Application for inclusion in Consultants Directory

Human Resources and Organisation Development

Consultants Directory Human Resources and Organisation Development

Guidelines for Applicants

1 Operation and Use of Directory

The purpose of the directory is to provide Enterprise Ireland clients with additional support in the area of human resources and organisation development. The directory will identify service providers who can demonstrate the necessary expertise and experience.

Clients can choose the most suitable consultant to meet their needs by accessing the directory online, and following up by engaging with their chosen consultant directly. Please note that the directory is not a register of approved consultants. It is open to all external service providers who believe they have the expertise and capability requirements outlined. Enterprise Ireland will not vet applications, but reserves the right not to include someone in the directory where it is clear from the application or otherwise that the person does not have the requisite expertise or experience.

The directory content submitted by consultants will be compiled and presented as a summary listing of service providers showing key areas of HR/OD competence. We will also provide a link to your website.

2Application for inclusion in the Directory - General Rules.

Service providers who wish to add their details to the directory must be able to demonstrate:

  • A proven track record in providing HR & ODconsultancy services to business in either the large and/or the small and medium enterprise (SME) sectors
  • Experience in implementing and managing HR/OD programmes to achieve measurable improvement in business.
  • Expert knowledge of HR/OD business systems and practices and recognised qualifications in this area
  • Experience in developing and embeddingcompany capabilities and skills in HR/OD practices
  • Effective methodologies for delivering HR/OD assignments
  • Detailed sector knowledge and experience in one or more of the following business sectors:
  • Food
  • Environment, Industry, Lifesciences
  • Services
  • Software
  • The full-time resources and capacity to deliver prompt and professional responses to enquiries from Enterprise Ireland clients and to successfully complete assignments for Enterprise Ireland clients participating on the HR/OD programmes.
  • Abroad range of specialist HRODskills as may be required by client companies

In compiling and maintaining the directory content, Enterprise Ireland reserves the right to check the accuracy of information provided and to request authors to correct, update or remove content which is inaccurate.Consultants must confirm that they have obtained the consent of companies whom they have named in their profile as reference sites or referees.A listing in the directory does not provide any guarantee of work.

3How to apply

Service providers may apply to be listed in the directory by completing the following application form and returning it to ith ‘directory application’ in the subject field.

Only the completed application details will be considered for inclusion in the directory.

APPLICATION Part 1 Summary Profile & Keyword information

1.1Company Profile

Business Name / Date Established / Number of Staff / Business Locations / Contact person / Company
Web Address
Judith McKimm / 1 / Ireland, Austria / Judith McKimm /
Summary of HR & OD consultancy services - max. 25 words
Intercultural awareness training in the multicultural workplace and for relocating professionals.
Communication facilitation and mediation in cross-cultural settings.
Communication design and localisation.
Language consultancy.

1.2Sector Experience

Under the following headings list by their commonly known name the sub-sectors in which you can demonstrate a track record of implementing HR/OD programmes:

Food / Environment, Industry, Lifesciences / Software / Services
Automotive industry / IT / International customer service

1.3Business Profile

Please estimate the approximate percentage of your business turnover derived from:

SME companies in Ireland / Large companies in Ireland / International companies outside Ireland
5% / 95%

1.4HR/OD projects capacity

Indicate the number of HR/OD projects you have the capacity to complete per year:

(insert estimated numbers of projects or n/a [not applicable] as appropriate)

Approx. size of project by no. of consultant-days / SME companies in Ireland / Large companies in Ireland / International
Companies outside Ireland
< 10 / x
10 - 50 / x / x
50 - 100
> 100

APPLICATION Part 2 Detailed Profile

Business Name:
Judith McKimm Intercultural Communication / Business address:
Moargasse 12, 6075 Tulfes, Austria
Web Address:
Tel. No.: +353 85 7721324
+ 43 5223 78382 / e-mail address:

Main Contact Name:
Judith McKimm / Job Title:
BRIEF COMPANY PROFILE AND HISTORY(e.g. background, ownership, specialist areas, key business sectors etc. Max 6 lines.)
I founded the company following many years of experience living and working in several countries and speaking 6 languages. This exposure formed my awareness about the difficulties in communication and conflict between people from different cultures. As a consequence, I acquired an accrediatation as a mediator and a MA degree in Intercultural Studies. My aim is to create intercultural awareness and give people and organisations the tools to deal with situations where partners from different cultures are involved.
Industry Sector / Summary of Business Experience
Software / Localisation of visual elements on small screen interfaces. linguistic consultancy
Linguistic consultancy for promotional material, packaging and web content
Localisation of customer service tools in German, Italian and Spanish
(max 10 lines)
My expertise comes mainly from over 13 years of running my own business and dealing with multicultural staff and multicultural clients. This work involved the management of international projects as well as of culturally diverse staff. I am an accredited mediator, intercultural expert with an MA in Intercultural Studies and speak 6 languages: English, German, italian, Spanish, Portuguese and French. My langauge teaching and translation work have contributed to great attention to detail and clarity in my communication style. Having worked extensively in visual communciation I also use this tool a lot in order to convey messages.
I have worked as a translator and language teacher for private clients for many years and as a language teacher in Trinity College Dublin.
STAFF PROFILE (nominate up to 4 key staff members whom you would use on HR/OD Business assignments)
Staff name / Key specialist area or skills set
Please cite insummaryform (max 40 lines): relevant competence and experience under the following categories where applicable –
Summary of Project Description and Measurable Outcomes / Company Name, Business Activity, Sector, Size (No. Employees & Sales Turnover
Leadership Development
Executive Coaching
Team Development
Organisation Design
Change Management
Family Business/ Succession Planning
Performance Management &Development
Recruitment & Selection
HR Policy & Practice


I have read and understand the directory guidelines and declare that the information I have submitted above is true and accurate. I consent to Enterprise Ireland including the above information in the directory, to maintaining the content of the directory, and checking the accuracy of information provided. I confirm that I have obtained the consent of companies named above as reference sites or referees.
SIGNED Judith McKimm
NAME Judith McKimm
DATE 29/08/12
Please direct further queries as well as sending your soft copy to the following email Also, a hard copy with signatures needs to be sent to
Wesley McGrathMonica Kinsella
Enterprise Ireland
The Plaza
Eastpoint Business Park
Dublin 3,
‘HR Consultant Directory,’
Enterprise Ireland,
The Plaza,
Eastpoint Business Park,
Dublin 3.


January August 20132 Application HR/OD directory Page 1 of 77109