
Nazi Leaders and the Nuremburg Trials

Research the following Nazi leaders involved in the Nuremburg Trials and respond to the questions. Use the following website to access information:

Name / Picture / Quote / Who was he? / Outcome
Goering / / “We had orders to obey the head of state. We weren't a band of criminals meeting in the woods in the dead of night to plan mass murders...The four real conspirators are missing: The Fuhrer, Himmler, Bormann, and Goebbels." (1/5/46)..."This is a political trial by the victors and it will be a good thing when Germany realizes that..." (6/13/46) / Count 1:
Count 2:
Count 3:
Count 4:
Bormann / / “Unfortunately this earth is not a fairy-land, but a struggle for life, perfectly natural and therefore extremely harsh”
“Every educated person is a future enemy” / Count 1:
Count 2:
Count 3:
Count 4:
Ernst Kaltenbrunner / / “I have done my duty by the laws of my people and I am sorry my people were led this time by men who were not soldiers and that crimes were committed of which I have no knowledge.” / Count 1:
Count 2:
Count 3:
Count 4:
Name / Picture / Quote / What was his role? / Outcome
Hess / / "It is just incomprehensible how those things [atrocities] came about...Every genius has the demon in him. You can't blame him [Hitler]--it is just in him...It is all very tragic. But at least I have the satisfaction of knowing that I tried to do something to end the war." (12/16/45) / Count 1:
Count 2:
Count 3:
Count 4:
Jodl / / "It is not the task of a soldier to be the judge of his Commander in Chief. May history or the Almighty do that." / Count 1:
Count 2:
Count 3:
Count 4:
Alfred Rosenberg / / “The German people is not marked by original sin, but by original nobility.”
“Racial history is therefore natural history and the mysticism of the soul at one and the same time; but the history of the religion of the blood, conversely, is the great world story of the rise and downfall of peoples, their heroes and thinkers, their inventors and artists.” / Count 1:
Count 2:
Count 3:
Count 4:
Julius Streicher / / “The victory will be only entirely and finally achieved when the whole world is free of Jews.”
“The Jew is a devil in human form. It is fitting that he be exterminated root and branch.” / Count 1:
Count 2:
Count 3:
Count 4:
Frank / / "Don't let anybody tell you that they had no idea. Everybody sensed there was something horribly wrong with the system." (11/29/45) "Hitler has disgraced Germany for all time! He betrayed and disgraced the people that loved him!...I will be the first to admit my guilt." (4/17/46) / Count 1:
Count 2:
Count 3:
Count 4:

Nuremberg Trials

Indictment Count 1 / Indictment Count 2 / Indictment Count 3 / Indictment Count 4
Conspiracy to Wage Aggressive War
This count helped address the crimes committed before the war began, showing a plan to commit crimes during the war. / Waging Aggressive War, or "Crimes Against Peace"
Including “the planning, preparation, initiation, and waging of wars of aggression, which were also wars in violation of international treaties, agreements, and assurances.” / War Crimes
These were the more “traditional” violations of the law of war including treatment of prisoners of war, slave labor, and use of outlawed weapons. / Crimes Against Humanity
This count involved the actions in concentration camps and other death rampages.