JEEINT - Introduction to Java EE Programming / Duration: 5 days
This course provides the ideal starting point for Java EE developers learning about Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) using Eclipse. This course covers programming topics specific to Java Servlets and JavaServer pages (JSP). In addition to covering the basics, this course will cover more advanced topics including JDBC, JSP Standard Tag Library, Model/View/Controller (MVC), and JavaBeans. You will also take a look at more advanced Java EE programming concepts like security, annotations, and JavaServer Faces.
Target Audience:
This course is intended for Java programmers who build server-side web applications in leveraging Eclipse to streamline their development cycle.
This course is for students that need to take their Java skills to the Enterprise. You MUST have either attended our Java SE courses, both Introduction and Advanced, or have equivalent experience (minimum 6 months professional coding experience). Some web programming experience is also preferred. / Module 1: Java Enterprise Edition (EE) Overview
§  Introduction to Java Platform
§  Java Community Process (JCP)
§  Introduction to Java EE
§  Why Move to Java EE?
§  Java EE - New and Enhanced Features
§  Java EE Software Packaging
§  Java EE Technologies
Module 2: Servlet Basics
§  History – CGI
§  Server Extension APIs
§  Java Servlet
§  New in Servlet 2.5
§  Servlet Container
§  Servlet Responsibilities
§  J2EE and Servlet
§  The Servlet Class
§  The HttpServlet Class
§  The Servlet Container
§  The Servlet API
§  Life Cycle – Initialisation
§  Life Cycle – Processing
§  Life Cycle – Destroy
§  User Input
§  Example – User Input
§  Output to Client
§  Servlet Error Handling
§  Threading Issues
Module 3: Servlet Interaction Interface
§  Request
§  Request Parameters
§  Request Attributes
§  Request Headers
§  Request Path
§  Other Request Information
§  Response
§  Cookies
§  Components of a Cookie
§  Issuing a Cookie
§  Retrieving Cookies
§  Deleting a Cookie
§  Servlet Context
§  Servlet Context Attributes
§  Session Tracking
§  Tracking Techniques
§  HTML Hidden Fields
§  Using HttpSession
§  Session Invalidation
§  HttpSession - URL Rewriting
Module 4: JavaServer Page (JSP) Basics:
§  JavaServer Pages
§  A Simple Example – Hello.jsp
§  JSP Benefits
Module 10: Servlet Event Listener
§  What are Listeners?
§  Types of Listeners
§  Writing a Servlet Context Listener
§  Writing a Servlet Context Attribute Listener
§  Writing a Session Activation Listener
§  Writing a Session Attribute Listener
§  Registering Listeners
§  Lifecycle of Listeners
Module 11: JSP Custom Tag Development
§  What is Custom Tag?
§  Why Develop Custom Tags?
§  The Nature of a Custom Tag
§  Tag Body
§  Fragment Attribute
§  Dynamic Attributes
§  Tag Library Descriptor (TLD)
§  Tag Implementation Options
§  The Simple Tag API
§  Life Cycle of a Simple Tag
§  The JspContext Object
§  Dealing with the Body
§  Implementing an Iteration Tag
§  Accessing a Parent Tag
§  Working with Fragment Attributes
§  The TLD File
§  Defining a Tag
§  Packaging a Tag Library
§  Using a Tag Library
§  The Tag File Approach
§  The Tag Directive
§  Defining Attributes
§  Working with Variables
§  Working with Fragment Attributes
Module 12: JEE Security
§  JEE Authentication mechanisms
§  Basic authentication
§  Form-based authentication
§  Client certificate authentication
§  JEE Authorization
§  Declarative security on Web Resources
§  Programmatic security on Web Resources
§  Security role reference
§  Defining security roles using annotations
§  Delegation
§  Declarative security on EJB Resources
§  Protecting beans using annotations
§  Protecting beans using the deployment descriptor
§  Programmatic security on EJB application
§  Delegation
Module 17: Introduction to Struts
§  What is Struts?
§  Why Struts?
§  Struts Components
§  The Controller Layer
§  Chain of Command
§  The Controller Layer
§  The View Layer
§  The Form Bean
§  A Simple Action
§  Struts Configuration
§  Define HelloAction
§  Invoking HelloAction
§  Finding Information About Struts / Module 4 (cont.)
§  Evolution of Dynamic Content Technologies
§  How JSP Works
§  JSP Invocation
§  JSP Scripting Elements
§  The XML Syntax
§  JSP Directive
§  page Directive Attributes
§  page Attribute – errorPage
§  page Attribute – isErrorPage
§  Directives – include
§  Include at compile time vs. at request time
§  Request time inclusion
§  JSP Declarations
§  JSP Expressions
§  JSP Scriptlets
§  JSP Comments
§  JSP Predefined Variables
§  The request Object
§  The response Object
§  The out Object
Module 5: Using JavaBeans with JSP
§  What is a JavaBean?
