1. General Information
President / Chancellor Dra. Sonia Roca De Castro
Institution Dealing with Students Exchange Matters / Direction of International Relations
Contact Person:
Email: / Gabriela Zuquilanda P.
Director of International Relations
Av. 6 de Diciembre N59-161 y Santa Lucia
Quito -Ecuador.
+593 (2) 2800600 Ext. 118
+593 (3) 465045

Exchange Program Coordinator:
Email: / Priscila Roca T.
International Students Affairs and Exchange Programs Coordinator
Km 7.5 Vía a La Costa
Guayaquil - Ecuador
+593 (4) 2873387 Ext. 118
+593 (4) 2873977

Website for Exchange-related Information / http://www.upacifico.edu.ec/Templates/Extranjeros.html
Academic calendar available / The University works in trimesters, which means that we are open all year long in the following terms:
From January to March: April to June: July to September: September to December
See our website for detail info.
2. Application
Application Procedure / Nominees of our partner universities should fill out the application form and send all required materials by the deadline by the International Students Affairs and Exchange Programs Coordinator
Application Form
Reference Form / Online Application Form: http://www.upacifico.edu.ec/Archivos/International%20Student%20Application.pdf
Required Documents for Application / Application Form
Two Reference Forms
Letter of Postulation from The University
Resume updated in Spanish
Academic Record
2 photographs
Passport Copy
Deadline for Application / Fall / Spring
July-September: March 15th
October – December: June 15th / January – March: September 15th
April-June: December 15th
Suggested Length of Study for Exchange / ü  One Trimester
ü  Two Trimesters (One Semester)
ü  One Year
Number of Exchange Students Allowed / 10 per year
Required Level of Language Proficiency / It is appropriate to have a sufficiency in Spanish, but we can work something if the student has a good level of English
Estimated time to deliver Acceptance Letter / Please send all documentation by courier.
Normal courier: 8 labor days
Fast courier: 2-4 labor days
Procedure of applying for student visa / Provided the corresponding letter of acceptance, the student has to solicit their visa at the corresponding nearest Ecuadorian Consulate.
3. Course Information
Course list / Soon to be posted in the web page
Credits Recommended to take per trimester / Minimum: 3 credits
Maximum: 15 credits
Transcripts / International Coordination will send all transcripts by e-mail to the International Office of partner university.
Preliminary Language Training : / If required we can arrange language courses, but these courses have a cost, depending on the number of students and the number of hours.
4. Accommodation
Where are Students Accommodated? / We help the student finding Host Families for the first 2 weeks. Then students decide if they want to stay with their Host Families or they can rent and share department with other students or for themselves. But it is always the student’s choice. We have some rental options for students if Host Families are not available.
Contact Information: / Coordinator of International Students Affairs and Exchange Programs (Priscila Roca) and the Students Welfare Director from the campus chosen.
Guayaquil: Fausto Vásconez/ E-mail:
Quito: Inés Novillo / E-mail:
Cuenca: Linda Cobos / E-mail:
Housing Cost: / Approximately $14 per day (Host Families)
Rental Departments ($400 monthly approximately)
Pre-Arrival Guide: / http://www.upacifico.edu.ec/Archivos/Manual%20for%20Intl%20students%202005.pdf
Here you’ll find all information detailed before the students arrival and all steps they need to know to complete their migratory requirements.
5. Expenses (in local currency)
Insurance / The student has to purchase their health insurance for the time of the exchange program. Mandatory
Food / 200 to 300 American dollars per month
Public Transport / 100 American dollars per month.
