Career Comeback Grant Application Form 2018

Grant Application:

Please select which grant(s) you are applying for :
Resourcing Grant / Retention Grant

Grant Referral:

Please select how you came to find out about the Career Comeback Grant : / TalentCorp Staff
Career Comeback Events / Media / Social Media
Recruitment Agency / Women’s Network
Others. Please Specify: / Click here to enter text


Applicant Overview

Company Name: / Click here to enter text
Company Registration No.: / Click here to enter text
Company Address: / Click here to enter text
Industry: / Choose an item.
No. of Employees in Company: / Click here to enter text
Age/Gender / Male / Female
Below 24 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
25-34 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
35-44 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
45-54 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
55-64 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Contact person for matters involving this application:
Contact Name: / Click here to enter text
Phone Number (Work): / Click here to enter text
Phone Number (Mobile): / Click here to enter text
Email: / Click here to enter text


List of Women Returnees Hired and Retained

Please complete the following details for all women returnees hired and attach their offer letters,resume and 6 month confirmation form. *
Full Name: / Click here to enter text / Office Email: / Click here to enter text
NRIC: / Click here to enter text / Start Date: / dd / mm / yy
Position Title & Level: / Click here to enter text / Career break duration (Years/Months): / Click here to enter text
Basic Salary as per employment contract (RM): / Click here to enter text / Working experience (Years/Months): / Click here to enter text
Last employment date: / dd / mm / yy / Last drawn
salary (RM): / Click here to enter text /
Reason(s) forcareer break: / Click here to enter text
Please confirm that the returnee(s) meets the following criteria:
Malaysian citizen
3 years or more working experiences
Women returnee(s) has been in the workforce for at least 3 years prior to the career break
6 months or more on career break
Women returnee(s) has not generated any income at least 6 months prior to new employment date
Unemployed during career break
Women returnee(s) has not generated any income during career break period
No obligation to return to the company
Women returnee(s) was not on temporary discharge or sabbatical leave
Contract employment of 1 year or more
Employment term has to be at least one year and not for temporary contract hiring
Retained for 6 months or more
Women returnee(s) remained as an employee for at least 6 months from the new employment date

Efforts taken by the company to hire women returnee(s).

Click here to enter text. /

*If you have hired more than one women returnee, please refer to Appendix 1 for additional copies of

this form


Career Comeback Programme Summary

Programme Name : / Click here to enter text
Programme Start Date: / dd / mm / yy
Programme Duration: / Click here to enter text
Programme Objective & Overview: / Click here to enter text
New Career Comeback Programme / Existing Career Comeback Programme
Type of Programme
Recruitment Activities
A programme focusing on hiring women returnees. Examples include setting up of a career microsite for women returnees, referral programmes, job fairs, etc.
Career Comeback Programme/Campaign
A programme/campaign supporting to hire women returnees.Also, relevant HR policy/guidelines to support the return of women returnees.
On boarding Activities
A programme that supports women returnees with work-life integration via Flexible Work Arrangement, Family Friendly Facilities etc. (e.g. mentoring programme, flexi hours, leaving early from work, set-up of nursing room) (Please refer to for a comprehensive list).
Other. Please specify : / Click here to enter text

Number of Women Hired

Target to Recruit / Click here to enter text / Actual Hired / Click here to enter text

Career Comeback Programme Cost

Please include the expenditure incurred to design and implement the Career Comeback Grant Application Programme. All claims must be accompanied by proof of expenditure (e.g. receipts or invoices)
For an example in completing this section of the application form, please refer to Appendix A in the Career Comeback Grant Guidelines 2018.
TOTAL COST OF PROGRAMME / (RM): / Click here to enter text
Recruitment Costs
Marketing / Advertising / (RM): / Click here to enter text
Job Fairs / (RM): / Click here to enter text
Employee Referral Incentives / (RM): / Click here to enter text
Background Checks / (RM): / Click here to enter text
Recruitment Agency Fees / (RM): / Click here to enter text
Technology Investment
Hardware & Software / (RM): / Click here to enter text
Other Cost (Please Specify)
Click here to enter text / (RM): / Click here to enter text
Click here to enter text / (RM): / Click here to enter text
Click here to enter text / (RM): / Click here to enter text

Supporting Documents

Please provide a proposal to illustrate that you have implemented a Career Comeback Programme. These document(s) may include :
Business Case
Justification for a proposed programme or plan.
Recruitment Activities
Overview of the recruitment process to hire women returnees.
Career Comeback Programme/Campaign
Details of the programme/campaignto hire women returnees.
Onboarding Activities
Activities organised to maintain a working environment which supports the retention of women returnees in a company (e.g. flexible work arrangements, family friendly facilities).
Others. Please Specify: / Click here to enter text



We hereby acknowledge that we have read and understood the Career Comeback Programme Grant Guidelines 2018 and we hereby accept and agree to all of its terms and conditions. We further acknowledge that the information stated in this application and accompanying documents are complete and correct to the best of our knowledge and we have not withheld/distorted any materials or facts. We also acknowledge the intention of utilising this grant is to hire “women returnees” (as defined in the Career Comeback Programme Grant Guidelines 2018).

We acknowledge that TalentCorp reserves the right to reject this application if the information stated and/or accompanying documents have not met the relevant guidelines and/or the information provided were to be found falsified without assigning any reasons thereto.

Prepared by : / *Endorsed by :
Signature / Signature
Name / Click here to enter text / Name / Click here to enter text
Position Title / Click here to enter text / Position Title / Click here to enter text
Date / dd / mm / yy / Date / dd / mm / yy

*Endorsement must be signed by Head of HR/CHRO/HR Director

*Approval will be issued via e-mail directly to the applicant.


List of Women Returnees Hired and Retained (con’t)

Please complete the following details for all women returnees hired and attach their offer letters,resume and 6 month confirmation form. *
Full Name: / Click here to enter text / Office Email: / Click here to enter text
NRIC: / Click here to enter text / Start Date: / dd / mm / yy
Position Title & Level: / Click here to enter text / Career break duration (Years/Months): / Click here to enter text
Basic Salary as per employment contract (RM): / Click here to enter text / Working experience (Years/Months): / Click here to enter text
Last employment date: / dd / mm / yy / Last drawn
salary (RM): / Click here to enter text /
Reason(s) forcareer break: / Click here to enter text
Please confirm that the returnee(s) meets the following criteria:
Malaysian citizen
3 years or more working experiences
Women returnee(s) has been in the workforce for at least 3 years prior to the career break
6 months or more on career break
Women returnee(s) has not generated any income at least 6 months prior to new employment date
Unemployed during career break
Women returnee(s) has not generated any income during career break period
No obligation to return to the company
Women returnee(s) was not on temporary discharge or sabbatical leave
Contract employment of 1 year or more
Employment term has to be at least one year and not for temporary contract hiring
Retained for 6 months or more
Women returnee(s) remained as an employee for at least 6 months from the new employment date

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