportunity cost of financial decisions.
- Discuss the importance of taking responsibility for personal financial decisions.
- Apply a decision-making process to personal financial decisions.
- Explain how inflation affects spending and investing decisions.
- Describe how insurance and other risk-management strategies protect against financial loss.
- Design a plan for earning, spending, saving and investing.
- Explain how to use money-management tools available from financial institutions.
Spending and Credit Standards: Students will be able to:
- Compare the benefits and costs of spending decisions.
- Evaluate information about products and services.
- Compare the advantages and disadvantages of different payment methods.
- Analyze the benefits and costs of consumer credit.
- Compare sources of consumer credit.
- Explain factors that affect creditworthiness and the purpose of credit problems.
- Identify ways to avoid or correct credit problems.
- Describe the rights and responsibilities of buyers and sellers under consumer protection laws.
Saving and Investing Standards: Students will be able to:
- Explain the relationship between saving and investing.
- Describe reasons for saving and reasons for investing.
- Compare the risk, return, and liquidity of investment alternatives.
- Describe how to buy and sell investments.
- Explain how different factors affect the rate of return of investments.
- Explain how agencies that regulate financial markets protect investors.
Managing Your Personal Finances Fifth Edition Contents:
Unit 1 Career Decision
- Chapter 1Choosing your Career
- Chapter 2Planning Your Career
- Chapter 3Getting the Job
- Chapter 4Adapting to Work
- Chapter 5Work Laws and Responsibilities
Unit 2 Money Management
- Chapter 6Pay, Benefits, and Working Conditions
- Chapter 7Federal Income Tax
- Chapter 8Budgets and Financial Records
- Chapter 9Checking Accounts and Other Banking Services
Unit 3 Financial Security
- Chapter 10Saving for the Future
- Chapter 11Investing For Your Future
- Chapter 12Investing in Stocks
- Chapter 13Investing in Bonds
- Chapter 14Investing in Mutual Funds, Real Estate, and Other Choices
- Chapter 15Retirement and Estate Planning
Unit 4 Credit Management
- Chapter 16Credit In America
- Chapter 17Credit Records and Laws
- Chapter 18Responsiblities and Costs of Credit
- Chapter 19Problems With Credit
Unit 5 Resource Management
- Chapter 20Personal Decision Making
- Chapter 21Renting a Residence
- Chapter 22Buying a Home
- Chapter 23Buying and Caring for a Vehicle
- Chapter 24Family Decisions
Unit 6 Risk Management
- Chapter 25Introduction to Risk Management
- Chapter 26Property and Liability Insurance
- Chapter 27Health and Life Insurance
Unit 7 Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
- Chapter 28Role of Consumers in a Free Enterprise System
- Chapter 29Consumer Protection
- Chapter 30Dispute Resolution