of the RoyalCollege of Psychiatrists
on 16 November 2012, 10.30am
SEC/07/13 /
Summary notes
Morning session:
Addiction Psychiatry and the Competitive Market
Presented by Owen Bowden Jones
- Follow up paper for next meeting (Owen BowdenJones)
- Take forward the issue of Information sharing (President)
- Issue to be taken to the Quality Improvement Group at Academy (President)
- Innovation Report(Neil Deuchar)
Bridging the gap between neurology, psychiatry, neuropsychiatry and the rest of physical medicine.
Presentations from Paul Gill, Peter Woodruff and Nick Craddock
- Dr Gill, Professor Woodruff and Professor Craddock to combine the presentation and discussion points with a view to producing a position statement and an ultimately an article for the Lancet with all Trustees as authors
Main agenda items:
Revised statement on academic activities. Revised draft presented (now refers to ‘employing organisations’ not Trusts, to reflect different structures in different parts of UK). Approved as College Statement.
Cross Faculty working. The Faculty Chairs will present a report on joint activities and projects. Council confirmed that joint meetings are an effective way to enhance connectivity; the financial arrangements for such meetings can be agreed between the relevant Faculties.
Revalidation. Employers should be working out dates for their staff to undergo revalidation, and informing them. No particular advantages to be gained by asking for earlier dates. Also concern about rights to confidentiality re health problems being lost during revalidation process. The President will check with the GMC.
Identifying specialties. The Faculties noted that it is not currently possible to identify on the College database people who actually work in a specialty (because any College Member can join any F/S/SIG). The Chief Executive will look into the issue.
AoMRC. The Secretary of State has identified four key areas on which he will focus (dementia, long term conditions, caring, mortality outcomes). The Academy is hosting seminars for him on each. The College has been asked to send a representative to all four seminars.
ACCEA. There may be a round in 2013 but earlier than usual. The College has adjusted its schedule appropriately and will inform members when the round will be held.
RCPCH. They are looking to increase their work with other organisations. Council agreed that the College should continue to collaborate with RCPCH, and would support their proposed Faculty of Child Health.
Winterbourne View. The concordat is due out shortly.
Francis Report (the Mid Staffs enquiry). The report is due in mid January. It is likely to be very critical. The College will respond when the report comes out.
S12. A technical error was identified in s12 accreditation by some SHAs. The matter has now been rectified and the DH has written to all affected doctors and patients.
S136. The College will be seeking data on places of safety under s136 for use by the inter-organisational collaborative group which will be drafting commissioning guidance on this matter.
Request for input. The President invited input from Council members on challenges and opportunities for the College, psychiatrists, and users and carers, for discussion at the next meeting of Council.
Schizophrenia Commission report. ‘The abandoned illness’ was published recently. Council noted that patient feedback, received as part of the ACP360 process, gives psychiatrists a consistently good score. The College should also celebrate excellence, publicising the many good wards and services, as well as working with those that need to improve. The new mental health champions within local authorities and Trusts would have an important role here. The National Audit of Schizophrenia Services will be published in December and will provide evidence-based information.
Foundation year placements. Noted that the Collins report (Oct 2010) highlighted deficiencies in the FY programme regarding opportunities to work in mental health. MH outcomes also neglected within the curriculum and WPBAs. Good progress is being made: the DH has required SHAs to increase the proportions of placements in FY1 and FY2 from 1.5% to 7.5% by 2014 (although this may not in fact be achieved so rapidly). The College will work to ensure that placements are meaningful and useful for trainees, and raise awareness among trainers.
Internal auditors. Crowe Clark Whitehill re-appointed for a further 12 months as the College’s internal auditors.
College budget 2013. Approved
Recruitment. The Divisions are rolling out the College’s strategy to increase recruitment into psychiatry. There has already been a significant increase in activity, and 14 areas have been identified where progress should be made within the next 12 months.
New Building. Bridging finance agreement approved.
Risk management. Briefing on risk management policy and identified risks received. Policy approved, no additional risks identified.
Psychopharmacology. Council agreed that the SIG will become a Special Committee.
Gowns for College Officers and Members. Council agreed that the College should commission gowns for College officers to wear on formal occasions. Standard black gowns to be offered for hire to new Members.
Classification of diseases. The Editor is in discussions with the WHO about the latest update of the International Classification of Diseases. WHO plan to visit the College to meet the President and Chief Executive to discuss how they can increase their user and carer engagement. ICD 11 will also be on the agenda for discussion at that meeting.
Re-election of President. Professor Sue Bailey nominated for her third and final year from July 2013. One month for further nominations from College Members.
Annual reports received from:
- Special Committee on ECT and related treatments
- Special Committee on Professional Practice and Ethics.
Next meeting. 22 February 2013 (NB this is a change from previously advised date)