§  Structure of a JavaBean
§  Life Cycle
§  Properties
§  Very Simple Bean
§  Using JavaBeans in JSP
§  The tag
§  Java Bean scope
§  in Action
§  The tag
§  The tag
§  Mapping all the request parameters
§  Mixing Scriptlets and Bean tags
Module 6: Model/View/Controller Pattern
§  Key Issues for Web Application Development Productivity
§  Web Application Programming Model – MVC
§  JavaBeans
§  MVC Implementation
§  Request Dispatching
§  Request Dispatching - Forward vs. Include
§  Request Dispatching - Forward Request to JSP
§  HTTP Redirection
§  Dispatch vs. redirection
§  Redirecting to a JSP
§  Supply Result information to the JSP
§  Display JavaBean Properties in JSP
Module 13: Java EE Annotation Programming
§  What are Annotations?
§  Java Metadata Specification
§  Where Can Annotations Be Used?
§  Resource Annotations
§  @Resource, @Resources
§  @EJB
§  @Persistence Annotations
§  @PostConstruct, @PreDestroy
§  @WebServiceRef
Module 14: Introduction to JavaServer Faces
§  What is JavaServer Faces (JSF)?
§  Why Use JSF?
§  Nature of a JSF Application
§  The Sun Reference Implementation (RI)
§  JSF and MVC
Faces Servlet
§  Connection
§  Statement
§  Prepared Statement
§  Advantages of Prepare Statement
§  ResultSet
§  Close the Connection
§  Need for Connection Pooling
§  Connection Pooling in JDBC 2.0
§  Connection Pooling
§  Managed Bean
§  The View
§  Page Flow or Navigation Rule
§  How Does the Application Work?
§  The Rendered Form HTML
§  The Layout Tree
Module 15: Managed Bean
§  What is a Managed Bean?
§  Why Do You Need a Managed Bean?
§  Managed Bean as a Controller
§  Registering a Managed Bean
§  Lifecycle of a Managed Bean
§  Initialising a Managed Bean
§  What Scope to Use?
§  Value Binding
§  Property Data Conversion
§  Advanced Property Types
§  Component Binding
§  Other Binding Types
§  Basic Input Processing
§  Advanced Input Processing
§  JSF Expression Language
§  Language Basics
§  Use of Expression in JSF
§  Basic Expression
§  Property Access Expression
§  Map Access Expression
§  Complex Access Expression
§  Predefined Objects
§  Operators
Module 7: Working with Databases
§  What is JDBC?
§  JDBC Architecture
§  JDBC: Basic Steps
§  Loading a Driver
§  DB2 UDB JDBC Drivers
§  Oracle JDBC Drivers
§  Create a Connection
§  Basic Steps in Using JDBC Connection Pooling
§  Access a DataSource
§  Get a Connection
§  Release Connections
§  Resource References
§  Packaging Tag Files
§  Creating the TLD File
§  Using a Tag File from a JSP
Module 8: JSP Expression Language and Standard Tag Library
§  JSP Expression Language (EL)
§  Basic Usage
§  Unified Expression Language
§  Built-in Objects
§  Working with Arrays and Maps
§  Operators
§  JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
§  Run Time Version
§  Basic Tags
§  Condition Tags
§  Iterator Tags
§  Internationalisation (I18N)
§  Setting Preferred Locale
§  Specifying Resource Bundle
§  Display Translated Text
§  Display Number
§  Display Date
§  JDBC Tags
§  Specify Data Source
§  Performing a Query
§  Display Result
§  Function Tags
§  Function Syntax
§  fn Functions
Module 9: Servlet Filters
§  What is a filter?
§  Why use a filter?
§  Uses for Filtering
§  Features of filters
§  The Filter interface
§  How a filter works
§  In what order?
§  A simple logging filter
§  Configuring the filter
§  Mapping the filter
§  The Web Deployment Descriptor
§  Common filter tasks
§  Request and Response Wrappers
Module 16: Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) Overview
§  Need for EJBs
§  Distributed Computing
§  Distributed Transaction
§  Distributed Security
§  What are EJBs?
§  Main Characteristics of EJBs
§  EJB Remote Method Call
§  EJB Architecture Components
§  EJB Client
§  EJB JAR File
§  EJB Container
§  EJB Server
§  Enterprise JavaBeans
§  Session Beans
§  Entity Beans
§  Java Persistence API - Entities
§  Message-Driven Beans (MDBs)
§  EJB Specification

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