WRIA 8 Committee Updates 1-15-09
WRIA 8 Technical Committee:
The H-Integration Subcommittee and co-managers (Muckleshoot Tribe and WDFW) have created a working draft of Step 3 of the H-Integration process (“agree upon common goals and outcomes across the H-sectors that describe what will be achieved in measurable terms”). This as well as a draft of Step 2 (“gain a common understanding of the past and present status of Chinook in the watershed, including harvest, and hatchery effects’) will be submitted for full Technical Committee for review and approval in Q1 2009.
An agreement was negotiated and signed with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to perform wadeable stream surveys in 2009 and 2010. The TC is continuing work to refine an overall monitoring strategy that will further identify specific monitoring gaps and priorities for 2009 and beyond.
Work Plan:
The main items on the TC work plan remain the development and implementation of a monitoring framework and H-Integration. Other important issues include:
· Technical support and analysis of proposed updates to the 3-year project list
· Evaluating the effectiveness of specific restoration and conservation projects and programs – this may involve initiating assessments or reviewing other work (e.g. SRFB or King County effectiveness monitoring activities)
· Technical analysis and communication of findings to the W8 Recovery Council.
· Assisting in prioritizing and promoting top projects
· Status and progress assessment – the W8 Chinook Plan calls for a major review of our progress in 2010 (the 5-year mark). Planning for and executing that review will need to get under way in 2009.
· Assessment of Chinook plan effects on steelhead and other species – listings of other salmonid species may require TC input.
· Technical interactions with the Puget Sound Partnership and other agencies – e.g., supporting technical work groups, adaptive management plan development.
WRIA 8 Implementation Committee:
The Committee met on Jan. 6th to discuss their 2009 priorities and to prepare for Jan. 15th WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council meeting. They also discussed whether or not to pursue another EPA grant to advance low impact development in WRIA 8. They decided not to pursue this grant at this time because the chances of being successful lower this round than in 2008. This year’s EPA grant is expanded West Coast Estuaries (rather than just Puget Sound) and low impact development is now required under NPDES permits so a WRIA 8 proposal is likely to be considered ineligible for the grant funding. In late January, the WRIA 8 team will also be asking WRIA 8 partners to update their progress in implementing the WRIA 8 Plan from their 2008 implementation survey responses.